MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!
08.11.2012 um 09:53die anderen Jacksons werden das aber bestimmt nicht so toll finden.
Sylvina schrieb:hab schon bei wingheart-Karen nachgeschaut, was sie zu der Anfrage von AshleyD. geantwortet hat, jaja, jeder kann denken, was er will.na Karen hat doch längst die Schnauze voll, von den Tweets der vielen "Idioten" ... :D
No...of course not. Just being sarcastic. This "death hoax" theory is total nonsense, and I am still baffled why ppl are still hangin' on to it. RT @0011Michael: @wingheart @MissAnn73052898 Waht Really ?*****
I hope you are joking, because this is an ignorant inquiry. RT @AshflexMJlover: @wingheart Do you think Michael loved Jason ? Do you think eventually they would have married ?*****
I have my own built in automatic "dummy alert" that blocks idiots. I don't need anyone else to identify them for me. It's a new IPhone app. RT @neverletyoupart: Are you weirdos ever gonna stop talking about how I control who Karen Faye blocks? She blocks who she wants. I have nothin to do with it...*****
Sylvina schrieb:Hast Du die Kommentare bei TMZ zu Jermains Namensänderungs-Antrag gelesen? Wenn jetzt nicht Tag wäre würde ich vor Lachen nicht in den Schlaf kommen.ja, da ist doch fast jeder Kommentar ein Lacher ... und es sind schon wieder so viele ... hahaha
Why doesn't he just change it to Jackson Hole?# 13
He should change it to Greazy Leatherface. UGH!# 14
whose more of an idiot jermaine or tmzauch dieser "schöne" # 6
Veröffentlicht am 18.10.2012 von SmoothC21HD
Artist: Michael Jackson
Song performed: Working Day And Night
Date: July 16, 1988
Place: Wembley Stadium, London, UK
Attendance: 72,000
ReMastered by SmoothC21HD
Sylvina schrieb:ja mich wundert auch, daß diese Karen Faye solange durchhält, sicher hat die die Nase voll von vielen Followern, auf der anderen Seite scheint sie besessen zu sein von Twitter oder sie hat jemanden, der für sie schreibt. Stundenlange TweetsKaren Faye hat mir ja mal per e-Mail geantwortet ... sie hatte damals u. a. auch geschrieben, dass sie Helfer bei der "Bearbeitung" von Twitter hat ... ihre Facebook Accounts hatte sie ja aufgegeben ... sie hat ja noch ihren Blog bei WordPress.com ...
Sylvina schrieb:ich wußte gar nicht, daß die Karen noch einen Blog hat, ja so sehr interessiert mich das jetzt nicht. :Ddas ist die Blog Seite von Karen Faye ... http://karenfayeblog.com/ (Archiv-Version vom 13.04.2012)
Sylvina schrieb:ja Phantom stellt immer schöne Vids ein.ja, es gefällt mir sehr ... "SmoothC21HD" hat dieses Video am 18.10.2012 eingestellt ... ich denke auch, dass bald noch eine Sperre folgen wird ...
Hat ja richtig gute Qualität und wieso ist das für Deutschland nicht gesperrt oder ´kommt das gleich?
Veröffentlicht am 27.10.2012 von SmoothC21HD
Artist: Michael Jackson
Song performed: Bad
Date: July 16, 1988
Place: Wembley Stadium, London, UK
Attendance: 72,000
ReMastered by SmoothC21HD
Veröffentlicht am 20.10.2012 von SmoothC21HDweitere Videos unter https://www.youtube.com/user/SmoothC21HD
Artist: Michael Jackson
Song performed: Beat It
Date: July 16, 1988
Place: Wembley Stadium, London, UK
Attendance: 72,000
ReMastered by SmoothC21HD
Don’t fall for @tompkinsandbush’s “gesture” to "gift several of the costumes" to Michael Jackson Estate. It isn’t his to gift!*****
“Both MLB and I know that it was MJ's wish to create a museum for these pieces. MJ spoke about this often to us. That is why MJ TRUSTED MLB TO HOLD ON TO THESE ITEMS. “ – Karen Faye
MIchael Bush himself said "SOME of them were gifted to me by Michael Jackson." Note the "some"?
This man [MLB] betrayed Michael’s trust and is now auctioning what isn't his. He is selling Michael's history. He KNOWS what he is doing because he said “I recognize the historical significance of these costumes.” And rather than doing the honorable [fulfilling Michael’s wishes or gifting ALL items to Michaels children] he is selling them.
This is no different than Rabbi Shumuley claiming ownership to Michael Jackson tapes after his death and monetising Michael’s death. Remember, Michael had granted those interviews, thinking they’d be used to promote a Children’s Day. Remember, Rabbi Shumuley also claimed he was doing it for “charity”. This is a common motif in Michael Jackson leeches.
Remember that Michael was often betrayed by those he THOUGHT were his friend.
Please don’t give a second glance to this opportunist! Once he showed his true colors by saying Michael is now a business, it was for all time! It’s counterproductive to complain how people leech on Michael then enable these people. Pls don’t enable this leech who shamelessly eats off of Michael’s corpse!!!
It makes me very sad that Michael Bush has decided to auction off MJ's iconic clothing. Both MLB and I know that it was MJ's wish to create a museum for these pieces. MJ spoke about this often to us. That is why MJ trusted MLB to hold on to these items.
Veröffentlicht am 05.11.2012 von TheMjQuotes
This is just a bunch of rarely seen videos of just Michael talking to his crew on how he wants his upcoming This Is It tour setting up the stage an fans, along with some messing around, with Michael and others, this is Fan made by TheMJQuotes, and the audio of course is Billie Jean from this is It.