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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 09:53
die anderen Jacksons werden das aber bestimmt nicht so toll finden.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 10:04
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:hab schon bei wingheart-Karen nachgeschaut, was sie zu der Anfrage von AshleyD. geantwortet hat, jaja, jeder kann denken, was er will.
na Karen hat doch längst die Schnauze voll, von den Tweets der vielen "Idioten" ... :D (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2012)

Karen Faye ‏@wingheart
No...of course not. Just being sarcastic. This "death hoax" theory is total nonsense, and (cont)
8:52 PM - 7 Nov 12

No...of course not. Just being sarcastic. This "death hoax" theory is total nonsense, and I am still baffled why ppl are still hangin' on to it. RT @0011Michael: @wingheart @MissAnn73052898 Waht Really ?

Karen Faye ‏@wingheart
Ok. You would know, of course. RT @MissAnn73052898: @wingheart hello Michael jackson is alive
8:42 PM - 7 Nov 12
Karen Faye ‏@wingheart
I hope you are joking, because this is an ignorant inquiry. RT @AshflexMJlover: @wingheart Do you (cont)
4:47 PM - 7 Nov 12

I hope you are joking, because this is an ignorant inquiry. RT @AshflexMJlover: @wingheart Do you think Michael loved Jason ? Do you think eventually they would have married ?

Karen Faye ‏@wingheart
I have my own built in automatic "dummy alert" that blocks idiots. I don't need anyone (cont)
4:42 PM - 7 Nov 12

I have my own built in automatic "dummy alert" that blocks idiots. I don't need anyone else to identify them for me. It's a new IPhone app. RT @neverletyoupart: Are you weirdos ever gonna stop talking about how I control who Karen Faye blocks? She blocks who she wants. I have nothin to do with it...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 10:22
ja mich wundert auch, daß diese Karen Faye solange durchhält, sicher hat die die Nase voll von vielen Followern, auf der anderen Seite scheint sie besessen zu sein von Twitter oder sie hat jemanden, der für sie schreibt. Stundenlange Tweets

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 10:23
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Hast Du die Kommentare bei TMZ zu Jermains Namensänderungs-Antrag gelesen? Wenn jetzt nicht Tag wäre würde ich vor Lachen nicht in den Schlaf kommen.
ja, da ist doch fast jeder Kommentar ein Lacher ... und es sind schon wieder so viele ... hahaha

# 12
Why doesn't he just change it to Jackson Hole?
# 13
He should change it to Greazy Leatherface. UGH!
# 14
whose more of an idiot jermaine or tmz
auch dieser "schöne" # 6
Michael Jackson - Working Day And Night - Live at Wembley 1988 [HD]
Veröffentlicht am 18.10.2012 von SmoothC21HD

Artist: Michael Jackson
Song performed: Working Day And Night
Date: July 16, 1988
Place: Wembley Stadium, London, UK
Attendance: 72,000
ReMastered by SmoothC21HD


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 10:30
ja Phantom stellt immer schöne Vids ein.
Hat ja richtig gute Qualität und wieso ist das für Deutschland nicht gesperrt oder ´kommt das gleich?

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 10:30
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:ja mich wundert auch, daß diese Karen Faye solange durchhält, sicher hat die die Nase voll von vielen Followern, auf der anderen Seite scheint sie besessen zu sein von Twitter oder sie hat jemanden, der für sie schreibt. Stundenlange Tweets
Karen Faye hat mir ja mal per e-Mail geantwortet ... sie hatte damals u. a. auch geschrieben, dass sie Helfer bei der "Bearbeitung" von Twitter hat ... ihre Facebook Accounts hatte sie ja aufgegeben ... sie hat ja noch ihren Blog bei ...
ich werde mal wieder auf die Suche gehen ... hahaha


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 10:34
huch da sind ja noch mehr Wembley-Aufnahmen, na da hätte ich mir doch meine DVD sparen können :D

ich wußte gar nicht, daß die Karen noch einen Blog hat, ja so sehr interessiert mich das jetzt nicht. :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 11:04
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:ich wußte gar nicht, daß die Karen noch einen Blog hat, ja so sehr interessiert mich das jetzt nicht. :D
das ist die Blog Seite von Karen Faye ... (Archiv-Version vom 13.04.2012)
die hat sie nicht mehr bei ihrem Twitter Profil angegeben ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 11:11
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:ja Phantom stellt immer schöne Vids ein.
Hat ja richtig gute Qualität und wieso ist das für Deutschland nicht gesperrt oder ´kommt das gleich?
ja, es gefällt mir sehr ... "SmoothC21HD" hat dieses Video am 18.10.2012 eingestellt ... ich denke auch, dass bald noch eine Sperre folgen wird ...

schau mal, was der User noch eingestellt hat ... :D auch nicht gesperrt !!!!!

Michael Jackson - Bad - Live at Wembley 1988 [HD]
Veröffentlicht am 27.10.2012 von SmoothC21HD

Artist: Michael Jackson
Song performed: Bad
Date: July 16, 1988
Place: Wembley Stadium, London, UK
Attendance: 72,000
ReMastered by SmoothC21HD


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 11:32
Meet Mr Jacksun! Jermaine Jackson bids to change spelling of his famous surname for 'artistic reasons'

By Mike Larkin
PUBLISHED: 04:03 GMT, 8 November 2012 | UPDATED: 09:25 GMT, 8 November 2012

It seems to have come to him in a moment of illumination.

For Jermaine Jackson has lodged legal papers in a bid to change the spelling of his last name to 'Jacksun.'

The bizarre move has purportedly been made for 'artistic reasons,' and if it is successful then his passport, bank cards and other documents will boast the new moniker.

article-2229613-15E837E0000005DC-137 634
Mr Sunshine: Jermaine Jackson has filed to papers to change the spelling of his famous surname it has emerged

The 57-year-old brother of the late Prince of Pop Michael filed his petition at the Los Angeles County Superior Court on Monday, according to TMZ.

A hearing has been scheduled to determine the outcome of his request.

If it is approved the singer will have to publicly announce his name change several times in either a magazine or newspaper over the next few months before it becomes official.

Jermaine became famous as a member of The Jackson 5 in 1968, before splitting the band to strike out on his own in 1975.

He recently released his new album of classic jazz songs I Wish You Love and is currently performing in Europe as part of The Jackson's Unity Tour with his brothers Jackie, Marlon and Tito.

article-2229613-15E83B42000005DC-347 634
Jermain man: He was the second lead singer after future Prince of Pop Michael in The Jackson 5

It remains unclear whether the outfit will change their name to 'The Jacksons and Jacksun' in light of the change.

The band have been performing all of their biggest hits including 'ABC', 'I Want You Back' and 'I'll Be There' as part of the remembrance tour for their late younger brother Michael, who died in 2009.

Jermaine has also been performing some of his solo music during the tour.

Read more:
Jermaine Jackson -- I'm CHANGING My Last Name


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 11:37
ein neues Bild bei LSA ... :)

1c80565c287711e2a30c22000a1f9683 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 11:45
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
Michael fought against racial injustice that is why his exhibit in Rosa Parks Museum is so fitting -


6:20 AM - 8 Nov 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 18:47
Judge rejects e-mail ban in Michael Jackson death lawsuit

Richter weist E-Mail-Verbot im Gerichtsverfahren von Michael Jacksons Todesfall zurück

By Alan Duke, CNN
November 8, 2012 -- Updated 1724 GMT (0124 HKT)


* AEG failed to show the leaked e-mails came from the Jackson side of the lawsuit, judge says
* The e-mails reveal AEG had doubts about Michael Jackson's health months before his death
* Jackson's mother and children accuse the concert promoter of contributing to the death
* The trial is set for April

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The judge presiding over the Michael Jackson family's wrongful death lawsuit against AEG rejected the concert promoter's arguments that family members were the source of leaked e-mails in the case.

AEG lawyers accused Michael Jackson's three children, his mother and their lawyers of giving the e-mails to a newspaper reporter in violation of the judge's order that they remain under seal.

"It is clear that only one entity could have done it," AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam said in a hearing last month.

Jackson family lawyers became furious in court, pointing out that AEG was accusing 10-year-old Blanket Jackson, the youngest of the children.

"What's the idea, that Blanket Jackson got some documents and copied them and somehow walked them from Calabasas to Harriet Ryan?" attorney Kevin Boyle said, pointing to Putnam.

Jackson lawyers denied anyone associated with their legal team or their clients leaked the e-mails, and suggested that AEG lawyers may have done it themselves as a set up.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos issued her ruling on the question this week.

The communications, published two months ago in the Los Angeles Times, revealed the promoter had doubts about Jackson's health and his ability to be ready for his "This Is It" concerts several months before his death.

AEG wanted the judge to punish Katherine Jackson and the children -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- by not allowing their lawyers to use the e-mails to convince a jury in a trial set for next April that the company contributed to the pop star's death.

Jackson died of an overdose of a surgical anesthesia in combination with sedatives on June 25, 2009, according to the Los Angeles County coroner. Dr. Conrad Murray, who was hired to be Jackson's personal physician as he prepared for the shows, was found guilty last year of involuntary manslaughter in his patient's death.

The Jackson suit contends that AEG contributed to the pop star's death by pressuring him to prepare even though the promoters knew he was in a weak condition and by its hiring and supervision of Murray.

"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent," AEG executive Randy Phillips wrote in a March 5, 2009, e-mail, the day Jackson announced the tour plans. "I (am) trying to sober him up."

Reporter Harriet Ryan has refused to disclose her sources, although Howard Mann -- who was once Katherine Jackson's partner in a book venture -- has acknowledged that he gave the reporter a box of documents for her story.

Days after the e-mails were published, AEG dropped its claim against a Lloyds of London underwriter for payout of a $17.5 million insurance policy on Michael Jackson.

The insurer contended AEG hid Jackson's health problems and failed to respond to repeated requests for his medical history when applying for insurance for the 50 shows scheduled for London's O2 Arena.

The Michael Jackson estate, which controls Michael Jackson Company LLC, is still pursuing the insurance payout.

Perry Sanders, who is Katherine Jackson's personal attorney, told the judge that the Jacksons had no motive to leak the e-mails.

"Like we would go and blow up our own case against Lloyds of London?" Sanders said. "Our client and all the plaintiffs in this case are actually the ones who would receive the money."

Sanders also noted that AEG had failed to disclose the e-mails to the Lloyds of London lawyers despite a legal requirement to do so.

While publication of the e-mails might have made AEG look bad, they were "extremely negative against Michael Jackson," painting him "as a basket case," Jackson lawyer Deborah Chang said.

"It's much more negative about Michael Jackson than it is about AEG, by far," Chang said.

The leaked e-mails include one written by Randy Phillips weeks after Jackson's death in which the president of AEG Live -- the concert-promotion branch of AEG -- called it "a terrible tragedy," but added "life must go on."

"AEG will make a fortune from merch sales, ticket retention, the touring exhibition and the film/dvd," Phillips wrote. AEG Live was allowed to sell Jackson tour merchandise and share in the profits from the documentary "This Is It," produced from rehearsal video.

The March 2009 e-mail from Phillips saying Jackson was "locked in his room drunk and despondent" indicate AEG Live's president saw Jackson's problems first-hand the day the pop star was to appear at the O2 Arena to publicly announce the shows.

"I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking," Phillips wrote. "He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time."

The promoter blamed London traffic when Jackson was 90 minutes late for the announcement that day.

"He's as healthy as he can be -- no health problems whatsoever," Phillips told CNN two months later to refute reports Jackson's health was threatening the concerts.

The Los Angeles Times story, however, said the e-mails indicated major doubts about Jackson's ability to perform.

"We cannot be forced into stopping this, which MJ will try to do because he is lazy and constantly changes his mind to fit his immediate wants," AEG Live executive Paul Gongaware e-mailed to Phillips.

Jackson's missed rehearsals in June triggered concerns in e-mails that he was slow in learning his dance routines and would have to lip-sync on stage, the newspaper reported.

"MJ is not in shape enough yet to sing this stuff live and dance at the same time," one e-mail from the show's music director read, the paper reported.

A production manager wrote: "He was a basket case. Doubt is pervasive."

A loud warning from show director Kenny Ortega, who worked closely with Jackson on previous tours, came in mid-June, just over a week before the star's death. Ortega wrote to Phillips that Jackson had "strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior" and suggested they bring a "top psychiatrist in to evaluate him ASAP."

"It is like there are two people there. One (deep inside) trying to hold on to what he was and still can be and not wanting us to quit him, the other in this weakened and troubled state," Ortega wrote. "I believe we need professional guidance in this matter."

Ortega testified at Murray's trial about his concerns about Jackson's frail condition and missed rehearsals. Those concerns resulted in a meeting six days before Jackson's death in which Murray assured the promoters he would have Jackson ready for rehearsals that next week.

An e-mail from Phillips after that meeting said he had confidence in Murray, "who I am gaining immense respect for as I get to deal with him more."

"This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig, so he (is) totally unbiased and ethical," Phillips' e-mail said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 18:51
Michael Jackson - Beat It - Live at Wembley 1988 [HD]
Veröffentlicht am 20.10.2012 von SmoothC21HD

Artist: Michael Jackson
Song performed: Beat It
Date: July 16, 1988
Place: Wembley Stadium, London, UK
Attendance: 72,000
ReMastered by SmoothC21HD
weitere Videos unter


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 19:04
ENTERTAINMENT BLOG: Jermaine Jackson, seeking attention?

ENTERTAINMENT BLOG: Jermaine Jackson, Aufmerksamkeit suchend?

3 hours ago • By Stacy Brown, The Sentinel

Been abducted
Don’t know who you are
They may love you
they don’t know you
Lonely superstar."

-Jermaine Jackson on brother Michael

It was a tumultuous time in Jermaine Jackson's life when he penned "Word to the Badd," a back-stabbing dis song about his then mega-star brother Michael Jackson.

Michael, as Jermaine would explain to me in an ill-fated book we collaborated on beginning in 2000 called "Legacy," wouldn't return repeated calls to Jermaine or anyone else in the family.

The King of Pop's shunning of his family was in full effect as of the release of Jermaine's song in 1991. The timing of the release was perfect too as it came the same chilly November day that Michael released his "Black or White" single off the "Dangerous" album.

Michael had left the family's home in Encino, Calif. and built Neverland in 1987. It was only a few years after Michael had moonwalked his way to the title of King of Pop on the great Motown 25th anniversary special that aired in 1983. What Jermaine couldn't cope with was that it was he, not Michael, who was supposed to have that type of solo stardom.

Jermaine spoke of walking on the beach in New York while Michael did the same simultaneously in California after the Jackson 5 left Motown and Jermaine decided to stay with the company. "I knew we had something special and we were connected even though we never really talked," Jermaine told me of Michael.

Jermaine, though, badly miscalculated his worth in music and sadly undervalued his brother's.

Jermaine thought it was going to be he whom the Jackson brothers would come running back to because it was he who was being guided by the genius, Motown founder Berry Gordy.

To be fair, Jermaine's career was nothing to sneeze at. He had his share of hits and his share of moments. Obviously, none like that of Michael's. But, who has had a career like Michael's?

What Jermaine failed to realize was what the world came to celebrate, that the gift Michael was given was as rare as a snow storm in Los Angeles.

Sadly, because his eyes were filled with jealousy, what Jermaine couldn't see was that the second most amazing performance during the Motown anniversary show in which the biggest and the best in music's history performed, involved him.

Next to Michael's "Billie Jean" dazzler, the Jackson brothers were the show. Their performance, which included such hits as "I want you back," "The Love You Save," and "I'll Be There," was astounding especially considering they hadn't performed together in a long time prior to that.

Still, they out shined everyone else on the show. And, it was a show that included, among so many others, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, Lionel Richie, Richard Pryor, The Four Tops and Stevie Wonder.

But, Jermaine's jealously of little brother Michael would always get the best of him. Now, comes word from the Associated Press that Jermaine has petitioned the court for a name change.

He's asking a court to allow him to alter his famous surname and become Jermaine Jacksun.

Jackson filed a name change petition on Tuesday in Los Angeles, stating the switch was for "artistic reasons."

The filing doesn't elaborate, but the author of Jermaine's latest book, Steve Dennis, spoke on Jermaine's behalf. "Phonetically, it changes nothing," he said.

Yep, Dennis would have been better off saying zilch. Nothing at all. You can't explain the unexplainable.

"It is something he has chosen to do, and it's fair to say that you cannot blame this one on the boogie, you've got to blame it on the sunshine," Dennis said, in a play on the Jackson 5 disco hit, "Blame it on the Boogie."

Again, why speak at all, Steve?

It isn't the first name change for Jermaine, who had the (guts?) to name his youngest son, Jermajesty. He once declared himself Muslim and went by the name, Muhammad Abdul Aziz.

He used the Muslim faith to "marry" a girlfriend at a mosque in California while he was still married to his brother, Randy's ex.

As close as Jermaine and I once was, I found out about the "marriage" by reading the National Enquirer and when I asked he and the girlfriend about it, they looked at me and laughed.

"You didn't know? I thought we told you," they said, as if I'd forget that I was in the company of a bigamist.

After all, this is a man who also begged his wife to let him out of the house one late night so that he could go see Louis Farrakhan; only Farrakhan was Jermaine's front as he swept out of the house in a frenzy only to pick up a blonde at Starbucks and drive her into the night along the Sepulveda Pass to make out.

In any event, we wish Mr. Jacksun/Jackson/Aziz well (as Michael said back in 2001 when Jermaine temporarily dropped off the bill for the King of Pop's 30th anniversary celebration) in his solo career.

more [ ..... ]


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 19:18

Qbee ‏@Qbees
President Barack Obama Does Michael Jackson's Moonwalk Very Well!: Youtube: President Barack Obama Does Michael Jackson's Moonwalk Very Well!
President Barack Obama Does Michael Jackson's Moonwalk Very Well!
Externer Inhalt
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7:04 PM - 8 Nov 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
Best comment ever on MJJC about Jermaine's name change. "He should just change it to Jackass and be done with it"
4:35 PM - 8 Nov 12
Qbee ‏@Qbees
Understanding MJ Estate & Correcting Misconceptions - Learn the Facts
11:41 AM - 8 Nov 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 19:27 (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2013)

ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
Judge denied AEG’s request for sanctions on Katherine Jackson. Experts concluded it isn't possible to determine who leaked the emails.
4:37 PM - 8 Nov 12
ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
Don’t fall for @tompkinsandbush’s “gesture” to "gift several of the costumes" to Michael Jackson Estate. (cont)
11:44 PM - 7 Nov 12

Don’t fall for @tompkinsandbush’s “gesture” to "gift several of the costumes" to Michael Jackson Estate. It isn’t his to gift!

“Both MLB and I know that it was MJ's wish to create a museum for these pieces. MJ spoke about this often to us. That is why MJ TRUSTED MLB TO HOLD ON TO THESE ITEMS. “ – Karen Faye

MIchael Bush himself said "SOME of them were gifted to me by Michael Jackson." Note the "some"?

This man [MLB] betrayed Michael’s trust and is now auctioning what isn't his. He is selling Michael's history. He KNOWS what he is doing because he said “I recognize the historical significance of these costumes.” And rather than doing the honorable [fulfilling Michael’s wishes or gifting ALL items to Michaels children] he is selling them.

This is no different than Rabbi Shumuley claiming ownership to Michael Jackson tapes after his death and monetising Michael’s death. Remember, Michael had granted those interviews, thinking they’d be used to promote a Children’s Day. Remember, Rabbi Shumuley also claimed he was doing it for “charity”. This is a common motif in Michael Jackson leeches.

Remember that Michael was often betrayed by those he THOUGHT were his friend.

Please don’t give a second glance to this opportunist! Once he showed his true colors by saying Michael is now a business, it was for all time! It’s counterproductive to complain how people leech on Michael then enable these people. Pls don’t enable this leech who shamelessly eats off of Michael’s corpse!!!

Karen Faye ‏@wingheart
It makes me very sad that Michael Bush has decided to auction off MJ's iconic clothing. Both MLB (cont)
Retweetet von ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ
9:01 PM - 14 Okt 12

It makes me very sad that Michael Bush has decided to auction off MJ's iconic clothing. Both MLB and I know that it was MJ's wish to create a museum for these pieces. MJ spoke about this often to us. That is why MJ trusted MLB to hold on to these items.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 19:44 (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2013)

Gessica Puglielli ‏@jessy_mjj
My meeting with Michael Lee Bush regarding the Julien's Auction
Retweetet von ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ
12:40 AM - 3 Nov 12 (Archiv-Version vom 07.11.2012)

My meeting with Michael Lee Bush regarding the Julien’s Auction

November 2, 2012

mlbushOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

In my 25 years as Michael Jackson supporter I have always admired his costume designer Michael Lee Bush for both his art and his being apparently so loyal to him. At least, until now.

While I still believe he’s been loyal to Michael for most of his life, something has happened in the last months that have completely changed my point of view on this subject.

Since October 2012 part of Michael Jackson’s iconic costumes has been exhibited in Ireland, UK and Japan before they go on auction for Julien’s on December 3rd 2012. Also, MLB has just released a book about these costumes and his life working with Michael Jackson.

While I believe the exhibit represents a good chance for the fans to see some of Michael’s most popular costumes, on the other hand I don’t get two points:

Why has MLB’s book a foreword by John Branca in it?
Why aren’t these costumes being exhibited in a museum like MJ would have wanted?

This is exactly what I had the chance to ask personally to MLB on October 31st 2012 when he was in London for the signing of his book at the Getty Images Gallery in Westfield, where the costumes exhibition has been running since October 10th 2012.

First of all I found it ridiculous that, while I had already seen the exhibit earlier, I had to pay again for the admission ticket or they wouldn’t let me talk to Mr. Bush. WOW… that is a super-star treatment. Too bad, the real superstar is dead.

Anyway, since I really wanted to talk to him personally, I bought the ticket and queued (just 6 or 7 people ahead of me, so, no, there was no superstar at all). While queuing, I got asked by the staff more than once whether I was going to buy the book or not. Obviously, I didn’t, as I decided 3 years ago not to buy anything with “Branca” or “Sony” name on it. The staff appeared pretty much “annoyed” by this decision of mine.

Not only. While waiting, I was told that if I wanted to take a picture with MLB I had to pay £5 (on top of the £7.5 I hade already paid for the ticket). A friend of mine then asked if he had to pay the £5 had he taken the photo with his phone. Their reply was that he couldn’t take any photo with MLB unless he paid.

That is what I call “fans’ exploitation”.

After 20 minutes it was my turn to talk to MLB. I was calm, I had no intention to attack him or whatever, and all I wanted to do was asking him the above-mentioned questions. And I did.

He was nervous, slightly aggressive, and sort of defensive. Why being defensive, when all I said was, “I’ve always admired you, but why is John Branca’s name on your book?”

He replied that he “couldn’t have published the book without the Estate authorization and that it was the publisher’s choice to have Branca writing the foreword.” Really? And why doesn’t Bruce Swedien’s book have no “Branca” name on it? He also said that he has nothing to do with the Estate, that it’s not him who put Branca at the control of the Estate and so on. Again, I didn’t mention it, why did he?

He also said that the publisher had suggested him to write a scandal book about Michael and that he had refused because he “has been blessed by Michael” (and his money, I guess).

Regarding the auction, he insisted that “these costumes were given to him by Michael himself.” He also said that “some of those jackets were under his bed” and that he “decided to share them with the world before anything happens to him.”

Then I asked why he chose to sell them through Julien’s auction when it’s clear that Michael wanted them to be displayed into a museum.

At that point, he said that he “has a home, a car, a life”, that he “doesn’t need money and that he’s doing it only for charity.”

After that, he added that John Branca (why on earth, as we had already changed subject?) “is doing his best to keep Michael’s legacy alive” and that “if it wasn’t for Branca who knows where Michael’s legacy would be now.”

That’s exactly when I say that if it wasn’t for him, Michael would be probably alive now. I got no reply to this and his staff called me because “we had run out of time.”

Anyway, the last thing MLB told me before I left, was “accept the fact that Michael is business now.”….

This is how things went.

What I saw yesterday was a man who is nourishing his ego, lost in his glory of being treated by some fans and the staff like the superstar he isn’t.


Twelve years later I find myself being told that if I wanted to take a picture with his costume stylistI had to pay £5???

My question is: how comes you have been “blessed” by Michael Jackson for over 25 years and haven’t learned what being humble at heart means yet?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 19:58 (Archiv-Version vom 23.08.2013)

andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some
Wow, AEG lost their sanctions case. There goes the whole "mega-conglomerate conspiracy" theory.
5:15 AM - 8 Nov 12
andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some
Jackson, JacksUn lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
5:02 AM - 8 Nov 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2012 um 21:16
Michael Jackson The Making of This Is It Enhanced
Veröffentlicht am 05.11.2012 von TheMjQuotes

This is just a bunch of rarely seen videos of just Michael talking to his crew on how he wants his upcoming This Is It tour setting up the stage an fans, along with some messing around, with Michael and others, this is Fan made by TheMJQuotes, and the audio of course is Billie Jean from this is It.
