Auf dieser Seite sind zusätzliche interessante Infos: zwar Beiträge eines "Anonymous" aus dem Chan Archive thread. Es sieht so aus, als ob LM sich unter der User ID: blUNJBxK verbirgt, jedenfalls gibt er bereitwillig Infos, die man so als Otto Normalverbraucher nicht eben aus dem Ärmel zieht.
luka has all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of him and he doesn't know why. his nightly bloodlust has overflown into his days. he feels lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think his mask of sanity is about to slip.
perhaps he took some pleasure in doing it, any sociopath would, but lukas always wanted money and fame, and now he's got them.
the video contains references to various horrors that have inspired luka, the song 'New order - True Faith' being from the opening scene of the popular classic, 'American Psyco', can anyone spot the other references? you'll shit bricks when you realise
:)everyone knows its luka, only because luka wants everyone to know, the photo at the end of the video, the cat included in the video, the poster. luka made the video with the intention of everyone finding out it was him. what does /b/ hope to accomplish with the internet private investigator routine? luka will already be long gone from canada, and is sitting back with some popcorn watching the show.
There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.
(vielleicht hat er deshalb im Flugzeug geweint? Weil es, trotz der grausamen Tat, keine tieferen Erkenntnisse für ihn gab? Und das obwohl er sämtliche Grenzen überschritten hat?)
i understand peoples impression of him may get distorted due to medias interpretation of events, but i dbout this 'luka' character will get arrested, luka obviously wanted people to find out it was him by the inclusion of certain tell tale items in the video, such as the photo at the end, the inclusion of a cat, relating to lukas previous endeavours and the casablanca poster, it would obviously be traced back to luka. luka would have been sure people would link the two videos, the poster and the image, as i understand it was best gore who originally informed the police yesterday.
the killing isn't shown because the throat was cut to allow the blood to drain, allowing for easier dismemberment, for the killing to be included would have included a long time of blood drainage as well, luka seemed to want to include dismemberment in the video so this wasn't an option.
ted bundy didn't release a video of his work, lukas one act will be viewd by millions, i dbout he will be forgotten any time soon.
the message is a rejection of societies customs, someone said earlier luka should release a manifesto of his motives, effectively the act of sending the package to the political party was that, a manifesto, lukas signal fingered salute to society.
the killing was a snuff video, luka most likely received a lot of money to make it, the motivation was money and fame, the money would have been received after luka gave the video to whoever ordered it, the releasing of the video on the internet and mailing of body parts gave luka his fame, and let him have an unforgettable impact on society.
luka set this up so people would know it was him, he would not have done this without a plane to evade capture and get his money.
Wenn ich mir das alles so durchlese, noch den anderen Blogeintrag+Essay im Hinterkopf habe, dann hat vielleicht LM - so ähnlich wie Breivik- eine viel größere "Fame" vor Augen. Breivik handelte ja in "Notwehr", Magnotta möchte vielleicht die letzten Tabus unserer Gesellschaft "salonfähig" machen.
Nun ja, bin neugierig auf eure Meinungen, möglicherweise verrenne ich mich gedanklich gerade in irgendwelche Einbahnstraßen.
Gute Nacht an alle