Der Prozess Oscar Pistorius und der Tod von Reeva Steenkamp
03.07.2014 um 13:13Gegen den war Dixon ein Einstein und Dixon war schon unterirdisch
Und wie war das auf seinem Rückweg, als er zum Balkon eilte um um Hilfe zu rufen? Hat er sich da auch langsam fortbewegt oder ist er gelaufen?Rabenfeder schrieb:Erst gerannt, dann langsam gelaufen
oder die ganze Zeit langsam..
oder die ganze Zeit gerannt...
wie auch immer, er hatte Zeit zum Denken..
Oldwadge sagte er wäre erst schnell, dann langsam..
Nel wollte wissen, was OP zu Derman sagte diesbezüglich
der wollte nicht antworten weil er mal wieder abwarten wollte worauf die Frage rausläuft
:-)))Interested schrieb: Weil er a) kein Experte ist und b) so was von biased, dass einem schon schlecht vom Zuhören wird. Weltweit, wenn man sich die anderen Foren und blogs mal so durchliest.
Hope this is the last boring pointless witness defense is calling , it is becoming more clear that as this case is being pointlessly dragged out by the defense team that the judge is so irritated , that at times she cannot hide her satisfaction when Gerrie Nel grills these witnesses cause she cannot do it herself .
During cross-examination of defence witness Professor Wayne Derman, Advocate Gerrie Nel questioned why Oscar Pistorius had frozen when he heard the first sound on the night when Reeva Steenkamp was killed, rather than immediately fighting, as per Derman’s testimony on an immediate-startle response. Derman conceded that during this process – when Oscar had gone to fetch his gun – there had been some thinking occurring. On this line of questioning, tension increased between the witness and Nel with Derman, at one point, asking Judge Masipa to request Nel retract a comment “That is not true” , which she did. Nel wanted to know how long Oscar would have been acting under a fight/flight response, to which Derman responded that there were three fight/flight responses triggered by noises. A back and forth ensued, with Nel pressing the question: would the first noise have caused a fight response that resulted in the actions that the third noise seemed to have? These noises being referred to are the first noise Oscar allegedly heard – the sound of the window opening – and the third noise Oscar allegedly heard – someone moving in the closed toilet cubicle. Derman said he could not say if actions by Oscar were out of fight/flight response zone, although he had conceded that the third startle would need to have happened for the resulting action – shooting Reeva - due to the time frame over which it all happened. Nel argued Derman had contradicted himself, despite Derman stating that he could not assist with the question further.