Der Prozess Oscar Pistorius und der Tod von Reeva Steenkamp
06.07.2014 um 00:49Dasselbe wollte ich auch grade schreiben!!!!
Kann nicht wahr sein, das eben... :-((((((
Kann nicht wahr sein, das eben... :-((((((
sunday night @sundaynighton7 · 4 Min.weiter:
TONIGHT after @7NewsSydney: Both sides of the Pistorius case - plus the unseen vision of the Blade Runner’s defense:
sunday night @sundaynighton7 · 17 Min.
TONIGHT after @HouseRules_2014 finale: The #PistoriusTrial as you’ve never seen it. You be the jury in our live vote:
I have just realised that second video, which is longer and shows bits of interviews with Reeva's parents and clips of Reeva was right next to the one on channel 7's website, that I have been watching.
They also show how they built the bedroom and I presume bathroom to re enact the crime scene.
Can't wait for 8.30 pm tonight to see it all.
This is being telecast in Sydney on the Sunday Night show, which according to the program guide starts at 8.45, not 8.30. I just rang Channel 7 to confirm. They say it's due to start at 8.40pm, but I'll switch on at 8.30 to be safe. Since I haven't the faintest idea how to put things on You Tube, could someone PLEASE do this? People all over the world will want to see it IMO.
Ein gewisser Roder wird dort zitiert.MrSmith schrieb:Wer wird da immer zitiert, der mit diesem Video die Unschuld OPs bestätigt sieht? Und warum sieht derjenige das so?
The footage has convinced top US forensic investigator Scott Roder that his story is true. (Archiv-Version vom 10.09.2014)
To defend himself, Pistorius has hired the Evidence Room, an American forensic animation firm based in Cleveland, Ohio, that specializes in crime scene reenactments. The videos are Pixar meets murder trial: illustrating car crashes and murders with faceless cartoons of people in jagged geometric landscapes. “We don’t give opinions, we don’t say ‘this is how it happens,’ we describe the scene,” says Scott Roder, the 43-year-old chief executive officer of the Evidence Room. “That’s our job: to help people understand the bigger picture.”
Various media tweeting that the video is currently being restricted to certain areas, it hasn't been pulled due to a legal challenge ... yet.