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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 10:17
von LSA übernommen ... :D

ein weiteres Bild von Paris aus der Serie von Brian Bowen Smith, aufgenommen im Wohnzimmer der Jacksons, im Haus von Calabasas
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:(pictured for Event magazine in the living room of the Jackson family home in Los Angeles)

tumblr ml8ax4uyKH1qlutfoo1 500 zps4967e0
auch MJ hatte mal ähnliche Hosen an !!!!
6421a07d0d15ad3ea389d40f54c2eba7 zpsce64
hier nochmals zum Vergleich ... :D aber könnte die Jacke vielleicht aus dem MJ Fundus kommen ????
article-2308275-1944D5A3000005DC-105 zps


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 10:24
in dem Interview von "The Mail" sagt Paris u. a., dass sie später einmal Herzchirurgin werden möchte ...
von der Schauspielerei erzählt sie da nichts mehr ...
na, LaTuntas Wissen wurde wohl noch nicht aufgefrischt ... :D :D :D

La Toya Jackson Tells How Michael's Children are Doing Today
Katie Couric .. Veröffentlicht am 12.04.2013

Who isn't fascinated with the Jackson Family? Now, La Toya Jackson, the fifth of the nine Jackson children, is opening up and setting the record straight in a new reality show called "Life with LaToya."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 10:30
LaTunta ist eine Jungfrau ??????

Is La Toya Jackson a Virgin? La Toya Sets the Record Straight
Youtube: Is La Toya Jackson a Virgin? La Toya Sets the Record Straight
Is La Toya Jackson a Virgin? La Toya Sets the Record Straight
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Katie Couric .. Veröffentlicht am 12.04.2013

When it comes to dating, it's a jungle out there, especially if you're a well known celebrity. At 56-years-old, La Toya Jackson is still single. On her new show, La Toya visits two matchmakers and admits that she has never been in love.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 10:38
die Videos Life with LaToya, Part. 1 - 3, sind nur über Proxy zu genießen ... :D
aber der User: marco b hat diese auch bei eingestellt !!!!!!

Lifewithlatoya E01 pt.1 (video blocked in some countries.Pls read description for links)

Lifewithlatoya E01 pt.2 (video blocked in some countries.Pls read description for links)

Lifewithlatoya E01 pt.3 (video blocked in some countries.Pls read description for links)

Lifewithlatoya E01 pt.4
marco b .. Veröffentlicht am 13.04.2013

If the video above is blocked in your country, please watch the video here :


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 11:09
etwas zur Erinnerung ... Videos enthalten viele schöne Bilder ... :D

Michael Jackson The Greatest Humanitarian
Youtube: Michael Jackson The Greatest Humanitarian
Michael Jackson The Greatest Humanitarian
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TheKingOfPopLegend .. Hochgeladen am 12.02.2011
The Real Michael Jackson HD Long Version
mariejmg .. Hochgeladen am 07.07.2010


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 11:31

Paris Jackson wants to pursue heart surgery, not the entertainment biz

Michael Jackson's daughter says she wants to help people and would like to turn her former home, Neverland Ranch, into a haven for sick children.

By Rich Schapiro / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Sunday, April 14, 2013, 1:08 AM

Paris Jackson would rather wear surgical gloves than rhinestone-encrusted ones.

Her father is the most famous entertainer in history — but Paris Jackson says she plans to moonwalk away from show business.

The King of Pop’s 15-year-old daughter dreams of becoming a heart surgeon.

“I want to help people,” Paris Jackson told the Daily Mail’s Sunday magazine. “That’s it.”

Michael Jackson's daughter doesn't want to entertain the masses, but like her father, she says she wants to help people.

In a wide-ranging interview, Paris said she’s hoping to turn Neverland Ranch into a haven for sick children.

Michael Jackson’s once-iconic estate, which is now owned by a private equity firm, has been abandoned since 2005.

Paris made an emotional pilgrimage to her childhood home two years ago and was saddened to see its famous Ferris wheel had been removed.

“I cried and cried,” Paris said. “It’s beautiful there. It still has good energy.” (Archiv-Version vom 15.04.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 11:38

tumblr ml24p8qDKt1rjplc4o1 250 zps72d60d


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 12:02
Du hast ja uns wieder gut versorgt mit NEuigkeiten,danke, danke!
Das sieht wirklich so aus, als wären die Sachen aus Michaels Fundus, die Paris da anhat, und wenn sie das wirklich alles so gesagt hat, wie es da steht, bin ich sehr einverstanden mit ihr. Wäre ihr alles zu wünschen, besonders das Vorhaben mit Neverland. Es würde auch uns alle sehr wohlwollend stimmen, gell ?

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 12:18
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Du hast ja uns wieder gut versorgt mit NEuigkeiten,danke, danke!
Das sieht wirklich so aus, als wären die Sachen aus Michaels Fundus, die Paris da anhat, und wenn sie das wirklich alles so gesagt hat, wie es da steht, bin ich sehr einverstanden mit ihr. Wäre ihr alles zu wünschen, besonders das Vorhaben mit Neverland. Es würde auch uns alle sehr wohlwollend stimmen, gell ?
ach nein, ebenfalls Danke, das macht mich ganz verlegen ... :D

ja, es wäre toll, wenn Paris ihren "Erfolg" im Leben, nicht weiter im Showbiz sucht ... Herzchirurgin werden und sie könnte vielen Menschen helfen ... vielleicht auch ein klein wenig ein gewisses Trauma bewältigen ... :(
ja, beim Vorhaben Neverland hätte sie bestimmt auch die Zustimmung ihrer Brüder, die sich daran gewiss beteiligen werden ... und dann auch wieder ganz viele Erinnerungen an eine
wunderschöne, unbelastete Kindheit ...
ja, die Fans von MJ werden es garantiert zu würdigen wissen ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 12:54
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some
LaToya says she checks on KJ since the "kidnapping situation"
LaToya sagt, dass sie alles um KJ überprüft/überwacht, seit der "Kidnapping Situation"
Retweetet von Ivy
4:47 AM - 14 Apr 13
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some
"Truth is they did kidnap her" LaToya Jackson
"die Wahrheit ist, sie haben sie gekidnappt" LaToya Jackson
Retweetet von Ivy
4:40 AM - 14 Apr 13

La Toya Jackson #Livingwithlatoya on Katie (04_12_2013) (Part 2 of 2)
marco b .. Veröffentlicht am 12.04.2013
den 1. Teil, kann man nur über Proxy anschauen !!!!

La Toya Jackson #LivingwithLaToya on Katie (04_12_2013) (Part 1 of 2)(b)
marco b .. Veröffentlicht am 12.04.2013


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 13:47
bei LSA wurden Seiten vom Paris Interview eingestellt ... wahrscheinlich hat der User sie fotografiert und nicht eingescannt ... manches überlappt etwas ... aber besser als gar nichts ... hahaha

j5JnzAr zps6fdac2cdOriginal anzeigen (0,3 MB)
kiJwv5K zpsf8c24200Original anzeigen (0,4 MB)
mFZmOI8 zpse9426363Original anzeigen (0,4 MB)
m5yBBE8 zps743ecb36Original anzeigen (0,4 MB)

<< Fortsetzung >>


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 19:20
Arnold Klein hat heute bei FB etwas interessantes eingestellt ... :) (Archiv-Version vom 05.02.2023)

FBarnoldklein14042013 zpsdf4533b5


Posted on April 14, 2013 by AWKMD

Screen-Shot-2013-04-14-at-10935-AM zpsb7Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 20:05
speziell diese Fragen zum Thema der Vaterschaft, wurden von der Richterin abgewiesen und werden im Prozess gar nicht zugelassen sein ... sie wären eh irrelevant ... aber es scheinen sich doch immer wieder "Quellen" an die Medien zu wenden, die ein ganz starkes Interesse an den vermeintlichen "Erkenntnissen" haben, ob MJ nun der biologische Vater sei oder nicht ...
ändert doch aber eh nichts an der Erbfolge ... alle 3 Kinder sind die Kinder von MJ, das geht doch auch aus deren Papieren hervor (z. B. Geburtsurkunden) ... also warum ???
m. E. gibt es daran nichts mehr zu rütteln ... und wenn, hätten nur die Kinder selbst ein Anrecht darauf, ihre wahre biologische Herkunft in Frage zu stellen und dann evtl. Möglichkeiten auszuschöpfen, um Gewissheit darüber zu erlangen ... :)

Are Paris & Prince Michael Jackson’s Kids? AEG Reportedly To Offer ‘Proof’ Singer Didn’t Father Them As Part Of Lawsuit Strategy

Posted on Apr 14, 2013 @ 9:58AM | By Radar Staff

Was Michael Jackson his children’s biological father?

The question that dogged the King of Pop in life may be answered in court as part of the $40 billion wrongful death lawsuit between the Jackson clan and concert promoter AEG, it is being reported.

According to the New York Post the company is prepared to reveal that only Blanket, 10 – the Thriller star’s youngest son – has his DNA.

Jackson’s older children Prince, 16, and Paris, 15, had a different sperm donor, a source told the newspaper.

Family matriarch Katherine Jackson is suing AEG saying the company in charge of promoting his This Is It tour is complicit in his death.

“There was a whole lot that Michael Jackson or his family wasn’t and isn’t being forthcoming about,” the AEG source told The Post. “The drug use by Jackson, his use of alcohol, his relationship with his own family, and the identities of the children’s parents.”

The source told The Post AEG plans to offer “irrefutable” proof that Jackson did not father Prince and Paris, and is prepared to subpoena birth and other records.

It long been rumored that Prince and Paris – whose mother was Jackson’s ex-wife Debbie Rowe– was conceived with the use of a sperm donor. Several men have claimed to be their biological father, including the singer’s former doctor Arnold Klein and his ex-bodyguard Matt Fiddes.

However, family members are said to believe that Blanket was definitely sired by Jackson. “Blanket looks just like him,” one relative is quoted as saying. “There is no doubt that he is Michael’s.”

So far the judge overseeing the lawsuit has declined AEG’s request to present evidence about paternity. But the company may be allowed to bring the issue later in the case.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 20:45
zu dem Artikel von Radaronline ... ich zitiere mich mal selbst ... :D
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:According to the New York Post the company is prepared to reveal that only Blanket, 10 – the Thriller star’s youngest son – has his DNA.
zur New York Post fällt mir doch gleich Stacy Brown ein, aber auch Rebbie und Randy Jackson ... na, dann scheint doch alles andere klar zu sein ... :D :D :D


Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Anytime I see Katherine talk about Michael & his death, my heart goes out to her. It's also sad she finds herself middle of family dynamics
6:08 PM - 14 Apr 13
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Why is anyone even entertaining Stacy Brown? AEG filed non opposition and Judge excluded paternity/maternity. The end.
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
I can't believe Latoya said her siblings kidnapped Katherine. Well unity and keeping stuff private isn't the strong suit of Jacksons
4:19 PM - 14 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.04.2013 um 21:02
na, da haben wir doch den Artikel von der New York Post ... und "erstellt" von
Stacy Brown ... anscheinend eine Retourkutsche ... heute gab es dich den Bericht von Paris ... und LaToya lies verlauten, dass ihre Mutter Katherine damals gekidnappt wurde ... :D
hmmm, oder hab ich doch nur falsche Schlüsse aus den Erkenntnissen gezogen ????

New York Post ‏@nypost
EXCLUSIVE: Lawsuit could reveal that only one of Michael Jackson's kids is biologically his
Retweetet von Stacy Brown
4:15 PM - 14 Apr 13
Stacy Brown ‏@StacyBrownMedia
sincerely loving all the wild MJ responses to. only ensures more folo up stories. can't ignore the wishes of readers
5:45 PM - 14 Apr 13

AEG lawsuit could reveal that only one of Michael Jackson's kids is biologically his

Last Updated: 10:00 AM, April 14, 2013
Posted: 1:02 AM, April 14, 2013


A $40 billion legal battle in LA might finally settle a question that has long baffled gossip columnists and fans alike: Who really fathered Michael Jackson’s children?

Sources within AEG — the concert promoter behind Jacko’s ill-fated “This Is It” tour and the entity being sued by Jackson’s mother and the three children for wrongful death — say that, despite the singer’s claims, only one of the kids is biologically his.

The company is prepared to uncover that only Blanket, 10, has the King of Pop’s DNA.

His older siblings, Prince, 16, and Paris, 15, had a different sperm donor, the sources say.

“There was a whole lot that Michael Jackson or his family wasn’t and isn’t being forthcoming about,” an AEG source said. “The drug use by Jackson, his use of alcohol, his relationship with his own family, and the identities of the children’s parents.”

Among the evidence AEG could present are sworn affidavits, including one from a mystery woman identified only as “Helena,” who could be Blanket’s mother.

Lawyers for the company also are prepared to present “irrefutable” proof that the Gloved One did not sire Prince and Paris, a source with direct knowledge of the case said. The company is poised to subpoena birth and other records.

Yvette Palazuelos, the presiding judge in the case, earlier this month declined AEG’s request to present evidence about paternity.

However, the company may be allowed to argue paternity issues later in a potential award phase in the case, which began with jury selection April 2 in LA Superior Court.

Legal experts say it doesn’t matter who the biological parents are. They say bringing up paternity is likely meant to embarrass the family.

The Jacksons seek to prove that AEG was complicit in Jacko’s death — hiring his now-convicted personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, and pushing the frail singer too hard to perform. Jackson died from acute propofol intoxication in 2009.

Jacko had always claimed to have used his own sperm to father his children. He acknowledged that the mother of Prince and Paris is his former nurse, Debbie Rowe.

The identity of Blanket’s mother, believed to be a Hispanic woman living in the San Diego area, has never been revealed.

But if AEG’s claims are true, the answer to who’s their daddy could come from a long list.

The singer’s former doctor, Arnold Klein, has said he is the biological father of Jacko’s two oldest children. Former bodyguard and karate instructor Matt Fiddes began pressing the family for a DNA test of Paris shortly after the “Thriller” singer’s death. And former child actor Mark Lester claims that he may have fathered Paris.

Jackson family members say they have little doubt who fathered Blanket.

“Blanket looks just like him. There is no doubt that he is Michael’s,” said one relative.

Blanket has even been treated for similar medical problems, including a skin condition, a family source told The Post. Jacko suffered from a disorder called vitiligo.

And Blanket’s love and knowledge of music parallels his dad’s, family members said.

“Blanket can really, really dance. Like his father,” Joseph Jackson said.

Stacy Brown is a reporter and former longtime friend of the Jackson family.

ähnlicher Bericht: Daily Mail hat gleich "nachgezogen"


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.04.2013 um 09:12
von Debbie gepostet >

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR
562370 10200381105787496 2047747393 n zp
9:39 PM - 14 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.04.2013 um 09:30
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Wisdom from Dr. Sheldon Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory" -

tumblr mkuk11THvx1r3saxeo1 500

4:13 AM - 15 Apr 13

People should have chips implanted in their skulls that explode when they say something stupid.
Die Menschen sollten Chips in ihren Schädeln implantiert haben, die explodieren, wenn sie etwas Dummes sagen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.04.2013 um 09:42
das Pferd von Paris, Jeff, mit seiner Mutter, Grande ... dieses Bild strahlt für mich so viel Ruhe aus ... es scheint wunderschön auf Debbies Ranch zu sein ...

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR
Jett and Grande @ Painted Desert Ranch
acenter>jeffandgrande zps16769181Original anzeigen (0,4 MB)
3:56 AM - 12 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.04.2013 um 10:13
bei LSA entdeckt ...

hier ist noch ein anderes Bild, dass Debbie von sich selbst und Paris gepostet hat ... hahaha
ja, Debbie scheint doch sehr viel Humor zu haben ... :D :D

debbieandparis zps8a0d3c62
