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Luka Magnotta

630 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Luka Magnotta ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 21:39
Schrecklich wenn's wirklich so gewesen ist.

By Citizen Correspondent Luka Magnotta

Date Posted: 05/21/07

My name is Luka Magnotta. My brother,sister and I lead a fairly happy life. I had
very loving maternal grandparants and they took care of me better then any
parant ever could. My own parants always had a lot of problems. I was happy
though, until age 13. My parants had recently divorced, my father had alot of
addiction problems to alcohol and drugs and was hospitalized. My mother was
always a good-hearted person; she was just lost. She found a boyfriend and
quickly tried to pass this “man” off as our father. He very swiftly manipulated
her and started to control her. I first remember moving out of my grandparants
home and into the apartment my mother rented with him. I was laying in bed and
it was morning, I told my mother I didn’t want to get up to go to school. Next
thing I know, I was dragged out of bed, I remember the feeling I experienced
when I saw him put his fist to my face and watched the veins pop out of his
druken face. I was petrified; he through me into the wall and I noticed my
flawless face had blood dripping from my nose. I was horrified. My mother
quietly came in and told me to get ready for school.
I was a 13-year-old boy and I could not believe this alcoholic and convicted
criminal was living with us and my mother allowed this to happen.
She could have easily have asked him to leave, but never did and that’s the
question I always wonder: why? How would she live with such fear and
unhappiness? How could she live with a man who abused her children? My little
sister was eight years old and I remember her going to the kitchen before
suppertime. She had a pink dress, blond hair and a red bow in it. T he cutest. He
came storming in and I never saw a child so scared in my life. He literally kicked
her in the behind repeatedly until she fell and couldn’t walk.
I felt so guilty for not being able to do anything. I did call the childrens aid
society and police on many occasions but my mother and him manipulated them
into believing us children were bad kids. T he security guard in our building
befriended me and knew what was going on but he ended up sexually assulting
me and so i felt so helpless. I was told over and over agian that “if I told I would
be leaving that apartment in a body bag.”
For the next few months, I went from being popular in school, to being a reject
and an outcast. I became so withdrawn. I told friends and they promised never
to tell. I just wanted it to stop and I cried and criend and wished every night for it
to stop…why would my mother allow this monster to harm her babies? WHY ?
THe beatings, getting thrown into the wall, the punches the emotional and
mental abuse were worse then the bruises.!3919


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 21:45
Overcomming Mental Illness

By Citizen CorrespondentLuka Magnotta

Date Posted: 05/30/07
My name is Luka Magnotta, I am now a professional model.
When I think about my life today, I think about Johnny Nash’s song “I can see
clearly now, the rain has gone,” because ten years ago, my life was stormy.
I was a normal little boy to an extent, did normal things, rode my bike, played
ball etc. I never thought or knew what a mental illness was…I thought people wjo
walked around talking to themselfs were just crazy. I was wrong. I admit it. i was
I am a survivor of mental illness and im not ashamed of it, T alking helps others.
and so does education. I went throught a very traumatic childhood and in my
teen years experimented with drugs and alcohal. At first I thought this was the
problem…it wasnt. I am Manic Depressive or Bi Polar. One day im normal, the
next i cant get out of my bed and then next week I want to conquer the world lol.
Very confusing to someone who doesnt understand.
One of the major challenges of coping with a depressive disorder is dealing with
the guilt and shame that one often feels about being depressed. I have felt that
way for a long long time.
I never told friends and family due to rejection or being sterotyped. I kept silent.
“Clinical depression is a medical condition, similar to diabetes or heart disease,”
my psychiatrist responded when I confessed how I had concealed my
hospitalization. “We need to stop making depression a moral issue. Is the person
with a disorder of the pancreas or the circulatory system weak-willed, lazy or
defective? Of course not. And neither is the individual who suffers from
I have often wondered why it is so scary to be open about our frailties.!3919


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 21:55
Necrophiliac Serial Killer Luka Magnotta

Friday, March 16, 2012

“Necrophilia is defined as a sick abnormal fascination with death and the dead;
or more particularly, an erotic attraction to corpses.
“Necrophilia is a psychosexual disorder and is categorized with the group of
disorders which comprise the paraphilias, a subtype of psychosexual disorder
involving unusual or bizarre fantasies or acts that are necessary for full sexual
“A person who commits a sexual penetration on the dead body of a human being
is guilty of a category A felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the
state prison for life with the possibility of parole, with eligibility for parole
beginning when a minimum of 5 years has been served, and shall be further
punished by a fine of not more than $20,000. For the purposes of this
section, sexual penetration means cunnilingus, fellatio or any intrusion,
however slight, of any part of a person’s body or any object manipulated or
inserted by a person into the genital or anal openings of the body of another,
including, without limitation, sexual intercourse in what would be its ordinary
meaning if practiced upon the living.”
When I was a young child, I used to spend much of my time alone, either in the
woods or in the local cemetery, where there was the grave of a 19 year old boy
who died in the early half of last century. I felt close to that boy, and would pick
flowers in the woods and take them to his grave.In 2003, I discovered a
mummified corpse of a young man in a vault, in a church where I was doing
restoration work for a friend. I fell in love with him, and it broke my heart to seal
him in there. I wanted to take him home and look after him.I day dream about
having him here with me. Silly ordinary things like watching T V together,
listening to music, taking him out for picnics, watching a DVD late at night
before taking him up to bed with me. All very ordinary things, apart from the
fact that I want to do them with a desiccated or mummified corpse.I don’t have a
problem attracting living men. I’m just naturally attracted to the dead.
Some people never realize until its too late that excepting their feelings and not
acting anymore is true freedom.It’s not cool to the world being a necrophiliac.
It’s bloody lonely. But I dont really care, I have never cared what people
thought of me, most people are judgemental idiots. I’m unable to talk to
anybody about it and there’s always the knowledge that 99% of people would be
repulsed by me if they found out about my feelings. Some people would even
want to harm me.Do I feel ashamed? never, but there’s nothing but love in my
heart for that man in the grave and the guy in the vault. I don’t see myself as
some creepy pervert. I’m just somebody who has feelings, real feelings, for dead

WHO CARES!!!!!!!3919


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 22:00
Anaesthetic Awareness: A Nightmare

“I thought I was in Hell and wanted to just die.”

By Citizen Correspondent Luka Magnotta

Date Posted: 08/04/07
My name is Luka Magnotta and I want to share my story with you all. It is the
stuff of nightmares – you are under anaesthetic during an operation but you are
fully conscious. Aware of every incision -yet unable to communicate that to
anyone. Y ou try to yell or open your mouth but you can, you try to move but
you are paralized. T his is called Anaesthetic Awareness and it happened to me.
I was in the dentist’s chair and ready to have my wisdom teeth removed I was
put to sleep and in the middle I can remember waking up and feeling the pain and
not being able to say anything. I felt like somone had put a gag in my mouth and
blindfloed me and tied me up. It was the most horrible experiance of my life up
to that point.
Imagine waking up in the middle of an operation. Its a nightmare scenario, but
apparently not that rare. 1 in 10,000 patients reportedly regain consciousness.
T he true figure is probably much higher because, luckily, most will not
T he problem is that very little is understood about how anaesthetics work. Why
does the brain slip so suddenly from consciousness into unconsciousness? And
how can anaesthetists tell when such a transition is about to take place?
Professor Michael Wang of the School of Psychology at the University of
Leicester, gave the lecture, Dissecting Consciousness on the Operating T heatre
T able.
“T he common reason for failure to identify intra-operative awareness is the
paralyzing effects of muscle relaxants. Contrary to traditional belief there are no
reliable clinical signs to enable the identification of wakefulness.”
I personally thought even the thought of surgery was frightening, but usually we
get some comfort knowing we’ll be asleep for it. But I guess I was wrong.
So Basically what happens when the doctors all think your asleep but your not?
I told all my friends what had happened and they could’nt believe me and
refused to believe me..they never thought that this could happen! I told them to
Imagine lying on an operating table awake , you’re screaming inside ,but no one
can hear you!

Ob Jun Lin bei Beginn des Aktes auch wohl noch am leben war?


Luka Magnotta

30.08.2012 um 22:21
Breann Pearl Lang

5th June 2012 - Breann Pearl Lang posts a supportive message about Luka on his Facebook page (since deleted but cached by Google although curiously this also appears to have been deleted). She makes reference to a meeting they had and says she still loves him. She also leaves a disturbing reply to comments expressing her desire to be killed in the same manner as Jun Lin.

It has been alleged that Breann Pearl Lang is the female featured in the kitten killing videos and she was thought to be a Luka Magnotta alias until her Facebook profile recently became active.
[PDF 248Kb] (Archiv-Version vom 05.04.2015)!4053


Luka Magnotta

01.09.2012 um 22:03
eines der süßesten Fotos von Luka

tumblr m5e1lvVEri1ry63dxo1 500


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 11:49
Luka's arrest warrant


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 11:54
Here's the ad Jun Lin replied to


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 17:59

wo hast du denn dieses PDF von Luka her?


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 18:17

hat die Kontaktanzeige Luka oder Jun Lin geschrieben?


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 18:24

ich glaube, daß ist die Anzeige von Luka.

Die PDF-Datein habe ich von dieser Facebookgruppe:


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:30

ist schon sehr komisch, das jemand diesen Haftbefehl oder was das ist in die Hände bekommt, das ist ja ein Dokument von der Staatsanwaltschaft, da muss es ja so eine Art Maulwurf geben.

Find ich nicht ok das jemand sowas ins Net stellt !


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:35
das wundert mich allerdings auch


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:36

Im Grunde genommen finde ich sowas auch überhaupt nicht in Ordnung, aber ich bin so extrem neugirieg, daß mir das in diesem Fall ganz Recht ist.

Ich weiß, gemein!


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:36
hehehe ;)


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:50

das ist ja schon ein persönliches Dokument und das gehört nicht ins Net

naja bis März wird es nichts neues geben, mich würde lieber interessieren wie es ihm geht


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:53

höchstens es kommt noch mehr aus der gleichen Quelle wie das mit diesem Haftbefehl


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:56
Ich hoffe doch sehr, daß wir bis dahin noch mehr hören!

Ich frage mich, wie es mit seinem psychischen Zustand aussieht? Aber er bekommt ja Medikamente, ich hoffe es geht ihm gut.

Soll er bis zum Schluß in Einzelhaft bleiben?


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:56

wie ist eigentlich deine Meinung zu Luka?


Luka Magnotta

06.09.2012 um 20:58
ja denk schon das er da bleibt, ist vielleicht besser und sicherer für Ihn
