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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.06.2013 um 18:43
'I want to live': Paris Jackson tells family that she 'doesn't want to die' as she's rushed to hospital

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 12:27 GMT, 9 June 2013 | UPDATED: 13:25 GMT, 9 June 2013

Paris Jackson was rushed to hospital after an apparent suicide attempt last week, but according to her family she didn't want to die.

Putting the incident down to a 'cry for attention' rather than a genuine attempt to end her life, a family member has reportedly revealed that the 15-year-old told paramedics that she wanted to live as they rushed her to hospital.

The source rubbished reports that the daughter of Michael Jackson left a suicide note after downing painkillers and cutting her wrists on Wednesday and claimed that she cried out that she missed her father after the incident.

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Wanted to live: Paris Jackson reportedly said 'I want to live' as she was rushed to hospital on Wednesday after her suicide attempt

'This latest episode was scary for everyone,' the source, who was reportedly at the scene with Paris, told The New York Post.

'She’s basically kicking and screaming when the paramedics came, saying, ‘I want to live. I do. I just don’t want to live here. I wish my daddy was here,'' they added.

Rumours that the teen had been self-harming emerged as pictures of her surfaced with scars on her wrists last week.

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Cry for help? The Jackson family are reportedly putting the incident down to a 'cry for attention' rather than a genuine attempt to end her life
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Missing her dad: The 15-year-old reportedly cried out that she missed father Michael Jackson while being rushed to hospital

Speaking to the paper the source added: 'She cuts, yes, she cuts, OK. We are aware, and her problems and concerns are being addressed, but there was no meat cleaver, it was a regular... kitchen knife.'

Paris has reportedly now been moved from the facility she was originally at to the UCLA Medical Center where her father died.

According to TMZ, the teenager was transferred there on Saturday night after her 72-hour psychiatric hold came to an end.

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Turmoil: Grandmother Katherine Jackson was sporting a support on her wrist as she headed to the hospital on Friday
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She's back: Katherine was spotted in the car with her personal driver, emerging for the first time since visiting her granddaughter Paris

Her family members have reportedly decided to withdraw her from the private school that she has been attending after reports of bullying emerged.

Claims that the 15-year-old has been severely bullied by a group of fellow students surfaced this week, suggesting that the teen was miserable at school and does not want to return.

A family source told RadarOnline: 'It has already been decided she wont be going back to the school she had been attending.'

'Paris had been absolutely miserable at the school for a long time, and there is a clique of mean girls that had been bullying her,' they added.

The young aspiring actress, who was hospitalised last week after trying to take her own life, has reportedly been tormented at the elite private school and the situation has recently been escalating.

'Paris might be home schooled, and there is talk of her attending a performing arts high school which could be a perfect fit for her,' added the source.

An investigation into Paris' wellbeing has been formally ordered by a judge overseeing the guardianship of Michael Jackson's three children, court records show.

Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff ordered an investigator to look into Paris Jackson's health, education and welfare on Thursday.

It comes after the teenager was taken by ambulance from her family's home and hospitalised in the early hours of Wednesday morning after attempting to take her own life.

The judge's order follows reports that TJ Jackson - who was made a co-guardian of Michael Jackson's three children last year alongside his grandmother Katherine - has moved 76 miles away from where Paris, 15, Prince, 16, and Blanket, 11, live in LA, without informing Child And Family Services.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.06.2013 um 19:20
also diese Schlagzeile ist doch skurril ... ja, im UCLA wurde der Tod von MJ festgestellt ...
gestorben ist er doch bereits im Schlafzimmer von Holmby Hills ...
Murray hat es verstanden, die Sanitäter und auch die Ärzte später im KH zu verunsichern ... er behauptete einfach, dass noch Lebenszeichen bei MJ vorhanden seien ...
daher wurde im KH die Reanimation eingeleitet, die aber zu keinem Erfolg führte ... ja, und danach erfolgte die formelle Feststellung des Todes ...

es ist nun mal so, in Krankenhäusern kommen Menschen zur Welt, aber im Krankenhaus sterben leider auch Menschen ... und dieses UCLA Medical Center ist ein großer Komplex mit viele Zuständigkeiten ...
ich denke, da muß man sich keine Sorgen machen ... :)

Nach Paris Jacksons versuchtem Selbstmord

Sie liegt im Krankenhaus, in dem ihr Vater starb

Paris Jackson hat sich mit einem Fleischerbeil selbst verletzt und schluckte eine Überdosis Schmerzmittel. Nach einer psychiatrischen Überwachung wurde sie nun ins UCLA Medical Center verlegt

09.06.2013 - 18:22 Uhr

Was für ein tragischer Zufall ...

Nach ihrem Selbstmordversuch stand Paris Jackson 71 Stunden unter psychiatrischer Beobachtung. Jetzt wurde sie ins UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles verlegt – ausgerechnet in das Krankenhaus, in dem ihr Vater Michael Jackson 2009 († 50) an einer Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol starb.

Am Sonntag wurde Paris auf einer Bahre in das Hospital gefahren, ein Bodyguard schirmte sie ab. Er wollte den fragenden Paparazzi nicht ihren Gesundheitszustand verraten, doch seine Stimmung signalisierte, dass es Paris wohl besser gehe, berichtet das US-Internetportal „TMZ“.

Der Tod ihres Vaters könnte allerdings auch damit zusammenhängen, dass sie genau in das bekannte Hospital verlegt wurde: Paris Jackson soll ihren Papa schlimm vermissen und unter Depressionen leiden.

Michael Jacksons Tochter verletzte sich am Mittwoch nach einem Familienstreit mit einem Fleischerbeil, schluckte eine Überdosis des Schmerzmittels Motrin.

In dem UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles verstarb Michael Jackson 2009, jetzt liegt hier seine Tochter

Ihre Großmutter Katherine Jackson (83) sagt zu dem tragischen Ereignis: „Paris geht es gut. Sie bekommt medizinische Hilfe. Eine sensible 15-Jährige zu sein ist immer schwer, egal wer du bist.“

Die 72 Stunden unter psychiatrischer Überwachung hat sie nun überstanden. Wann Paris aus dem UCLA Medical Center entlassen wird, ist noch nicht klar. Als nächstes steht eine Untersuchung zum Wohlbefinden der 15-Jährigen an, ein Richter hatte es so verordnet.

Ein Bild aus glücklichen Zeiten. Die kleine Paris gibt ihrem Daddy ein Küsschen


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 08:27
Katherine Jackson looks somber after church Paris is moved to same hospital where her father Michael passed away

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 21:44 GMT, 9 June 2013 | UPDATED: 22:52 GMT, 9 June 2013

Her granddaughter, Paris, is currently recovered in hospital from a failed suicide attempt last week.

And it appears Katherine Jackson has turned to her faith to support her during the trying time.

The 83-year-old Jackson matriarch wore a somber expression as she left a Jehovah's Witness church in Woodland Hills, California on Sunday morning, after Paris, 15, was transferred to the UCLA Medical Center on Saturday, the same hospital where her father Michael died in 2009.

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Difficult times: Katherine Jackson looked somber as she left a Jehovah's Witness church in Woodland Hills, California on Sunday after her granddaughter Paris was transferred to UCLA Medical Center Saturday night

Katherine was a vision in a purple long dress and matching jacket paired with black shoes as she walked out the building with Grace Rwaramba, a close family friend and Paris's childhood nanny.

Katherine, who is the late Michael Jackson's mother, wore glasses and a long white beaded necklace as she clutched a tissue in her hand.

She was born a Baptist but discovered the Jehovah's Witness faith in 1963.

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Pop of colour: Katherine was a vision in purple as she left the service clutching a tissue
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Keeping friend close: Katherine was accompanied by longtime family friend and Paris' childhood nanny Grace Rwaramba

Meanwhile, her granddaughter was moved to the UCLA Medical Center on Saturday where her father went into cardiac arrest on June 25, 2009 and where he later died.

The troubled teenager was initially rushed to the nearest hospital after she cut her arm and took pills on Wednesday morning.

She was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold, which ended when she was transferred to the Los Angeles medical center.

Reports emerged today that the teenager's suicide attempt was more a cry for help than a genuine attempt to end her life.

A family member has reportedly revealed that the 15-year-old told paramedics that she wanted to live as they rushed her to hospital.

'This latest episode was scary for everyone,' the source, who was reportedly at the scene with Paris, told The New York Post.

'She’s basically kicking and screaming when the paramedics came, saying, ‘I want to live. I do. I just don’t want to live here. I wish my daddy was here,'' they added.

graceundkatherine zps5dec972a


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 08:51
Promoter: I slapped 'despondent' Michael Jackson

Promoter: Ich schlug 'verzweifelten' Michael Jackson

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 12:23 AM EDT, Mon June 10, 2013


* Randy Phillips denies knowing Michael Jackson went to drug rehab until "just now"
* AEG execs had early worries Jackson wouldn't do his comeback concerts
* Phillips can't recall why he recently met with Jackson's former manager
* Judge advises Phillips about danger of appearing evasive to jurors

Los Angeles (CNN) -- AEG Live's CEO said he "slapped" and "screamed" at Michael Jackson because the promoter was "nerve-racked" before the public announcement of Jackson's comeback concerts.

Randy Phillips, testifying in the Jackson wrongful death trial, recounted that it was "a miracle" that a "drunk and despondent" Jackson finally appeared at the London event.

Phillips, who began his testimony on Tuesday, faces more questioning Monday as the trial enters its seventh week.

Michael Jackson's mother and children accuse concert promoter AEG Live of liability in Jackson's drug overdose death, claiming the agency negligently hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

Phillips and other AEG Live executives ignored "red flags" that should have alerted them that Jackson's health was at risk as they pressured him and his doctor to stop missing rehearsals as the "This Is It" tour premiere approached in the summer of 2009, Jackson lawyers argue.

Jackson, not AEG Live, chose and controlled Murray, company lawyers argue. Although they negotiated a contract to pay Murray $150,000 a month to attend to Jackson, it was never fully executed since Jackson died before they signed, they contend.

AEG executives -- including Co-CEO Paul Gongaware, who managed Jackson's last two tours -- had no way of knowing that Jackson was abusing drugs, especially the surgical anesthetic propofol that the coroner ruled played the largest role in his death, AEG Live lawyers argue.

Promoter: Learned MJ went to rehab "just now"

Jackson made a highly publicized announcement in 1993 that he was ending his "Dangerous" tour early to enter a substance abuse rehab program because of an addiction to painkillers.

"I don't remember hearing it," Phillips testified.

"When's the first time you heard?" Jackson lawyer Brian Panish asked.

"Just now," Phillips responded.

Phillips said he didn't learned about it from a December 2008 news story focusing on Jackson's drug abuse and rehab, even though he sent it in an e-mail to Jackson's manager saying: "Have you read these stories? This reporter did a lot of research."

"I don't remember reading it," Phillips testified.

"Slapped him and screamed at him"

Phillips began worrying about Jackson backing out of the concert tour just a month after he signed the contract with AEG Live to promote and produce it and more than a week before the announcement.

"I was worried that we would have a mess, his career would be over," Phillips testified. "There were a lot of things I was worried about."

But instead of pulling the plug then, before millions of dollars were spent, AEG LIve chose to force Jackson ahead.

"Once we go on sale, which we have the right to do, he is locked," Gongaware wrote to Phillips.

Jackson, his children and manager Tohme Tohme boarded a private jet for the London announcement, but he was not ready when Phillips went to his hotel suite to escort him to the O2 Arena.

"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hair/makeup artist," Phillips told parent-company AEG CEO Tim Leiweke in an e-mail.

Phillips testified it was "a very tense situation" and "frankly, I created the tension in that room. Because I was so nerve-racked, OK, the time slipping away, and his career slipping away."

AEG was hosting thousands of Jackson fans and hundreds of journalists for the anticipated announcement, which would be seen live around the world.

"I screamed at him so loud the walls were shaking," Phillips wrote to Leiweke. "Tohme and I have dressed him, and they are finishing his hair, and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He's an emotionally paralyzed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference."

Phillips e-mailed a man who was waited outside the hotel with a convoy of vehicles that he put Jackson in a cold shower and "just slapped him and screamed at him."

In court, Phillips downplayed his words as "an exaggeration."

"I slapped him on the butt," he testified, comparing it to what a football coach would do to a player.

Jackson arrived at the 02 more than two hours late to announce: "This is it. This is really it. This is the final curtain call. OK, I'll see you in July."

"An intervention"

"Now I have to get him on the stage. Scary!" Phillips wrote in an e-mail to another promoter.

Jackson lawyers contend this fear led AEG Live executives to take control of Jackson's life as he prepared in Los Angeles to premiere the tour in London in July of 2009.

Show producers sent warnings in mid-June that Jackson's health appeared to be failing.

Associate producer Alif Sankey testified earlier in the trial that she "had a very strong feeling that Michael was dying" because of his frail health.

She called show director Kenny Ortega after one rehearsal. "I kept saying that 'Michael is dying, he's dying, he's leaving us, he needs to be put in a hospital,'" Sankey said. "'Please do something. Please, please.' I kept saying that. I asked him why no one had seen what I had seen. He said he didn't know."

After Jackson failed to show up at several rehearsals in June -- or was unable to perform sometimes when he did appear -- Gongaware sent an e-mail to Phillips that Jackson lawyers call their "smoking gun."

They argue the message shows the executives used Murray's fear of losing his lucrative job as Jackson's personal physician to pressure him to have Jackson ready for rehearsals despite his fragile health. "We want to remind (Murray) that it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him," Gongaware wrote.

Gongaware testified earlier that he did not remember writing the e-mail and Phillips testified last week that he didn't remember reading it.

However, Phillips convened what he called "an intervention" at Jackson's home with Murray, Jackson and Ortega present.

A Los Angeles police detective summarized what Phillips told investigators about that meeting: "Randy (Phillips) stated that Kenny (Ortega) got in Michael's face, at which time Dr. Murray admonished Randy, stating, 'You're not a doctor. Butt out."

Asked about it in court, Phillips said the detective's summary is wrong. "That's not what I said," Phillips testified. "I told them something completely different than this. They just conflated the people and the things."

What actually happened was Murray "got into and admonished Kenny Ortega not to be an amateur physician and analyze Michael," Phillips said.

Phillips sent an e-mail after the meeting saying he had confidence in Murray, "who I am gaining immense respect for as I get to deal with him more."

"This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig, so he (is) totally unbiased and ethical," Phillips' e-mail said.

He conceded in court that no background check of Murray was conducted by AEG Live. Jackson lawyers argue that had it been done, they would have discovered Murray was in deep debt and dependent on the lucrative job.

Murray said he was infusing propofol into Jackson every night to treat his insomnia so Jackson would be rested for rehearsals.

Phillips contradicted Gongaware's earlier testimony that Jackson was under no contractual obligation to attend rehearsals. Phillips refused to advance money to help Jackson pay his staff days before his death because he believed the singer was "in an anticipatory breach" of his contract because he had missed rehearsals, he testified.

Key witnesses meet during trial

Phillips acknowledged that he and his lawyer met with Jackson's former manager Tohme Tohme -- another key witness in the trial -- last month. The meeting happened in the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel on May 4, at the end of the first week of testimony.

"I don't remember if it was the testimony in this case or what the lunch was about, but Marvin Putnam (AEG's lead lawyer in the trial) was at the lunch with me," Phillips said when asked about it by Panish.

He couldn't remember "100%" but they may have discussed Tohme's legal battle to get paid by Jackson's estate, he said.

"I don't remember what I ate that day," Phillips said.

"I didn't ask you what you ate," Panish replied. "I asked you what you talked about."

Judge: Beware being evasive

Panish's feisty exchanges with Phillips -- a successful music industry executive who dropped out of law school -- has forced Los Angeles County Judge Yvette Palazuelos to intervene.

"I can't jail somebody for not answering a question," Palazuelos said when Panish complained Phillips was being evasive. "There's only so much I can do."

She warned Phillips that jurors would see it for themselves.

"You give an answer, and you're not answering the question, the jury is going to get the impression that you're being evasive."

"I realize that," Phillips said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 08:54
auch Ivy hat ein Bild von Grace und Katherine getweetet ...

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 8h
Nanny Grace is back . new pic today from church … via @Happychick93

9001034040 f2b41a8342 o


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 09:21
wie jedes Jahr ... das hat mit L.O.V.E. nichts mehr zu tun ... es befriedigt nur das eigene Ego ...

ich will nicht abstreiten, dass diese Unmengen von roten Rosen ein wunderschönes Bild abgeben ... :)
aber MJ hat davon absolut nichts mehr ...
ja, mit 27.000 Dollar hätte man eines der vielen, sinnvollen Hilfsprojekte dieser Welt unterstützen
können ...

so bleibt es bei einem kurzen Moment der Freude (und natürlich der vermeintl. öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit) und schon ist es mit der Blütenpracht wieder vorbei ... :)

MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity 10h
New Total #1Rose4MJJ So far MJ fans have purchased 9,0000 Roses of Love to honor Michael Jackson on June 25th.
10:23 PM - 9 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 10:07
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #26 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 24 – June 5 2013 – Summary

No Jackson family is in court

Randy Phillips Testimony

Jackson direct

Brian Panish resumed questioning. He showed several instances where Randy Phillips said one thing in deposition, another while on the stand. Panish asked Phillips which answer was right. He answered: "Do you want the truth or do you want what I testified?"(ABC7)

Panish asked Phillips if he knows the corporate structure of AEG Live. He said it was under AEG, but he doesn't know who exactly owns AEG. Panish showed a board meeting agenda on 5/26/09, in which they were to talk about MJ's tour. (ABC7)

Panish played the interview Phillips gave Sky News saying AEG hired Dr. Murray. Phillips said he meant AEG hired the doc on behalf of MJ. Phillips said AEG's media person set up several interviews for him after MJ's death. Phillips said each interview was different, but the intention was to say AEG hired Dr. Murray on behalf of MJ. "It's called the truth." (ABC7)

Randy Phillips was asked about meetings with Conrad Murray at Michael Jackson's house. He confirmed Jackson's weight was discussed during at least one of the meetings. He was a bit unclear on dates, so Jackson's weight may have been discussed at two meetings. Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish tried to use a police report of an interview with Phillips and detectives to refresh his recollection. (AP)

Randy Phillips (AEG Live CEO) said there were numerous inaccuracies in the report. Panish started to ask him to go through it methodically. "We don't need to do it line-by-line," Judge Yvette Palazuelos. Phillips then keyed in on two areas he said were inaccurate. (AP)

Phillips said LAPD's detective made a mistake in the written police statement attributed to him. Phillips said he never told LAPD "Randy stated that Kenny got in Michael's face, at which time Dr. Murray admonished Randy..." "The police made a mistake," Phillips said. "He (detective) misconstrued what was said and made a mistake." Dr. Murray got in to and admonished Kenny Ortega and told him not to be an amateur doctor, Phillips said he told the police.(ABC7) Phillips read one statement about a meeting at Jackson's home between Phillips, Conrad Murray and "This Is It" tour director Kenny Ortega. Report: Randy stated that Kenny got into Michael's face, at which time Dr. Murray admonished Randy, stating, “You are not a doctor. Butt out.” Phillips said the police made a mistake. "If you read it, it makes no sense," Phillips said. Phillips keyed in on how report mentioned Murray got in his face, when it more likely Kenny Ortega he admonished. (AP) "I believe the Los Angeles Police Department is a fine entity as I believe in this judicial system," Phillips explained. Phillips pointed another mistake in LAPD's report. It states Phillips/Gongaware produced 2 MJ's tours but Phillips said he wasn't involved (ABC7) AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips also said police report said he and Paul Gongaware worked with Jackson over course of 16 years. Phillips said that was wrong _ Gongaware worked with Jackson that long, but he hadn't. Those were the two inconsistencies Phillips pointed out in his police report. Interview apparently wasn't taped at request of AEG attorneys. (AP)

As to MJ missing rehearsals, Phillips clarified: "MJ was showing up to rehearsal, just not to enough of them, in Kenny's opinion." (ABC7)

Phillips remembers one phone call with Dr. Murray that lasted probably about 25 minutes. Phillips told Panish he'd know how many times he called Dr. Murray because the attorney subpoenaed the exec's phone records. Panish said he never subpoenaed any phone records, that it was LAPD that did it. Phillips said he made an assumption. The only phone call Phillips remembers is the one that Dr. Murray called him on June 20, 2009.(ABC7)

In his deposition, Phillips said Paul Gongaware never communicated to him about the email that AEG, not MJ, was paying Dr. Murray. Phillips said at the deposition it was the first time he ever saw Gongaware's email. Panish showed the email that was forwarded to Frank DiLeo and Phillips was cc'd containing the mention that AEG, not MJ, pays Dr. Murray. Phillips said he never received the email. Then, after being shown the email at depo, Phillips said he didn't remember receiving it. On the stand today, Phillips said he received Gongaware's email. Panish grilled Phillips pointing out he changed his answer three times. Phillips said he answered the same thing, but with different qualifications. "Frankly, I don't remember reading Paul's email, I was more concerned about Kenny's email," Phillips said. At this point, most jurors seemed to be tuned out when Phillips didn't give straight answers. (ABC7)

Panish showed an email dated 6/17/09 from Phillips to Dr. Tohme:Kenny Ortega, Gongaware, DiLeo, his doctor named Conrad from Vegas and I have an intervention with him to get him to focus and come to rehearsals yesterday. Getting him fully engaged is difficult and the most pressing matter as we are only 20 days out from the first show. (ABC7)

Phillips said it was not an intervention, but a meeting. He said it had nothing to do with drugs. (ABC7)

The jury was shown a June 17, 2009, email Phillips wrote to Tohme, eight days before Jackson died from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. Phillips wrote him that he had an “intervention” with Jackson scheduled “to get him to focus and come to rehearsals…Getting him fully engaged is difficult and the most pressing matter as we are only 20 days from the first show.” Phillips said the intervention was not drug related. (LATimes)

Panish asked the executive if Jackson had ever fired Tohme. “It’s not a yes or no answer,” he said. “The answer is yes but he kept in contact with him.” (LATimes)

Phillips said he had lunch with Dr. Tohme in Beverly Hills within the past month. Panish asked if Phillips discussed Dr. Tohme's testimony. Phillips said he didn't, but Marvin Putnam, AEG's attorney, was also present. Phillips said they discussed something regarding Dr. Tohme's case against MJ's estate. He said he doesn't remember talking about this case. (ABC7) Phillips was asked about a lunch meeting he had with Jackson's former manager Tohme Tohme about a month ago. AEG attorney was present too. Phillips said he didn't directly discuss Tohme's possible testimony in the Jackson vs AEG Live case. Phillips said he testified in a Labor Commission hearing over Tohme's claim against Michael Jackson's estate. Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish said he would had a witness who could testify about what was discussed at the table later in the trial. Panish asked Phillips if he testified at Tohme's Labor Commission hearing to "try to help him out." Phillips said no. "I was completely impartial," Phillips said of testifying at the labor hearing. "I was an impartial witness." (AP) (After court, AEG attorney Marvin Putnam, who was at the lunch meeting, said it was standard for attorneys to interview witnesses before they testify. It remains unclear whether Tohme Tohme will testify during the Jackson vs AEG Live trial. (AP))

The Jacksons' attorney brought the courtroom to attention when he asked Phillips if he met with Tohme at the Polo Lounge recently. Phillips said they had lunch there about a month ago. “And you were discussing his testimony in this case at the Polo Lounge with him?” Panish asked. “I wasn’t,” Phillips said. “You know there were witnesses sitting around you?” Panish said. “You know people took pictures of you? Phillips said he didn’t remember exactly what was discussed. “I don’t remember what I ate,” he said. “I didn’t ask you what you ate,” snapped Panish. Phillips said the meeting had to do with the case Tohme filed against Jackson’s estate with the state labor board for money he was never paid. Phillips was a witness. (LATimes)

Panish: Isn't it true, sir, that when Dr. Murray was hired no one was acting as MJ's personal manager? Phillips: He had someone in that capacity. My understanding Frank DiLeo was his manager. Phillips said AEG advanced DiLeo $50,000 at MJ's direction. "We never hired Dr. Murray," Phillips said. (ABC7)

Phillips said he didn't know anything about Dr. Tohme in January 09 other than he was a consultant for Colony Capital and repped MJ. (ABC7)

“With Michael Jackson and his advisers you needed a scorecard,” testified Randy Phillips. Phillips said he was introduced to Tohme in a meeting at the Century City offices of Colony Capital, the investment firm that held the mortgage on Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. It was AEG owner Phillip Anschutz’s friendship with a Colony Capital partner that led to the firm’s promotion of the planned 50 “This Is It” concerts at the 02 Arena in London. Phillips said Tohme was an adviser to Colony Capital who had no background in the music business and represented no other clients when he began working with the singer. Brian Panish, the attorney for Jackson’s mother and three children in an ongoing wrongful death suit against AEG, asked Phillips what kind of doctor Tohme was, whether he was a physician or if he had a doctorate. Phillips said that although he had met this doctor 25 times, he never asked him. (LATimes)

Randy Phillips was also asked about Tohme's $100k/mo. contract between him, AEG Live and Michael Jackson. Phillips said he could recall of only one other instance where AEG Live paid fee for artist's manager. He said it was a standard practice for Michael Jackson during his career. Phillips said Bon Jovi has a similar deal. (AP) Phillips said in MJ's career they always paid his personal manager. Phillips recalls AEG paying artist's manager 1 other time, for Bon Jovi (ABC7)

Panish later showed Phillips an agreement in which AEG agreed to pay Tohme $100,000 a month and asked if that was common practice, even though the manager is supposed to represent the performer, not the promoter. “In Michael Jackson’s case it was standard,” Phillips said. Panish persisted, and Phillips said AEG’s payments to Jon Bon Jovi’s manager were the only other time it had made a similar arrangement. He also said two of Jackson’s attorneys helped draft the agreement. (LATimes)

Randy Phillips denied that he told Sharon Osbourne that AEG Live had kept all the money from ticket sales for "This Is It." "That would be the most idiotic thing in the world" to say, Phillips said of the statement attributed to him in Osbourne conversation. Phillips said it was more of a "hi-goodbye" conversation with Sharon Osbourne. They lived in same building at time of conversation. (AP)

Panish: Did you talk to Sharon Osbourne about the show?
Phillips: No, not to the extent that Sharon is alluding to we did.
Phillips said he ran into Sharon at the lobby of their building. She asked how it was going, he said it's tough but we're going to get there. Phillips said the encounter with Sharon Osbourne was just a hi and bye. They never talked about ticket sales or anything else related to MJ (ABC7)

93% of the "This Is It" tickets sold were refunded, Phillips said. "7-8% people elected to hold the tickets as souvenirs." Out of $75 million in sales, AEG kept more than $5 million, which Phillips said they gave back to MJ's estate. (ABC7) Phillips said AEG didn't refund 7 or 8% of ticket purchases for "This Is It" because the buyers opted to hold on to the tickets. He said the un-refunded ticket revenues totaled more than $5 million. He indicated the money was handed over to the estate. (AP)

Phillips testified it was a "miracle" that the singer showed up at a news conference in London to announce his comeback. Randy Phillips testified that Jackson was hung over, although in emails he says the singer was drunk. "The fact that the press conference even happened is a miracle," Phillips wrote to Jackson's manager. In another email he wrote to Tim Leiweke, then-chief executive of parent company Anschutz Entertainment Group, Phillips said: “MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme [another Jackson manager] and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hairdresser/make-up artist.”

In a second email to Leiweke, Phillips wrote: “I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever see. He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through his press conference.”

In another email Phillips wrote to a business partner: “I haven’t pulled it off yet. We still have to get his nose on propery (sic). You have no idea what this is like. He is a self-loathing, emotionally paralyzed mess.” (LATimes)

“Was Mr. Jackson drunk?” Panish asked.

“No, to the best of my knowledge no,” Phillips testified.

“Was he despondent?” Panish asked. “No,” Phillips replied.

Later Panish produced an e-mail writted by Phillips to AEG President Tim Leiwicke the day of the news conference.

“MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent,” Phillips wrote. “Tohme (Jackson’s manager) and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference.”

“Are you kidding me?” Leiwicke responds.

“I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair and then we are rushing him to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen, he is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self loathing and doubt now that it is showtime. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference,” Phillips writes.

After showing the e-mail to the jury, Panish asked his witness if he had yelled at Jackson on the day the e-mail was written.

“In the two-and-a-half hours this all took place, if you take it out of context the answer won’t make any sense,” Phillips said.

The executive later acknowledged “I raised my voice”.

“So the answer is no? Did you or did you not scream at Mr. Jackson? Yes, no or I don’t remember?” Panish asked.

Phillips said he couldn’t answer the question. (CBSLA) (An attorney for AEG told KCAL9 he will show there are no inconsistencies in Phillips’ accounts when he calls witnesses to the stand.)

At his deposition six months ago, before he was shown his e-mails, Phillips denied that Jackson was either drunk or despondent on the day of the president conference, and denied yelling at The Gloved One, saying he merely "raised his voice."

Phillips says he was telling the truth in his deposition, and was not accurate in his email. "I was relaying what Dr. Tohme told me... I wrote it as fast as I could write it."

Panish said, "You have to yell pretty loud to make the walls shake. Do you have a tendency to exaggerate?"

Phillips said, "No."

To another business associate, Phillips wrote: "I haven't pulled it off yet. We still have to get his nose on properly. You have no idea what this is like. He is a self-loathing emotionally paralyzed mess... I just slapped him."

Phillips admitted, "I slapped him on the butt." (NYPost)

Phillips began worrying about Jackson backing out of the concert tour just a month after he signed the contract with AEG Live to promote and produce it and more than a week before the announcement.

"I was worried that we would have a mess, his career would be over," Phillips testified. "There were a lot of things I was worried about."

But instead of pulling the plug then, before millions of dollars were spent, AEG LIve chose to force Jackson ahead.

"Once we go on sale, which we have the right to do, he is locked," Gongaware wrote to Phillips.

Jackson, his children and manager Tohme Tohme boarded a private jet for the London announcement,
but he was not ready when Phillips went to his hotel suite to escort him to the O2 Arena.

"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hair/makeup artist," Phillips told parent-company AEG CEO Tim Leiweke in an e-mail.

Phillips testified it was "a very tense situation" and "frankly, I created the tension in that room. Because I was so nerve-racked, OK, the time slipping away, and his career slipping away."

AEG was hosting thousands of Jackson fans and hundreds of journalists for the anticipated announcement, which would be seen live around the world.

"I screamed at him so loud the walls were shaking," Phillips wrote to Leiweke. "Tohme and I have dressed him, and they are finishing his hair, and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He's an emotionally paralyzed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference."

Phillips e-mailed a man who was waited outside the hotel with a convoy of vehicles that he put Jackson in a cold shower and "just slapped him and screamed at him."

In court, Phillips downplayed his words as "an exaggeration."

"I slapped him on the butt," he testified, comparing it to what a football coach would do to a player. (CNN)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 10:11
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #27 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 25 – June 6 2013 – Summary

No Jackson family is at court

Randy Phillips Testimony

Jackson direct

Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish started out by asking AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips about his preparations for today. Phillips said he spent about 2 hours and 15 minutes preparing for today's testimony. Today's testimony was very focused on emails. (AP)

Panish asked Phillips who subpoenaed his phone records. The exec confirmed it was LAPD. (ABC7)

Panish focused almost all his questions on emails that Phillips received or sent on June 19th and 20th 2009. He focused on emails we've seen before from production manager John "Bugzee" Hougdahl and director Kenny Ortega. (AP)

Panish went thru some of the calls Phillips made. On 6/18/09, Gongaware sent an email to Phillips with all of Dr. Murray's phone numbers. Panish: Do you normally carry around all the contact numbers of your artist's personal physicians? Phillips: Absolutely not! "Most of the artists we don't deal with their personal physician," Phillips explained. (ABC7)

Bugzee's email titled 'trouble at the Front' opened with him saying he didn't want to be a "drama queen." (AP) Next Panish referred to the email with the subject "Trouble at the Front" from Bugzee saying MJ went home without stepping foot on stage. "I think I read this email before I went to bed on 6/19," Phillips said. Panish pointed at deposition Phillips said he read it after sunrise. "I don't want to argue with you either, I don't think it's fair to the jurors," Phillips told Panish after a short exchange between them. "Since the deposition, my memory had gotten better because I was given documents and tried to remember what happened," Phillips testified. (ABC7)

Panish: You are not a drama queen, right? Phillips: Sometimes "Yes, I'm under oath," Phillips joked about having to tell the truth. (ABC7)

What changed from your deposition and today? Nothing, absolutely nothing, just that I'm very prepared, Phillips answered. (ABC7)
Panish: Did Mr. Jackson have a problem on June 20th? Philips: Absolutely (ABC7)

Panish asked if Phillips remembered his reaction after receiving this email. "Yes, yes. Concerned," Philips responded. Panish showed video of Phillips' deposition where said he didn't remember how he reacted when the received the email (ABC7)

Hougdahl relayed a quote from Jackson that night, in which he said, "You aren't going to kill the artist, are you? Phillips said he thought Jackson was joking, but seemed to back off after Panish reminded him he wasn't at the rehearsal. (AP)

"We have a real problem here," Phillips wrote his boss that night. (AP) Tim Leiweke was Phillips' boss at the time. Within 19 mins of receiving Bugzee's email on the evening of Jun 19, Phillips forwarded Bugzee's email adding "We have a real problem here." Just over four minutes later, Leiweke responded the email asking for a meeting between him, MJ, Phillips and Kenny Ortega. Phillips said he forwarded the email to Ortega and asked him to set up the meeting. Ortega responded yes to the email next morning. The meeting Tim asked didn't happen that day, Phillips explained. But there was a meeting in the afternoon of June 20th, he said. (ABC7)

Bugzee replied back to Phillips that MJ needed a shrink and trainer, deteriorated in front of his eyes for eight weeks. "That's what he wrote, I'm not sure exactly what he meant," Philips said. Panish asked what Bugzee said about the 360 turns: "He was telling me MJ couldn't do a 360 spin." "I know what he said, but until we had the meeting I didn't know what was going on," Phillips said. Panish: It shows someone's physical condition deteriorated, right? Phillips: It shows that there's a problem, yes. "The word deteriorate may not be what happened. I didn't know what was going on until we had the meeting," Phillips said. (ABC7)

Phillips then forwarded the email chain to John Branca, Joel Katz, Tim Leiweke (his boss), adding "Unfortunately we are running out of time" (ABC7)

Phillips received another email from Bugzee saying MJ was shaking and couldn't eat, Ortega had to cut his food, feed him. Phillips answered the email saying he was not sure what MJ's problem was, chemical or physiological. Panish went thru 5 different answers Phillips gave as explanation for this email, from not knowing what chemical means to possible drug reaction. (ABC7)

Ortega then sent another email to Randy, saying he believed MJ needed to be psychologically evaluated. Phillips testified today he agreed with what Kenny said. In his deposition, Phillips said he didn't recall. (ABC7)

He also rejected the idea that he was responsible for Jackson's health. "I'm not responsible for his medical needs," Phillips said. "We're promoters — that's what we do." (AP)

"I'm not responsible for Michael's health, he's an adult, he had a personal doctor," Phillips said. Phillips testified he didn't contact any psychologist or psychiatrist after Bugzee and Ortega said MJ should be checked out by one of them. (ABC7)

Phillips testified he never said he was going to pull the plug on the show and never threatened MJ with pulling the plug. Panish asked if Phillips ever told Ortega it was not his job to question MJ's health/doctor care. He replied no. (ABC7)

Branca responded to the email from Phillips saying he had the right therapist/spiritual advisor. The email does not name who the doctor is, but Phillips testified shortly ago that he remembered a name. He said he was wrong about it. Some jurors shook their heads when Phillips and Panish argued with each other and judge intervened. Panish: Did Mr. Branca ever tell you who the psychiatrist was? Phillips: No Panish: Did you ask him for the name?
Phillips: No Panish: Did you ever do anything? Phillips: Only the meeting on the 20th (ABC7)

Michael Kane was MJ's business manager. On 6/20, he responded to Phillips saying "And I thought it couldn't get worse." Kane asked Phillips in an email on June 20: "Would a financial coming to Jesus speech help or add to his pressure?" It was response to Phillips' email "This is why it's impossible to advance any money. He may unfortunately be in anticipitory breach at this point". "He (Kane) asked for a million dollars to pay for Mr. Jackson's bills," Phillips testified. Panish: You anticipated MJ would breach the contract by not showing up to rehearsal. Phillips: Yes . None of our agreements have artist need to rehearse, Phillips said, but the artists want to perfect their show, he said. Phillips said if MJ's lack of appearance caused production to not complete, show not open in London, MJ could be in breach of his contract. (ABC7)

There was one email from Phillips from morning of June 20, 2009 , it was sent to MJ's business manager. "This is why it is impossible to advance any $$$. He may, unfortunately, be in anticipatory breach at this point" _ Phillips wrote. The manager, Michael Kane, quickly replied, “And I thought it couldn’t get worse.” Phillips was asked what he meant about the "breach" statement. He said he felt Jackson was obligated to rehearse. (AP)

The next day, Jackson’s business manager, Michael Kane, emailed Phillips, asking for the advance. AEG already had lent the singer more than $30 million for production costs on “This Is It,” settling a lawsuit in Bahrain and for rent on a Holmby Hills mansion.

Phillips replied, “This is why it is impossible to advance any $$$. He may, unfortunately be in anticipitory (sic) breach at this point.”

“And I thought it couldn’t get worse,” Kane wrote back.

“It could,” the CEO replied. “Kenny Ortega could quit.”

Kane asked, “Would a financial coming to Jesus speech help or add to his pressure?”

“It would help,” Phillips wrote back. “At this point we need to break through. I am going to call his doctor to discuss.” (LATimes)

"Required is a little too strong, I was concerned that if he didn't go to rehearsal Kenny could not finish the production," Phillips said. “I felt Michael had that obligation, yes," Phillips said about MJ needing to be at rehearsals. If MJ said he didn't need to go to rehearsals, he could've been in breach of this contract, Phillips said. (ABC7) He denied Thursday that he ever threatened Jackson over missed rehearsals. "We would have never dealt with Michael that way," he said. (AP)

Phillips would not advance any more money to MJ on June 20th because Michael may had been in breach of contract already, Phillips testified. "AEG Live would've survived it (show) not happened," Phillips said. He agreed that part of his concern was that AEG Live would look bad. (ABC7)

“You felt Mr. Jackson’s not going to rehearsal ... may have placed him in breach of the contract. That’s why you wouldn’t advance him any more money?” Panish asked.

“Yes,” replied Phillips.

Phillips agreed there was a lot of money at stake on the tour, but he said he also was concerned about Jackson’s career if he pulled out.

Panish asked about the damage canceling the concerts would mean for Phillips and AEG.

“Of course. Part of it. Yes.” (LATimes)

Panish talked about the email Ortega sent saying MJ needed a strong therapist and immediate physical nurturing. "I think he needed both, so in this case I'm not sure he meant therapist or psychiatrist," Phillips said. (ABC7)

After Ortega wrote him an email saying the singer should be “psychologically evaluated,” Phillips wrote back, “I am stymied on who to bring in as a therapist and how they can get through to him in such a short time.”

Phillips first testified he thought Ortega meant a physical therapist, then switched to physical or mental health therapist and then finally agreed it was a mental health professional. He said neither a psychiatrist nor a psychologist was contacted. (LATimes)

Panish made a mistake in one exhibit and Phillips reacted immediately. "See, we all make mistakes," Phillips said. Panish quickly responded "I haven't made 50 of them" to which Phillips said "I don't know, I haven't watched the entire trial." (ABC7)

Phillips said the meeting with the doctor was at the request of Frank DiLeo. (ABC7) Phillips' testimony ended for the day before he discussed meeting with Murray, Ortega and others. Panish wanted to play a Frank Dileo voicemail that was played during Murray trial trying to set up a meeting and get Jackson tested. Judge tentatively rules the voicemail couldn't be played for this jury on hearsay grounds. (AP)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 10:36
na, wann heiratet denn Taj Jackson nun wirklich ????

3T memories ‏@3Tmemories 13h
Tito and Dee Dee got married on June 16, 1972. Taj and Thayana will get married on June 16, 2013.
Retweetet von Taj Jackson
9:07 PM - 9 Jun 13

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3 16h
My wedding is exactly one week away and I am keeping my fingers crossed about one last minute addition. For @TheCoffeeBean to be there. :-)
6:16 PM - 9 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 10:55
Bilder von Grace und Katherine Jackson bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 20:30
AEG boss: 'Michael Jackson was a drunk mess at tour announcement'

Monday 10 Jun 2013

MJ10032013 zpsb8af4d5dOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

The president of AEG Live screamed at MICHAEL JACKSON and slapped him "on the butt" when he discovered the superstar was "drunk and despondent" shortly before he was due to announce his comeback shows.

Randy Phillips, head of the concert promotion company, has been testifying in court in Los Angeles as part of the ongoing wrongful death lawsuit filed against the firm by the King of Pop's mother, Katherine Jackson.

Last week (ends09Jun13), Phillips took the stand to talk about the press conference at London's O2 Arena in March, 2009 when Jackson announced he would be staging a massive 50-gig residency at the venue.

The event was held just months before Jackson's death from an accidental drug overdose in June, 2009, and Phillips has revealed he was furious when he discovered the Thriller star was intoxicated before he was due to hit the stage to address the press.

In emails unveiled in court, Phillips told his boss he went to see Jackson in his hotel suite and had to help manager Tohme Tohme get the drunk star dressed and ready for the event, writing, "MJ (Jackson) is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hair/makeup artist... I screamed at him so loud the walls were shaking. Tohme and I have dressed him, and they are finishing his hair, and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He's an emotionally paralysed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference."

In the emails, Phillips also claimed he slapped Jackson and forced him into a cold shower to sober him up, although the businessman insisted in court that his words were an exaggeration, saying, "(It was a) very tense situation (and) frankly, I created the tension in that room. Because I was so nerve-racked, OK, the time (was) slipping away, and his career slipping away... I slapped him on the butt."

Jackson's mother brought the lawsuit claiming AEG bosses should take responsibility for hiring Dr. Conrad Murray, the medic who administered the fatal drug dose which killed the star and who is now serving a prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter.

AEG chiefs are fighting the claims and Phillips is expected to resume his testimony on Monday (10Jun13). (Archiv-Version vom 13.06.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 20:39
Concert Promotor Calls Michael Jackson’s Family Extortionists

Posted June 10, 2013 in Personal Injury by Aaron Kase

The Michael Jackson wrongful death trial took a turn for the nasty in its sixth week when AEG Live Co-CEO Randy Phillips accused the late singer’s family of trying to extort his promotion company via lawsuit.

When asked if he agreed with previous statements he had made calling the suit a shakedown, Phillips replied, “Yes or no, answer? Yes.”

Jackson died in 2009 after his physician administered an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. The doctor, Conrad Murray, was convicted of manslaughter in 2011.

Jackson’s family is claiming that AEG negligently hired, retained or supervised Murray and pressured him to keep Jackson in shape to perform at the expense of his health. AEG had budgeted and contracted to pay Murray’s salary, although Jackson died before the documents were finalized and payments initiated.

Following Phillips’ barbs on Tuesday, the Jackson family skipped Wednesday’s court session after Micheal’s 15-year-old daughter, Paris, reportedly attempted suicide. The family announced that Paris is physically fine but will not be testifying in her father’s trial as was previously expected.

A judge has requested that an investigator “prepare a written report and include therein any recommendations relating to the minor child’s health, education and welfare.”

My Lawyer Told Me So

Human memory has been an issue in the wrongful death proceedings. The previous week AEG co-CEO Paul Gongaware so overwhelmed the court with “I don’t recall” answers when asked about emails that came from his electronic account that the jurors were reduced to giggles.

Phillips may have shed some light on Gonagaware’s apparent amnesia when he said that his attorneys “felt it would be better if I went in without preparation.”

Not bothering to prepare for a trial seems a curious tactic, as does admitting it in open court, observers point out. “That one seems a little bit questionable in terms of the preparation of the witness,” says Ronald V. Miller, Jr., a personal injury attorney with Maryland firm Miller & Zois.

The AEG defense lawyer noted that there were thousand of emails that could potentially be relevant to the trial, far too many for the executives to read. However, many of the most prominent had been released to the public prior to the trial, including one where Gonagaware wrote to a tour director, “We want to remind [Murray] that it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him.”

“I would think they would have culled together relevant emails,” Miller says. “It’s a little surprising — it seems to me that does not help the defendants.”

“I think those witnesses would be prepared eight ways from Sunday,” the attorney says. “And if they are not prepared, I would come up with a better way to say it than ‘my lawyer told me.’”

Phillips also probably didn’t have to reveal what his attorneys did and not say to him about the email. “What the lawyers tell them to review and not to review before trial is arguably subject to attorney-client privilege,” Miller notes. “He waived it by just blurting it out.”

Time will tell how the executives’ preparation, or lack thereof, will impact the jury’s decision making.

Phillips also testified last week that he never spoke with any mental health professionals about Jackson, and acknowledged that he thought the singer was violating his tour contract by not showing up for rehearsals. He is expected to continue on the stand this week.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 20:52

AEG exec, lawyer spar in Jackson trial’s 6th week

The Associated Press
Saturday, June 8, 2013 | 11:49 a.m.

A look at key moments this past week in the wrongful death trial in Los Angeles between Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, and concert giant AEG Live LLC, and what is expected at court in the week ahead:


Jackson's mother wants a jury to determine that the promoter of Jackson's planned comeback concerts didn't properly investigate Dr. Conrad Murray, who a criminal jury convicted of involuntary manslaughter for Jackson's June 2009 death. AEG's attorney says the case is about personal choice, namely Jackson's decision to have Murray serve as his doctor and give him doses of a powerful anesthetic as a sleep aid. Millions, possibly billions, of dollars are at stake.


_ Jurors heard from AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips, the highest ranking executive to testify in the trial so far. He told jurors that he didn't consult a mental health professional for Jackson despite that recommendation from two high-level production workers on the singer's "This Is It" tour.

_ Phillips testified that five days before Jackson's death, he emailed the singer's business manager that the singer might be in breach of his contract for the shows because he was skipping rehearsals. AEG executives have previously testified that rehearsals weren't required in Jackson's contract, but Phillips said he felt it was a requirement.


_ Phillips verbally spar with Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Brian Panish. The pair had numerous testy exchanges and had to be repeatedly warned by a judge to not argue with each other.


_ "I wish you wouldn't call it a baseless shakedown because it's a derogatory," Phillips said moments after testifying that he believed the lawsuit against his company was an extortion attempt by the Jackson family.

_ "I just expect doctors to be ethical. Their financial side of their life shouldn't affect their medical judgment," AEG executive Paul Gongaware said about why he never considering doing a background check on Jackson's personal physician.


_ Jackson's daughter, Paris, was hospitalized after paramedics responded to her home on a report of a possible overdose. Her grandmother's attorney said the 15-year-old is physically fine and receiving appropriate medical treatment. A judge overseeing Paris Jackson's guardianship ordered an investigation into her wellbeing. The teenager is listed as a plaintiff in the case, has been deposed, and is on the witness list, although it remains unclear whether she will actually be called to the stand.

_ A probate judge said he was inclined to unseal portions of legal filings by a choreographer who claims he was abused by Jackson over a seven year period while he was a child. The judge said he would likely redact portions of the documents that include private and personal details on Wade Robson, as well as a psychologist's report.


_ AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips is expected to remain on the stand for several more days.

_ Katherine Jackson's case is expected to last at least another three weeks, and AEG Live may call numerous witnesses, including bringing back Gongaware for additional testimony.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 20:56
Concert exec says Michael Jackson was 'drunk and despondent' when final tour was announced

Last Updated: 5:40 AM, June 6, 2013
Posted: 10:49 PM, June 5, 2013

LOS ANGELES -- The top executive in charge of Michael Jackson's final doomed concert tour testified today he had to slap the "drunk and despondent" star on the day those gigs were announced.

AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips also called Jackson "a self-loathing emotionally paralyzed mess," in a March 5, 2009, to his then-boss at parent company AEG, Tim Leiweke.

Phillips told jurors today he was "exaggerating" in those e-mails, and hopes to make them go away in this civil lawsuit being pushed by Jackson's family. Phillips doesn't want jurors to believe he and other AEG officials knew how sick he was before The King of Pop died on June 25, 2009.

"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent," Phillips wrote on March 5, when Jackson showed up two hours late for his press conference at London's O2 Arena. "(Jackson's manager) Tohme and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hair-dressing/make-up artist."

Leiweke replied: "Are you kidding me?"

Philips wrote back: "I screamed at him so loud the walls were shaking. Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have seen. He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through the press conference."

At his deposition six months ago, before he was shown his e-mails, Phillips denied that Jackson was either drunk or despondent on the day of the president conference, and denied yelling at The Gloved One, saying he merely "raised his voice."

Phillips says he was telling the truth in his deposition, and was not accurate in his email. "I was relaying what Dr. Tohme told me... I wrote it as fast as I could write it."

Panish said, "You have to yell pretty loud to make the walls shake. Do you have a tendency to exaggerate?"

Phillips said, "No."

To another business associate, Phillips wrote: "I haven't pulled it off yet. We still have to get his nose on properly. You have no idea what this is like. He is a self-loathing emotionally paralyzed mess... I just slapped him."

Phillips admitted, "I slapped him on the butt."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 21:08
Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 21h
Particularly given the historical treatment of African American artists and entertainers, emails emerging in (cont)
11:17 PM - 9 Jun 13

Particularly given the historical treatment of African American artists and entertainers, emails emerging in the AEG-Jackson trial should be alarming and revealing even to those who don't count themselves fans of the King of Pop. AEG executive Randy Phillips wrote the following in email about Michael Jackson on the day of his London press conference in 2009:

"We still have to get his nose on properly."
"He is a self-loathing emotionally paralyzed mess."
"I screamed at him so loud the walls were shaking."
"I just slapped him."

This follows testimony and emails from AEG executive Paul Gongaware in which he referred to the artist condescendingly as "Mikey" and lazy, while attempting to manipulate the show calendar for the expressed purpose of deceiving Jackson about the number of shows and days of rest.

Paul Gongaware was also the man who wrote, by way of warning, to concert director Kenny Ortega: "We want to remind [Dr. Conrad Murray] that it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him." What was expected of Dr. Murray (now a convicted felon), of course, was to do whatever was necessary, right or wrong, legal or illegal, to ensure Jackson was on the stage making AEG money. Jackson's physical and mental health were irrelevant.

Regardless of the trial outcome, AEG's terrible, unethical, exploitive treatment of one of the great artist-entertainers of the 20th century, should remind that the struggle for fair and humane treatment -- for black artists and all artists -- against corporate abuse continues.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.06.2013 um 21:20

Debbie Rowe
Ready, Willing and Able
To Become Paris' Guardian

Debbie Rowe
Bereit, Willens und fähig
um Paris' Vormund zu werden

6/10/2013 11:10 AM PDT


Debbie Rowe could become Paris Jackson's guardian if the 15-year-old wants to make the switch, and sources tell us it's a real possibility.

As we first reported ... the judge in the guardianship case has ordered an investigation into the welfare of Michael Jackson's daughter, after her attempted suicide last week.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Rowe has made no attempt to become Paris' legal guardian -- a title which is now vested jointly in Katherine Jackson and TJ Jackson. But that could change if the judge determines the current arrangement is not serving Paris well.

We're told TJ's role is marginal, given his responsibilities to his wife and kids. As for Katherine's role, sources tell us Paris has been increasingly frustrated that her grandmother is not "connected" to her life ... and that's a big reason why the teen has struck up what has become an intense relationship with Debbie.

If the judge opens up the guardianship case, he will give great weight to Paris' desires. If Paris wants Debbie as her guardian -- and we're told that's a "likely" scenario -- our sources say Debbie would gladly accept.

It's important to note ... when the judge held the guardianship hearing shortly after Michael died ... Debbie voiced concern about the welfare of the kids but accepted Katherine as guardian as long as the kids were protected.

Debbie NEVER waived her right to a guardianship, and we're told the judge would take Debbie seriously, given the fact that she's the biological mother with a meaningful relationship with Paris.


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11.06.2013 um 10:01
Judge admonishes AEG Live CEO about testimony

Associated PressBy ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 9 hrs ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The chief executive of concert promoter AEG Live LLC was told by a judge on Monday to answer questions posed by a lawyer for Michael Jackson's mother without arguing and that his demeanor might be hurting his case.

The comments by Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos came after testimony by CEO Randy Phillips that had been expected to last several hours stretched over four days.

Jurors were sent from the courtroom before the judge addressed Phillips, who has sparred with Katherine Jackson's attorney Brian Panish throughout his testimony. The lawyers have been repeatedly warned by the judge about the behavior.

"Arguing with the lawyers isn't really going to help," Palazuelos told Phillips on Monday. "It's not going to help your case. It's not going to help anybody."

Phillips said Panish was repeatedly asking him questions about the same subject.

"I'm just trying not to say the wrong thing," Phillips said.

The admonition by the judge came after Panish asked Phillips about characterizations of Jackson's doctor that Phillips made in an email sent five days before the singer died.

Phillips acknowledged that some of the statements — including that AEG Live had checked out Conrad Murray and that the former cardiologist didn't need the job — turned out not to be true.

When Panish asked if Phillips had acknowledged some of his statements to the director of Jackson's "This Is It" shows, the executive said: "Honestly, only to stop you from badgering me, yes."

Palazuelos briefly stopped the testimony and issued the warning.

Jessica Stebbins Bina, a defense attorney for AEG Live, said some of Panish's questions had been argumentative. The judge disagreed.

The lawsuit filed by Katherine Jackson accuses AEG Live of failing to properly investigate Murray, who was later convicted of giving her son a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol.

AEG denies it hired Murray, and its attorneys have said Phillips and other executives could not have known that Jackson was taking the anesthetic as a sleep aid. (Archiv-Version vom 27.08.2013)


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11.06.2013 um 10:02
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
Email on 3/13/09 from Leiweke to Phillips:
Phil (Anschutz) can be such a paranoid scrooge. He thinks he's smarter than everyone.
2:09 AM - 11 Jun 13 · Details


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11.06.2013 um 10:13

Debbie Rowe has no plans to fight Katherine Jackson for guardianship of daughter Paris: sources

Michael Jackson’s ex-wife has too much respect for the late King of Pop and his mother to wage a court battle after her daughter’s attempted suicide, sources say.

By Nancy Dillon , Zayda Rivera AND Daniel Beekman / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Monday, June 10, 2013, 6:03 PM

Paris Jackson had been spending more time with her biological mother Debbie Rowe (r.) in the weeks before her attempted suicide.

Paris Jackson’s mom still plans to host the troubled teen on her horse ranch this summer — but Debbie Rowe won’t take over legal guardianship, a source close to the family said Monday.

A judge ordered a probe into the 15-year-old’s welfare after her failed suicide last week, and TMZ reported Monday that Rowe is “ready” to take over guardianship from Paris’ grandmother, Katherine Jackson, if the pop princess asks.

Not so fast, the family source told the Daily News.

TMZ reported that Rowe was set to take over guardianship of the 15-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson - but a source close to the family disputed that account.

Rowe, who split from Michael Jackson in 1999, would be willing to have Paris live with her indefinitely, but would want Jacko’s mother to remain involved as guardian.

“It would take Katherine dying or becoming very ill for Debbie to seek legal guardianship in court,” said the source.

Rowe and Katherine Jackson are amicable and want to respect the King of Pop’s will, the source said.

Paris was recently photographed spending time on Rowe's California horse ranch.

If the judge makes a dramatic decision to strip Katherine of custody, Rowe would be ready to step in, the source added.

Paris could stay with Rowe past the summer, but “it still wouldn’t change the guardianship” situation, the source insisted.

“Katherine said she isn't going to give up the role because she feels that would be letting Michael down, and Debbie has too much respect for Katherine and

Michael Jackson and Rowe at their wedding ceremon in Nov. 1996.

Michael’s wishes to fight her in court,” the source said Monday.

Paris recently reconnected with her mom and has been spending time with Rowe at her ranch outside Los Angeles.

But the teen was at the Calabasas, Calif., mansion she shares with her grandmother and two siblings when she slashed her wrist and popped 20 painkillers.

Rowe receives visit from police investigators in aftermath of her daughter's attempted suicide late last week.

Rowe reportedly visited her daughter at the hospital last week and spoke to Katherine Jackson about Paris’ summer schedule.

What happens depends on Paris’ release from the hospital in a week or more and what doctors decide about her condition.

“Debbie said after Michael died that she would be there to take care of the kids if Katherine needed her,” the source said, adding that Paris’ living with Rowe “would be an arrangement based on Katherine’s permission.”

The family source also dissed a report that Paris was ambushed and taken to UCLA Medical Center against her wishes.

The depressed teen reportedly screamed, “’Why would you bring me here?’ because her father was brought to the same hospital on the day he died in 2009.

“That doesn’t make sense,” the source said. “She doesn’t see it as the place where her dad died. The autopsy report makes it pretty clear Michael died at the house.” (Archiv-Version vom 15.06.2013)


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11.06.2013 um 10:27
Diana Ross ‘extremely concerned’ about Paris Jackson

Last Updated: 11:55 AM, June 10, 2013
Posted: 11:52 AM, June 10, 2013

Diana Ross has reportedly vowed to help her goddaughter Paris Jackson following her shocking suicide bid last week.

“Diana is extremely concerned about Paris,” a source told **RadarOnline. “She was stunned that Paris attempted suicide and has vowed to make sure she gets the help she needs.”

“Diana is planning on visiting Paris after she is released from the hospital – and it will be out of the glare of the media,” the source added.

According to the gossip site, the legendary Supremes singer has been offering comfort to the 15-year-old’s grandmother, Katherine Jackson.

03087404jack 20010626 22932114132--300x3
Michael Jackson and Diana Ross at the American Music Awards January 17, 1984 . Jackson's will says his mother, Katherine, should raise his children, or failing her, Ross.

When Michael Jackson passed away in 2009, his will stipulated that he wanted his mother Katherine to have custody of his three children in the event of his death. It also named Ross “guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children” if Katherine ever becomes incapacitated.

It appears that Ross takes her role seriously and wants to be a part of Paris' life, along with her brothers, Prince Michael and Blanket.

“Diana absolutely isn't going to make a move for custody of the children after Paris' suicide attempt,” the source continued. “She only wants what is best for them. Diana has tremendous respect for Katherine and all that she has done for the children and told her, last week when they spoke, that if she needed anything, she stands ready to help in any way.”

Diana Ross — Paris Jackson’s Godmother, Possible Guardian — Comforts Family After Teen’s Suicide Bid

Posted on Jun 10, 2013 @ 3:05AM | By Jen Heger

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Motown legend Diana Ross has comforted Katherine Jackson in the wake of Paris Jackson’s suicide attempt and hatched plans to visit the troubled teen, has exclusively learned.

“Diana is extremely concerned about Paris,” a source close to the situation revealed.

“She was stunned that Paris attempted suicide and has vowed to make sure she gets the help she needs.”

King of Pop Michael Jackson stipulated in his 2002 will that Ross get custody of his children — Prince Michael, 16, Paris, 15, and 11-year-old Blanket — if his 83-yer-old mother were ever to become incapacitated.

“Diana absolutely isn’t going to make a move for custody of the children after Paris’ suicide attempt,” said the source.

“She only wants what is best for them. Diana has tremendous respect for Katherine and all that she has done for the children and told her, last week when they spoke, that if she needed anything, she stands ready to help in anyway.”

Diana is also “planning on visiting Paris after she is released from hospital — and it will be out of the glare of the media,” the insider revealed.

As Radar previously reported, the 69-year-old The Supremes diva spent time with her godchildren last summer in the midst of the Jackson’s bitter family feud, when late pop star’s siblings cut off contact between the kids and Katherine.

“Diana told them they could call her anytime they needed anything,” an insider said.

Interesting fact: Ross — who at age 25 met a 10-year-old Jackson in 1968 — must be notified if there are any issues related to the children, because of the “Thriller” singer’s will.

“If any of my children are minors at the time of my death, I nominate my mother, Katherine Jackson as guardian of the persons and estate of such minor children,” Jackson, who died on June 25, 2009, after suffering a cardiac arrest at his home, stated in his will.

“If Katherine Jackson fails to survive me, or is unable or unwilling to act as guardian, I nominate Diana Ross as guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children.”
