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Luka Magnotta

630 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Luka Magnotta ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Luka Magnotta

18.07.2012 um 16:15
Das Interview kann ja mal jemand bei Gelegenheit übersetzen damit es dann auch alle verstehen :)


Luka Magnotta

18.07.2012 um 17:33


Luka Magnotta

18.07.2012 um 18:31
Ich seh hier nix an Videos.


Luka Magnotta

18.07.2012 um 19:04
Könnt ihr das Interview nicht sehen das ich reingestellt habe?


Luka Magnotta

18.07.2012 um 19:21
ich kanns sehen


Luka Magnotta

18.07.2012 um 19:35
Ich kann den großteil vom interview verstehen.

Echt wahnsinnig traurig


Luka Magnotta

18.07.2012 um 19:44
Ja total traurig kann das video auch verstehen


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 07:44
So wie die Mutter von Jun Lin spricht hatten sie und ihr Sohn ja ein sehr enges Verhältnis. Da Jun Lin ja selbst seinre Mutter nichts von LM erzählt hat denke ich wirklich das die nicht zusammen waren und sich vielleich auch nicht kannten


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 07:49
sorry Lin Jun meinte ich natürlich


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 08:40
Wisst ihr eigentlich ob irgendwo genau steht wie die Beziehung zwischen den LM und JL war oder ob überhaupt eene hatten? Da blicke ick noch net ganz durch.


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 08:48
@Coraline das steht niergendwo weil wie ich oben schon geschrieben habe denkt man ja das die sich gar nicht kannten. Denn sowohl Freunde von JL als auch die Mutter von JL kannten LM nicht und hatten auch noch nie was von dem gehört.


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 08:50
Wenn die sich kannten dann hätte doch JL mal was von LM erzählt. Oder was meint ihr dazu? (meinte nirgendwo in meinem vorherigen Beitrag)


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 09:12
Glaube eher das dat ne Effekthandlung war. Erinnert mich an den Film "All beauty must die". Ne Menge Parallelen (zB. erstellen von anderen Persönlichkeiten, verkleiden mit Frauenklamotten und ermorden des Nachbarn). Und dat irre is, dat der Film nach ner wahren Begebenheit gedreht wurde.


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 10:16
Jun Lin

Daybreak's Mike Finnerty talks to Matty. He's 24 and one of Jun Lin's close friends.


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 10:42
DEr kannte den nur aus dem Supermarkt in dem Lin Jun jobbte.Denn an einer Beziehung glaub ich auch nicht bei den beiden.Hatte eigentlich LM jeweils dies bestätigt das sie ein Paar gewesen sind??


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 10:47
@jana also ich weis nichts davon das LM das bestätigt hat. Im Internet schrieb er ja über seine jweiligen Partner und welche Probleme er immer mit dem jeweiligen Partner hatte aber vom Alter und vom Zeitpunkt her passte das nicht zu JL


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 11:05
Zumal er nur Partner hatte,die transsexuell waren.Aber nie hab ich nur ein Bericht gelesen wo LM bestätigte das er jeweils sexuellen Kontakt zu Ihm hatte oder geschweige denn eine Beziehung führte.Nachbarn und Anwohner hatte Jun Li auch nie in der nähe oder in der Wohnung des Tatverdächtigen vorher gesehen.Also denk ich mir mal so ist es ja inden USA und Kanada das er sich irgendwie die Eingekauften Sachen nachhause hat bringen lassen von JL und LM ihm etwas zutrinken angeboten hatte.Und zum Schluss dann es zur Tat kam.


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 11:12
@jana es ist nich bewiesen das LM nur transsexuelle Partner hatte... über seine Beziehungen ist nicht viel bekannt außer über die ex Partner die die öffentlichkeit suchten was ja bestimmt nicht jeder will. Ich denke auch die leute die wirklich viel mit LM zu tun hatten oder mit dem längere zeit eine Beziehung hatten oder befreundet sind die werden sicherlich nicht in die öffentlichkeit gehen und irgendwas über den sagen.


Luka Magnotta

19.07.2012 um 12:58
‘I never heard a peep from him,’ neighbour says of Luka Magnotta

By Paul Cherry, Gazette Crime Reporter May 31, 2012

MONTREAL - Before he became the most sought-after man in Montreal, Luka Rocco Magnotta appeared to have wanted to live anonymously among his fellow residents of a low-income apartment building.

“It was like I was talking to the wall,” said Richard Payette, who lives across from the second-floor apartment where Magnotta lived for the last four months before disappearing.

“I never heard a peep from him.”

Magnotta’s apartment was an obvious crime scene only hours after Montreal police learned that a suitcase containing a human torso was discovered behind the apartment building, on Décarie Blvd. in the Snowdon district, Tuesday morning.

Payette said the door to Magnotta’s apartment had been left open Wednesday morning – after crime scene technicians had finished their work – to air it out, but that the putrid smell of death was still “pungent” in the hallway. The small apartment included a tiny kitchen area, a bathroom and a few pieces of furniture, including the blood-stained mattress here police say the victim may have been killed.

Before police released Magnotta’s name to the public, residents of the building were told Magnotta was the person police were seeking in connection with the torso. Residents also said they were shown a photograph of an Asian man who investigators believe may have been the victim from the suitcase.

Payette, like the other people who resided in the building, was shocked to learn the quiet neighbour was a suspect in a brutal homicide.

“He was a solitary kind of guy. He did his own business,” Payette said of the man with whom he tried to start conversations a few times without success. He said Magnotta, who was widely known around the building for having worked in gay porno movies, never acknowledged him.

“The only time I ever heard him speak was about three weeks ago. I was walking in the hallway and his door was ajar. I could hear him talking to another man. He said: ‘Are you going to stay here tonight?’ the other man said: ‘No, I have to go home’,” Payette recalled.

“And now there’s that smell. I can’t get it out of (my head). The smell was just overwhelming this morning.”

Payette said he had noticed the “nearly new” suitcase in the parking area behind his building long before a janitor decided to open it on Monday and made the gruesome discovery. Payette said it looked so new he even considered grabbing it for himself.

“I’m glad I didn’t.”

Eric Schorer, the superintendent of the building, said he has discovered “several” people who have died in their apartments over the years, be it from a drug overdose or a heart attack.

“It’s about one (death) a year,” he said while adding quickly that despite the tragedies he has seen in the past, nothing prepared him for the smell and what he saw inside Magnotta’s apartment. “It was really bad in there. I almost threw up. I couldn’t stay in.”

Like Payette, Schorer described Magnotta as a man who liked to keep to himself and rarely talked to anyone that Schorer knew. But he described him as a good tenant who kept quiet and paid his rent on time. He said he believed Magnotta was from Toronto, but couldn’t say with certainty.

“I never snoop into people’s lives,” Schorer said of his few interactions with Magnotta. He said the quiet man never discussed politics with him. He said he would be surprised if there were a link between what happened inside the apartment building and the body parts that were mailed to Ottawa in two separate packages. One package arrived at the Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa on Monday.

“It’s like you see in the movies. It’s always the good neighbour. It’s the cliché,” Schorer said of Magnotta.

The superintendent said it took the Montreal police only hours to link the suitcase containing the torso to Magnotta’s apartment. He said police began to search it Tuesday afternoon. Schorer said he assumes they made the link through surveillance cameras posted inside the building, including one that captures images of people exiting and entering the main front entrance, which looks out onto Décarie Blvd. A huge sign advising everyone that they are being filmed is immediately noticeable when someone walks in.

Payette said he did not hear any sounds of a struggle coming from Magnotta’s apartment before he disappeared “a few days ago.”

“Nobody heard a damned thing,” he said.

Payette said he and a few residents were sitting on the apartment building’s front stairway “a few days ago,” possibly during the weekend, when they saw Magnotta leave the building and walk south down Décarie Blvd. Payette said he appeared to be wearing a strange wig, and that someone even joked about Magnotta “having a bad hair day.”

Derek MacKinnon, another resident of the building, said he believes he might have been the last person to talk to Magnotta before he disappeared. MacKinnon, an actor who appeared in several horror films in the ’80s, said that Magnotta came out of his shell with him late last week. He said Magnotta sat down with him on the front stairway to the building, where they discussed acting. MacKinnon played a killer himself in the film Terror Train, which was filmed in Montreal and starred Jamie Lee Curtis.

“He invited me to his apartment,” MacKinnon said of his conversation with Magnotta. “It was the first time he had ever talked to me. I’m glad I didn’t accept.

“He wanted to know how to get into legitimate films. He was bothered by what he had done in the past. He wanted to know if working in gay porn was something they would hold against you (in the mainstream movie industry).”

Payette said the last time he saw Magnotta, he was walking south on Decarie Blvd. There is a Canada Post office a few blocks south of the building but, on Wednesday afternoon, two employees who worked there said they knew of nothing that would link their workplace to the packages sent to Ottawa. A woman working in a Canada Post outlet nearby on Queen Mary Rd. also said she was unaware of any link.
