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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

07.10.2014 um 17:46
Für Interessierte eine Video der Journalistin Sonia Poulton (nicht Teil der MSM - Main Stream Media),
das sie an den thread von Martin Brunt geschickt hat!

Youtube: We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann
We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann
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Published on Oct 7, 2014

This video is in response to the death of Brenda Leyland aka Sweepyface. Despite media demonisation, Brenda was not a troll. She merely didn't believe the abduction theory surrounding Madeleine a McCann. Neither do I. Brenda's name, like mine, was part of a McCann dossier handed to Metropolitan Police. I have today invited the police to interview me. This issue is about a number of things, including censorship, and we must fight it. RIP Sweepyface. I apologise for the quality but recorded it on tablet to get out quickly.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

11.10.2014 um 23:57
Diese Tragödie der Brenda Leyland scheint auf einer konzertierten Akion zu beruhen, die schon lange geplant war und das kürzlich erschienene Buch der Autoren Anthony Summers und Robbyn Swan "unterstützen" sollte. Ein Buch, das jeden Zweifel an den Geschehnissen als "hating" auslegt.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

12.10.2014 um 00:44
Ja!!! ... Hatte ich auch schon gelesen!

Vielleicht ist an dem Pädophilen-Thema doch etwas Wahres dran???
Das würde zumindest die Involvierung" bis in höchste Kreise erklären!

...ein Sumpf, wenn da was "dran" wäre :-(


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

12.10.2014 um 14:21

S. auch hier

...wobei ich die Swinger Theorie nicht glaubhaft finde....


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

14.10.2014 um 20:19
Scotland Yard sind wieder in Portugal und haben heute das Labor aufgesucht, in dem noch diverse Proben aus dem Apartment und dem Leihwagen lagern. Nicht mehr das Meiste, denn das wurde ja nach England geschickt und wohl irgendwann vernichtet. Aber doch wohl noch Haare und evtl. mehr.

Interessant ist, dass nur eine Zeitung dies kurz erwähnte, bevor eine PR Offensive gestartet wurde, dass die 3 Burglar wieder befragt werden sollen und "armer" Paedophile aus Malta wohl irgendetwas mit Maddie's Verschwinden zu tun haben könnten. So sehr vorhersagbar. Der Besuch des Labors ging unter...


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

14.10.2014 um 22:32
danke fuer info


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

20.10.2014 um 13:42
super-interessant finde ich die Einschätzung von "textusa" vom 17.10.2014 zu den momentanen Entwicklungen:

...bin gespannt, ob die 3 Damen recht behalten werden!
Wir werden es erleben!!!

Auch interessant - im Hinblick auf Brenda Leyland: (Archiv-Version vom 14.04.2016)
"Last month McCann and her husband Gerry handed police an 80-page dossier containing hundreds of tweets,"


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

22.10.2014 um 15:06
...wie "beruhigend" :-(
UK online pedophiles too many to prosecute: NCA (Archiv-Version vom 24.10.2014)


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

27.10.2014 um 15:42
Aus den Akten geht ganz eindeutig hervor, dass es sich um Stücke der Netzgardinen, die hinter dem Sofa im Wohnzimmer hingen, handelt und an denen der "Bluthund" Keela angeschlagen hatte.

Wer der Presse hier verweifelt die Schlafzimmergardinen verkauft, die nicht untersucht oder eingesammelt wurden, bleibt offen.

Es scheint als ob SY die Beweiskette Leichenspürhund -> Bluthund -> DNA vervollständigen möchte, denn an der Wohnzimmergardine war sicher kein "Einbrecher/Entführer" zu Gange.

1x zitiertmelden

Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

28.10.2014 um 16:55
Zitat von shirleyholmesshirleyholmes schrieb:Es scheint als ob SY die Beweiskette Leichenspürhund -> Bluthund -> DNA vervollständigen möchte, denn an der Wohnzimmergardine war sicher kein "Einbrecher/Entführer" zu Gange.
...bleibt zu hoffen, dass SY nun tatsächlich "ordentlich" ermittelt...

Wen das DNA-Thema interessiert...
Richard Philips hat auf seinem Blog das DNA-Thema sehr gut und leicht verständlich erklärt -
allerdings wurde er dann von "men in suits" vor weiteren Ausführungen des Themas gestoppt.

...seine Erklärungen bis dahin wurden jedoch (Link) trotzdem gespeichert:


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

28.10.2014 um 19:35
Der Blog ist wieder online

Was Scotland Yard angeht, habe ich schon lange das Gefühl, dass diese Untersuchung in zwei Teams geteilt wurde, genug Leute haben sie ja. Ein Team geht der Theorie einer Entführung nach, das andere untersucht die ursprüngliche portugiesische Theorie weiter.

Das würde erklären warum so unterschiedliche Dinge zu Tage treten - wenn denn mal etwas rauskommt. Einmal die "Burglar" - sicher die einzigen verbliebenen möglichen Personen, die sie entführt haben könnten. Allerdings nur unter haarsträubenden Verrenkungen vorstellbar... Und nun die DNA Untersuchung der Wohnzimmergardinen. Geht beides in total unterschiedliche Richtungen.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

28.10.2014 um 21:58
Wenn ich die google Übersetzung der neuesten Meldung richtig deute, sollen wohl nun auch Spuren aus dem Mietwagen noch einmal untersucht werden. Oo


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

29.10.2014 um 16:43
Hier die englische Übersetzung

Experts from the National Institute of Legal Medicine (INML) analyzed 444 hairs that were collected by the Judicial Police in the months following the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in 2007, in Praia da Luz, Lagos. As far as CM knows, 25 blood and saliva samples, and three other traces found in the room where the girl disappeared, and in the trunk of a car underwent forensic tests. These are some of the vestiges that Scotland Yard now wants to take to England to be retested in a British private laboratory.

The English, as CM reported yesterday, want to re-analyze the curtains that were in Maddie’s room, which were subject to expert analyses by INML in 2007, and which found nothing relevant. The collection of vestiges was made in homes, cars and sofas by experts of the Forensic Science Laboratory of the PJ. Among these vestiges are also hair samples and saliva of several people who were considered important for the investigation. In the list of 444 hairs subject to examination 432 are human and 12 nonhuman, 98 had no correspondence with any DNA profile and 19 gave partial results. The request for re-evaluation of the vestiges, are part of a 6th rogatory letter. This despite the absence of a decision, by the new public prosecutor in Portimão, Inés Sequeira, about the 5th letter, sent by the British to Portugal.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

28.01.2015 um 17:06
EXCLUSIVE: ‘McCanns will lose £1m libel trial’ Judge’s initial findings go against couple

The former Portuguese detective locked in a libel battle with Kate and Gerry McCann is confident of winning the case after a judge accepted some of his arguments.
Published: 00:01, Sun, January 25, 2015
By James Murray

Goncalo Amaral claimed in his book, The Truth Of The Lie, that evidence suggested Madeleine, then three, died in apartment 5a of the Ocean Club in the Algarve’s Praia da Luz in 2007.
The book became a best seller and Amaral also worked on a television documentary detailing its claims.
However, Kate and Gerry McCann sued the detective for libel, claiming the book was a “slander”.
Last week in Lisbon Judge Maria Emilia Melo e Castro set out in some detail what she had found to be proven and not proven, although she has not given her final verdict.
She did not find that because of statements in the book, documentary and a newspaper interview Kate and Gerry had been “completely destroyed” from a “moral, ethical and family point of view beyond the pain that their daughter’s absence causes them”. And she said it was not proven that they would suffer “permanent anguish, insomnia, lack of appetite and an indefinable fear”.
The judge said this psychological state existed before the publication of the book but added that it was normal for the couple to be affected by the book and they would also have “felt badly” over allegations by Mr Amaral that they hid their daughter’s body.
However, it was not possible to determine what most people think after reading Mr Amaral’s theories, she said, and she found it was not proven that the attention of the media and of people in general diminished when Amaral’s book was published.
The judge thought it was proven that some facts in the documentary and book came from police files used by the investigation team, although others did not.
At the libel trial in Lisbon last July Kate, from Rothley, Leicestershire, spent 55 minutes detailing the distress the book and follow-up documentary had caused them, revealing that details of claims had even reached their nine-year-old children, Sean and Amelie.
Kate said: “Sean asked me in October last year, ‘Mr Amaral said you hid Madeleine, didn’t he?’ I just said, ‘He did, and he has said a lot of silly things’.
“I believe that after the book things got worse and were compounded because we were in a more desperate situation and felt defeated.”
Closing her evidence, Kate said: “I do believe in freedom of speech, but I don’t believe freedom of speech means the freedom to slander.”
Heart doctor Gerry McCann told the hearing: “The book is an affront to me, my wife, my family and the people who believe in us.
“The ­documentary is even worse. It starts off that Madeleine is dead, that there is no ­abduction and essentially claims myself, my wife and our friends are liars and would be so cold and ruthless as to hide our ­daughter’s body rather than try to help her should something have happened.
“When the file was closed it was made clear there was no evidence that Madeleine was dead and no evidence Kate and I were responsible for hiding her body.”
The McCanns’ lawyer, Isabel Duarte, could not be contacted by the Sunday Express for her assessment of the judge’s findings to date.
She is hoping to win £1million in damages from Mr Amaral and has always been confident of victory.
Mr Amaral, now retired and living in Lisbon after the break-up of his marriage, went on Portuguese television on Friday morning.
In a long interview he was asked why he wrote the book, and said: “The investigation was at stake, an investigation that was never defended here in Portugal, namely by someone at the top of the Policia Judiciaria and it’s me who defends those initial months of the investigation.”
Mr Amaral said the indications given so far led him to believe that the verdict, which is expected this spring, may be “favourable” to him.
Scotland Yard officers continue to investigate Madeleine’s disappearance but have so far failed to make a breakthrough.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

28.01.2015 um 17:09
Hier das Interview und die Übersetzung (allerdings in Englisch) mit Goncalo Amaral
Anchor – Today, our guest is Gonçalo Amaral who was on the news again yesterday because of the lawsuit that the McCann couple filed against him. Good morning, Gonçalo.

Gonçalo Amaral – Good morning.

Anchor – I read in your book that you wrote this book to defend your honour. The first question that I have for you is: Were you in any way attacked by the McCanns before the publication of the book, or even during the investigation? Were you with them, did you question them?

Gonçalo Amaral – That is a very good question. There was indeed a series of attacks, not just directed at me but at the investigation. Those attacks came not only from the parents’ side, but also from their support staff and from journalists, English and even Portuguese. That honour was not only personal but also professional. The investigation was at stake, an investigation that was never defended here in Portugal, namely by someone at the top of the Polícia Judiciária – and it’s me who defends those initial months of the investigation, and that is what the book was published for. That is one of the issues that are raised by the Lisbon Appeals Court, at the time of the injunction, which supports me, and establishes that it was licit for me to write the book.

Anchor – If you don’t mind, let’s return to the start of this story, the McCann case was the most media exposed ever, as far as the alleged abduction of a child, Madeleine McCann, is concerned. This book, “Maddie, A Verdade da Mentira”, that was written by you, why was it so controversial? What does it contain?

Gonçalo Amaral – What it contains is the conclusions of the process, of a report that exists, in September of 2007, which says that at that moment of the investigation, suspicion falls upon the [McCann] couple in terms of an accidental death inside the apartment, neglect in watching over their children that had been abandoned, and the concealment of a corpse. That is in the process and with this decision, which is not a final decision, it is merely a reply to the facts that were at stake during the trial, it agrees that this was in the process.

Anchor – The process is not concluded yet, it is still ongoing –

Gonçalo Amaral – It is still in the lower court, now there will be legal arguments, then there will be a verdict –

Anchor – We are at the stage of replies to the proved facts, is that it?

Gonçalo Amaral – Proved and not proved.

Anchor – Did you question them? Did you meet them?

Gonçalo Amaral – I met them but the questioning was performed by others, by inspectors. A coordinator does not question directly, that was done by the inspectors. But I met them.

Anchor – You accompanied this process from the beginning…

Gonçalo Amaral – I accompanied the process, the investigation from the 3rd of May of 2007 until I left the investigation on the 2nd of October of 2007. I accompanied it, participating in the investigation.

Anchor – And what happened yesterday? What was the accusation –

Gonçalo Amaral – There was no accusation yesterday. Not yesterday, the day before yesterday. What was done is – there is a decision from the magistrate, the judge, saying what is proved and what is not proved. That decision says that it is not proved that I caused the couple any damages, social or psychological or moral damages. So what was being questioned, it’s not the book that causes such damages; they were already destroyed before the book. That is important. It’s important because in this kind of process, what is at stake, contrary to what the couple said, that what was at stake was the investigation, whether they are guilty or not, none of that was being discussed there. What was at stake there was whether or not that book and that documentary could be made, if they were licit or not, if they caused the couple any damages, and whether or not it was possible to establish a causal nexus between the book and the damages. And the indications that are given lead me, and my lawyer, and people who have already read the document, to believe that there may be – there may be – a favourable verdict.

Anchor – There is a contradiction between the news that came out –

Gonçalo Amaral – There is no contradiction. There is complete manipulation of the media.

Anchor – Can you clarify that?

Gonçalo Amaral - Lusa agency, since all of this began, has been taking sides – I wouldn’t say as much as they have taken the side of the couple, but they have taken the side of the couple’s lawyer. So there have been completely false news about me. I remember an article that was published in 2009 or 2010, which mentioned I was going to be tried over torture in a certain case, that I had been accused of torture. I was in Spain at that time and I called, it was already 7 or 8 p.m. and I said “Excuse me, but this is not true. I am being accused of omitting a denunciation and making a false statement, not of torture”. And the reply that I got from the Lusa journalist was that it’s them that make the news, that it was not for me to meddle with their work and that is how it’s been –

Anchor – Even though they were talking about your life.

Gonçalo Amaral – That’s another thing that happened throughout all of these years, not only the five years of this process, but since 2007 they have been rummaging… I don’t know what else there may be.

Anchor – The fact is that concerning the McCann couple, the McCann couple was never formally tried. They were never accused. So in your book we have a contradiction with the law.

Gonçalo Amaral – What is the contradiction? I don’t accuse them. I am nobody, I’m not a magistrate, I’m not the case magistrate to write up an accusation –

Anchor – But you had knowledge, you were part of the investigation –

Gonçalo Amaral – I was a technician, I’m a technician, and like anyone else, I have the right to an opinion. And as a technician, based not only on my professionalism, but also on my knowledge as a technician, I have the right to have a technical opinion. And that book contains a technical opinion, based on facts that are in the process and that the judge says are in the process. Essentially, as is said, they are in the process. Therefore, saying that they were not accused… The process was – when I left there was already a movement to have the case archived. From the moment that they are made arguidos, everything moves to shelve the case. Interest was lost; the interest was to archive the case. And they succeeded in shelving the case. It was in the couple’s interest to have the case archived, and two things happen: The couple does nothing, and they could have done something when there was a shelving, to continue into the instruction [phase] to keep the process going, for the truth to be found. You see, the conclusions that we reached were the conclusions of an investigation. And an investigation, like someone said, is always a zigzagging of the moment. And we might even have reached the end of the investigation –

Anchor – In this case, this investigation was very traumatising, very disorganised…

Gonçalo Amaral – Disorganised, in what way?

Anchor - Because nothing was concluded, so many years later the child’s whereabouts haven’t been found.

Gonçalo Amaral – Because of interferences that took place, without interferences we would have gone further. Have no doubts about that. That is why the process was archived. When the shelving took place, the couple and another person were arguidos. Any one of them could have requested the opening of the instruction and continued the process. None of them did it, the couple because they didn’t want to, they didn’t want to do it, and the other person because he received compensation from the British courts, so he didn’t do it, he was very satisfied, and now it seems that he is an arguido again. This is what happens –

Anchor - We have to ask one last question. The truth is that the McCann couple – and this is a question and not a statement – demanded compensation worth 1.2 million euro from you because of the publication of the book “A Verdade da Mentira”. This book was very controversial because it was also a success. Many people read it –

Anchor – Many copies were sold.

Anchor – Exactly. Many people read it and created their own opinion. Do you think that in some way that opinion drew people away from the possibility of believing in that child’s parents?

Gonçalo Amaral – No, it didn’t, quite the opposite. The book, which was successful in a way that nobody expected – the contract with the editor was even made based on sales targets, 10 thousand books sold would mean a certain percentage and so on – therefore a very normal contract, nobody was thinking about bestsellers or anything like that. What the book brought was more publicity for the case. And people were not drawn away. There are many people who still defend the couple’s thesis. There are other people – those diverging opinions already existed before the book. They already existed practically before the book. What motivates the couple to file the lawsuit of 1.2 million euro may be the money. They have a firm, a firm where they are members of the board, called Madeleine Fund, which is to look for their daughter, but they are members of the board, it’s a firm, it’s not a social association, or social solidarity, it’s a firm, it’s registered in England as a firm. And what they always wanted was to destabilise me. When they went to Oprah’s programme in the United States, they said it, they wrote on their website that they hope that now nobody believes in that person anymore, for this and that –

Anchor – But Gonçalo, they had to defend themselves with the weapons at hand, if they think they are innocent…

Gonçalo Amaral – Indeed they do. I will give you one example. We speak about the book and we speak about the documentary. We forget another detail. In 2009, in January of 2009, I lived in the Algarve and was indicated to run for mayor of Olhão on behalf of the Social Democratic Party [PSD]. And that alerted that family, that situation of destabilising me, and Mr Gerald McCann came to Lisbon, there’s news from that time, he met with a top political official from PSD who has a French surname, with Dr Rogério Alves and with Dr Isabel Duarte – this is what is said, it’s what was published – and what happened then was that PSD gave me up as a candidate. This puts rights at stake, the rights of a citizen, the rights of a Portuguese citizen, and someone comes from the outside to do it. It’s the right to be elected. And this is when they start thinking about the lawsuit. It’s not about what is in the book, what is in the documentary, because what the book and the documentary contain is what is in the process. They contain technical opinions. And it’s the fear of that issue – when they come over here and put the right to be elected at stake, with the acquiescence of people inside PSD, that this happened.

Anchor – Thank you very much, Gonçalo. Our time is short but this is a subject that we would like to discuss in more depth. We will continue to follow this because the process is still in its early stages.

Gonçalo Amaral – There is no motive to get too excited, but it’s a good indication of what may be the decision.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

04.02.2015 um 14:49

Hoffen wir, dass er Recht behält...


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

09.02.2015 um 14:28
Clarence Mitchell arbeitet nicht mehr für die Familie Mccann

Clarence Mitchell FORMER McCann Spokesman
"CLARENCE MITCHELL (Conservative) Educated at Friern Barnet County School. Media strategy advisor, former spokesman for the McCann family and former BBC journalist"


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

10.02.2015 um 18:08
Macht sich vielleicht schlecht für seinen Wahlkampf für die Konservativen in Brighton Pavillion.

Ich denke er ist nun eher Berater als Sprecher, aber das Schiff kann er gar nicht verlassen.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

15.05.2015 um 16:35
Nova Gente: Interview mit Gonçalo Amaral
15 May 2015 (Archiv-Version vom 20.05.2015)
