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Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

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Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

03.11.2012 um 17:33
jepp, es geht mir um die recht aufdringliche Werbung für die Bar, die durch ihren Mojito und Ernest Hemingways Vorliebe für ihn berühmt wurde:

My mojito in La Bodeguita, My daiquiri in El Floridita.

il 570xN.302102020

Zitat von schelm1schelm1 schrieb:This is Indians' gold and diamonds and they decide.
Wenn das Geld für die in der Karibik aufgefundenen Schätze tatsächlich zum Teil zu den Einheimischen geht statt durch die OX-Kehlen, dann wird diese geschichtsträchtige Stätte bald aussehen wie der Cavern Club in London. Denn was hätten Dennis und Peter schon groß von Schulen und Krankenhäusern, nech? Mit eine Bar zusammenzuarbeiten ist da viel naheliegender.:D

Die Idee zur Schatzsuche in der Karibik stammt übrigens von Titan TV productions, wie ein russisches Vögelchen mir zwitscherte. Ihr "UFO" liegt erstmal auf Eis...


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

04.11.2012 um 18:52
Also zunächst einmal keinen Film. Dann wird das abgelieferte Material wohl enttäuschend gewesen sein.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

10.11.2012 um 09:40
The day that changed my life in 1996
Today 2012-11-09 I am going to Ursvik - Sundbyberg where I saw UFO in 1996.
I will show and tell about what happened ... everything will be filmed and posted on youtube.
The day that changed my life in 1996, what do you think I felt when we find the object in the Baltic Sea in 2011....
I have been a secret with my experience but now I will tell you everything.
Why I not tell you earlier ... Who would believe me.

http://oceanxteam.blogspot.s e


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

10.11.2012 um 09:42


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

10.11.2012 um 11:07

Das ist nichts ein ein kläglicher Versuch, den Stein wieder interessant zu machen. Mitlerweile sollte es doch jedem klar sein, dass es nur heiße Luft war, oder?


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

10.11.2012 um 13:20
Was die Fernsehdoku anbelangt, wurde seitens OX schon angedeutet, dass man keinerlei "Auflösung" erwarten dürfte. Die "Forschungen" seien noch nicht abgeschlossen.

Wie diese "Dokumentation" aussehen wird, weiss ich jetzt schon. Reisserisch und spannend aufgemacht, und am Ende ist man genauso schlau wie vorher.

1x zitiertmelden

Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

10.11.2012 um 13:43
Zitat von poipoipoipoi schrieb:Was die Fernsehdoku anbelangt, wurde seitens OX schon angedeutet, dass man keinerlei "Auflösung" erwarten dürfte. Die "Forschungen" seien noch nicht abgeschlossen.

Wie diese "Dokumentation" aussehen wird, weiss ich jetzt schon. Reisserisch und spannend aufgemacht, und am Ende ist man genauso schlau wie vorher.
Wenn man nur etwas zynisch ist, könnte man vermuten, dass das so gewünscht ist und die Option für einen 2. Teil oder eine Doku-Soap Serie schafft.

Aber da Schatzräubersucher ein Leuchtfeuer der Seriosität und Aufrichtigkeit sind, liegen in diesem speziellen Fall solche Gedanken natürlich fern.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

11.11.2012 um 09:45

? ? ?


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

12.11.2012 um 22:17



Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

13.11.2012 um 14:38
Translation Swedish to English
The day that changed my life, interview with Dennis Åsberg 2012-11-09
Military base FOA, 1996 UFO,

- I had been awake for about ten minutes and, well I'm not in the apartment right now. But just next to us here is the apartment and the bedroom lies towards Järvafältet, and had woken up and was sitting on the bed. I was wide awake, had been awake for about ten minutes. I then looked out the window.
[camera changes to view outside]
[camera changes to view of apartment building]
- Well Dennis, your window was up there, and from there you saw what you saw.
- Yeah.
- Can you explain in more detail?
- Precisely. 1996. Early one morning, I woke up and had been awake for about ten minutes. I sat down on the bed. And this was pretty early, like I said, but the sun had come up a bit but it was a bit orange-yellow still. And what I normally saw when I looked out the window was Ursvik, the way it is.
But in this case there were something new, above Ursvik. And it took me about 3-4 seconds before I realized that this was something new to my eyes, seen before me. And this also made me react.. I said "DAMN.. DAMN, what the FUCK is that!?" sorry for the language, but that's what I said. And behind me was my ex.. well she was my wife back then. She got a bit disturbed with me shouting, it's not something I normally do, if you know what I mean, and I guess she got a bit scared.
So she started moving back there, and I turned to look at her, and then I turned back to look out the window again. And I could see this object the whole time, for ten seconds maybe, about 8-9-10 seconds more perhaps. Meanwhile she was starting to move behind me, getting out of bed. And then what happened was that I... well what I could see was a black, grey, brown object that is over Ursvik.
And towards the end of all this, it was like it angled itself a bit, it took like a second, and then it just vanished... But at the same time, I saw that while it disappeared it came in my direction, towards Stockholm. But it was so fast, it was like as if someone throws a rock towards your face, it wooshed by like BAM! It was lightning fast, and there was no sound, no lights, nothing strange at all, other than the large object itself being there.
Size-wise then, I mean we're not talking about a tiny, tiny thing here... This is like a gigantic object, you couldn't miss it. It does not belong in the sky over there, guaranteed. So yeah I reacted like I did and then it was gone. When that had happened I got up from bed and ran to the other side of the building, and on that side we had a window that was in the same direction as Stockholm, or Solna actually, and eh I stood there looking and eh...
- But it was completely gone?
- Yeah it was completely gone, but that was when the mind started racing, what was.. what did I just see? What was that?
- A lot of people are sure to wonder, why you want to tell us all of this, right now?
- Yeah, and I'm one of them. Why should I?
- This was 1996?
- Yes, that's right eh...
- And I think most people ask themselves that question.
- Yes... It's not easy to answer that, why I'm telling you this now, but... I guess there are reasons now, the finding in the Baltic Sea last year. And eh, I feel like things started to make sense, like pieces of a puzzle. Because I've been wondering, of course, what the heck was it that I saw back in 1996 from my window?
I am convinced, 100% sure that I saw what I saw. There are no hallucinations or funny business, and I was awake for quite a while before seeing it also. So I've analyzed myself many times.
In 2011 when we found this, I mean, I'm a treasure hunter, I look for wrecks, that's what I do. And then to stumble upon this out in the Baltic, that just gave me goosebumps. I mean we all sat there looking like bird-houses, me most of all! Since I had been through all this in '96. And things got really strange in my... planet.
But this doesn't have to mean that what we've found on the ocean floor of the Baltic is a UFO.
- But the feelings you had in your body in 1996 matches the feelings you had at the Baltic site, so it's something of a... parallell...
- Yeah, sure it does. What we found now, in 2011, isn't something normal. That's how it is, and we know that. It is unique. And we've looked at it so many times. But we don't have an answer for what it is yet, today. But it feels really weird, it does.
And then, with this that happened in '96. When you put these two things together... that makes it... really obvious to me, that something strange is happening around us. I am convinced, 110% sure, that we are not alone. That's how it is!
And of course, since that day in 1996, I'm curious, and interested. But I haven't dared tell anyone about this. I chose to keep quiet instead. The only ones who knew was my kids, my sons, and my family.
- What you're telling us now is a story that has been told by thousands of people. The same type of phenomenas. Soundless, gigantic, quick as heck!
- Yes.
- How come you didn't want to share these things?
- *chuckle* Well, yeah... who would believe me? I have a career to think about, back in '96 I had a lot of, I'm an entrepeneur and a businessman. If I were to start telling people I'd seen a UFO, I mean.. hello!? Who would believe me? No, nothing positive would have come out of it, it wouldn't. That's why I decided to be quiet.
But of course, I contacted... back then, in '96, we had modems. I mean, we had internet, but with modems. We didn't have Google and all that stuff we have now. But I remember contacting UFO Sverige (UFO Sweden) back then and sent them an email, describing what I had seen. But there was no response, I never got an answer, so I thought "well so what", I have that experience left within me, and the family knows about it so... that's how it's been, and after that I just, kept quiet. But what happened in 2011 stirred up lots of things again of course. So I might as well say what I've seen.
- Let's take a walk towards the area where you saw this.
[camera changes]
- Like I said, up here... let's see, it's four floors from.. yeah, the fourth floor. The highest floor of this building, that's where I lived. The window faced this way, and over there... is Järvafältet. And that's where FOA (the Swedish Defence Research Unit) is.
- What's that?
- Well... I've read up on it now, since the happening of '96, and they conducted research, and they had a nuclear weapons program, and so on... Plutonium experiments, and also the radio bits... well they have had a lot of top secret stuff going on over there. So of course, when I saw this object, I got curious and started looking for a reason.
And actually, my grandfather, he worked there. I grew up in Ursvik in the '60:s and my grandfather was an inventor and an engineer in radio technology, and he was employed by the Swedish Defence and stationed at FOA. Anyway, this has nothing to do with what happened, but I wanted you to know that I know they have been up to things that are -a bit- secret.
When I saw this object, I started making connections, well. Yeah, over there, that's where it is. Nowadays there's almost nothing left of it. We're going over there to have a look. It's a residential area now but throughout the 30:s and all the way to the 80:s... in the 90:s they started to dismantle their operations. But now it's public housing, most of FOA.
[camera changes, view from car]
- This road is called Örsvängen, it leads to Ursviksvägen which in its turn leads towards Enköpingsvägen. So now we're going in that direction, towards Ursvik, where I saw the object.
[camera changes]
[camera changes]
- So this is Ursvik, this is the old Ursvik school. I went to school here for two years, late 60:s early 70:s. Up ahead is KONE elevators, and the area we're about to enter was a restricted area up until the late 1990:s, and that's because FOA had their business there.
All of this area could be seen from the bedroom window back where I lived. I could see all of Järvafältet and all of Ursvik
- Can you describe any colours? When it comes to the object I mean.
- No that's really difficult to say. Brown, black and grey... more brown than black. No smooth surfaces, looks very rough, really hard to say because of the great distance, but I can see that there are no smooth surfaces on the object reflecting light or anything. It's quite the opposite, muted and dark. And there are some type of constructions on the object...
- There aren't many details on it really?
- No
- It's more like, bigger...
- Yeah it's really big, it's really hard to say. When you've seen it from back there, and you come over here and try to make sense of how big it actually was... and I know it sounds weird... but when I come here I see that has to have been something like 1000 meters wide (just under 1100 yards), or I might be wrong, maybe it was more like 800 meters (875 yds). But I thought we should go here. I've taken my sons here and explained to them what daddy saw. So, this is the new Ursvik area, you see some public housing. This road leads down to FOA:s security center, security station, the barrier. Hopefully it's gone now, I think it's gone now. I don't even know if the building is still there, we'll see. It'll be interesting. These are houses that also used to belong to the Defence. And here, where we are now, and a good distance both ahead of us, and behind us...
- The object.
- This was where it was.
- So if you would have stood here looking up, it might have looked like a big black cloud above maybe?
- Yeah. Exactly. To me it's so weird, if that's the case, that I'm the only one who has seen it.
- No, because you haven't heard of anyone else seeing this?
- I.. well like I said before, I haven't really looked into it that much. I sent a mail to UFO Sverige but got no reply, so therefore I decided not to go public with what I had seen. But of course, back then I went on Altavista and all these old search engines that were available in the 90:s, trying to find out if it was something related to the airforce or something, but no. Nothing.
[camera changes]
- We've now passed through the military security point that existed back then. We're now in a military area like it was back then, but it's not military any more. But this, on the left side, the national guard used to be stationed. I don't know if they still are.
- In this white building?
- Yes. But everything you can see here used to be a military area. Here's a system of bunkers, or storage, inside the mountain. There are more places like that. But you know, it's civilian now.
- Have you doubted what you saw Dennis?
- Not for a second. I know what I've seen. I'm 110% sure that it's something, but I don't know what it is. I've seen it and it doesn't belong here. It's something that flew very fast, when it left and... so it's... I don't doubt what I've seen for a second.
- Were you curious if the people working here back then, if they saw something?
- Absolutely! Of course. Seeing as how I've made this public, of course I hope that someone else who might have seen this says something.
- Let's call upon them!
- Yeah, right... well, I don't doubt myself for a second. I'm sure I saw something, however I can't know what it was. All I know is that it was in the sky over Ursvik and that I saw it for nearly 15 seconds. And when I had looked at it for a while, it felt just like... a funny feeling, eh... that it knew it was being observed and just angled itself... and it was so fast this... this whole situation, everything went so fast.
It angled upwards and just took off, like I said. And I was like, in shock. I didn't really understand what I saw. It took a while for the brain to catch up and start processing it.
When you see something that's completely new to the eyes, it takes a while until you reach the insight that, that doesn't belong there, that's something strange, that came from above, that flew away and so on, and... There were many thoughts going through my head. And they still do.
Here you can see all these old disused military... here's a big... And we have no idea, I mean FOA used to be a defence research unit... I mean a SECRET one.
- Right... So how did your family react then? When you told them this?
- Hahaha, yeah precisely. How did my family react. It's pretty funny actually. Well... "daddy daddy, how are you feeling?", kinda.
- *both* hahahaha!
- No that was actually how it was. But you know, I don't usually lie to my family, or to anyone else for that matter, so I had no problems convincing them this was for real, so they believed me. Which I am grateful for. Lying to your family, to your kids about seeing an object in the sky, an object that I saw for ten minutes (seconds?), why the hell would I do that? There's no reason for it.
Now I did this, told them, that is... and they listened, my ex-wife as well. But, what to do? There's nothing more to be done. They can't do anything, and I can't do anything. Other than facing the facts. That it is something.
- And to find out what's on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
- Yeah, right. Quite a coincidence. Strange, huh?
- Yes.
- It's very, very peculiar
- It is.
- Let's turn around here.
- This was really nice to see!
- Yeah.
- Real nice!
[camera changes a few times]
- It would be cool to know what they were up to here...
- Yeah, precisely.
- But this is a closed down area now, right?
- Yes FOA was closed during the 90:s, that's when they started to shut it down.
- What does FOA stand for? Försvarets... Obligatoriska.. Ans..?
- Försvarets Forskningsanstalt, I believe. They did research here.
[camera changes]
- Cranium! Anyway, it would have been very interesting to find out what they were working on here on that specific morning, when you saw what you saw here.
- Yeah, I really don't know. But I know that during 96-97, during that period, FOA were decommissioning this place, slowly but surely. Other than that, I don't know. Question is, did it really need to happen something special here for it to be here, I have no idea. But I have seen it! The object was here, right up here! That is something no one can change. I've seen it *haha*, that's it.
[camera changes a few times]
[changes to english for a while]
- And these are some military garges, nothing strange about them. Then there's some sort of building up here... um that also has civilian uses now, no idea what it used to be. But like you can see, if you look out to the right. Everywhere, they've worked themselves into the mountains. Much of the operations taking place here, I'm pretty convinced it was subterranean. You can see the ventilation shafts coming up, up here *points* you can see a bunch of pipes just sticking out of the mountain. To your right here, you can see lots of ventilation pipes coming out of the mountain. So lots of it was under ground, their operations.
- It would be exciting to go down there.
- Yeah, but I think most, if not all of it is gone now. That's for sure.
- [joking] This will be Area 52 then.
- Yes, well, It wouldn't surprise me actually. You'll have to keep in mind that Sweden have always been one of the worlds most.. we've been on the frontier with developing new technology, way ahead of even the Americans. And why wouldn't Sweden be involved, when it comes to... "it". If that's how it was.
- It's a bit scary just to say it, isn't it?
- mhmm, but we know that we Swedes are pretty good at stuff.
- [joking] We're good at standing in line!
- And we also know that the Swedes have collaborated with the Yankees. And that's a fact. And this is, like you can see, different sections, underground. All the way here, and it continues on the other side too. Um... very interesting. And something they also did, on the other side of the area, we're going there to have a look, I know they did animal research there.
- mhmm
- Yeah, lots of it, with monkeys and dogs, and very much animal research.
- I had no idea.
- Nope. But they did.
[camera changes]
- Well, now we're parked in a part of the area here were... I thought we should go down to a different area where FOA... FOA had a very big area of land here in Ursvik, and this is the eastern part of it.
- Would the object have been on top of us, if..?
- Yeah, exactly. It would have been above us, but also over the other area we're going to. From what I could see from my bedroom window, it looked like it was all the way from, well where we're going now, and back past the shooting range we passed back there *points back*. So that's... it's not something small we're talking about.
- If we think about its shape. What shape do you think it had?
- Well that's, I actually saw that towards the end, when it took off. When it angled up. Before that I saw it from the side, and that looked... like a sausage. A brown, grey, black sausage with some texture, structured in some way. But as it angled up, during that second, I saw it was oval-round, from that angle.
- Like a gigantic frisbee?
- Yeah. That's right. And then it disappeared, so damn fast.
- Did you see if it was flat on the bottom or was...
- No, no it was too dark. The top side was... The sunlight hit the top of the object, and made it look brown. So the light reflected off the object. When it angled up, it was completely dark under the object, so I didn't see anything of that, other than its contours. I saw that it was round-oval. And then it was gone. But I thought we should go over here, and have a look around.
- This is some real good material Dennis.
- Yeah, up here is one of the security checkpoints, which was active during that period. Also this row of buildings were military, almost everything we see here is. This building, on our right. The more fancy-looking one. That was the home of the officers, it belonged to the Defence this building.
Up here, in these woods, I've been running and skiing lots of times when I was a kid. Ursvik. Perfect place for a jog. Can't get any better.
- Is there lots of new buildings?
- Yeah, no it's not at all the same anymore. Oh, cars behind us, so.. um... Yeah absolutely, Ursvik is nothing like it was from the beginning. It's all new. Everything you can see here is new. New-new-new-new. So most of the military area is gone, nearly all of it. Apart from what we saw back there, and now we're going down to another area that still have some buildings left from that time.
But this was a restricted area, you couldn't just wander in here anyway you wanted. It was well protected.
[camera changes]
- We're driving into an area that also were part of FOA, you can see the old fences here, still left. Up here they had a research unit, where they conducted animal experiments and things of that nature. A whole bunch of stuff was being done here. This is still a protected area, but mostly civilian these days. But there are gates here, so we're not getting in. And, it belongs to FOA.
[camera changes]
- Any memories coming back now?
- Yeah it does, absolutely. It's been a while since I last were here. Like I said, I moved from Sundbyberg a bunch of years ago. Moved to Solna and lived in Råsunda. And then I moved out to Roslagen, you know. So it's been many years since I last were here.
- Have you thought about how high from the ground the object may have been?
- Well I think it must have been 2-300 meters (220-320 yds). It wasn't much more than that.
- It was pretty close then?
- Yes actually. 2-300 meters, would be my guess. Using references as seen from my window. And what we can see on the images taken from this camera, we can see these high buildings which lies just beyond here *points*. But those weren't there back then. Back in 96, no high buildings existed here. But we had KONE. This tower, we can go up there later, and I'll show you. That's what I used as a reference back then. Let's go up there and have a look.
- Let's do it!
[camera changes]
- Like I said, I think it's fantastic. Why would one put so much energy and effort into convincing people that you've seen what you've seen if everything was made up? What would you gain from that?
- [Dennis] Not one goddamned thing. That's why I've been keeping my mouth shut about this. I didn't say anything because, if I did say something, I would get mocked for it. And I have no desire to be put through all that crap. Even though It'll probably be like that now, guaranteed. But what the hell, nevermind. I'll stand up for what I'm saying. I've seen what I have seen. And I know that I was healthy at the time, hehe. So there are no hallucination or anything weird. I mean sure, people can see weird stuff when they have just woken up sometimes. But in this case, I had been awake for some time, and my mind was clear. So I'm sure I HAVE seen this, and that it was real. So no dreams or hallucinations. And why I kept quiet? Well it's like I told you before, it's... it's kind of embarrassing, it's tough.
- You might as well be talking about vampires, right?
- Yeah precisely, or ghosts, or something weird like that. Absolutely. But now it's done, I've said it. And I stand for it, doesn't matter what people say. I know what I have seen.
Now we're entering a neighborhood in old Ursvik, this is where I grew up. Actually in that house, the yellow, big one over there, on Länsmansbacken. Let's take that road down... This is Länsmansbacken.
- Mr. Åsbergs cradle.
- This is my uncle!
[camera changes]
*Dennis waves*
- Yeah, now we've seen where I grew up, in Ursvik. And this, what we're doing now, I would never have... I would not have mentioned this to you, or anyone else, about this if we wouldn't have found that thing in the Baltic, that much is clear to me. Never. Not a chance. I did mention it, once, but never got a reply. And that made me decide to keep it for myself and my family.
And I didn't want to speak to anyone about it, because it can only reflect on me negatively; getting seen as some dork of some kind. And I did not feel like that. But we did discover what we did out there on the Baltic, and I felt like it was time to speak up about this. The world can think, interpret and have any opinions they want.
Now we're going to visit another place situated in... this object, like I said, hovered over Ursvik. It was so large that it reached all the way to the place we were at last, and it also reached to another place I'm heading to, and that's the shooting range, well it has new buildings there now, but let's go there.
- The object was above that too?
- Yes, or the edge of it was.
- Yeah.
- Where I showed you the buildings, shelters in the mountains, that was more to the middle of the object.
- Fantastic!
- Mm
- Completely incredible!
- Let's go and have a look. And this is also part of the old Ursvik...
[camera changes]
- From where we stand now. In that direction, straight ahead. When this object took off, that's the direction it was heading.
- Towards Sirius.
- Towards Stockholmos. Skanstull. Or no, let's see, Norrtull actually.
- What if there is someone who's like "I saw it too! Finally!!!"?
- That's what I hope for, seeing as how I go public with this now, I hope I'm not the only one who saw this. And um... yeah, that's what I hope for.
Now we're going into the old Järva shooting range. Nowadays a public housing area. This whole area up ahead used to be a shooting range back in the days. All of this. So this was a military exercise area, and also civilian if you had joined a gun club and so on. Even I as a teenager, I used to lie here and fire away. This was the shooting range. It was a big one.
We're going to continue out on Järvafältet and I'll show you where the edge of the object was. When we were back there we couldn't see... the... hm, let's see so I don't go the wrong way here, um... They've rebuilt everything here so it's really difficult to... get a grip on how it...
[camera changes]
- This is the old surplus warehouse, nothing particular with that, but just like all the places I've shown you they have built, and built, and built, and built, so it's.. But back here is the old surplus warehouse, and that has been there quite some time. And also the eastern conscription office, as it was called, back when you were surveyed for conscription, for military duty. I did that too, and I was here for my survey. And also the old ÖB (the surplus warehouse), which now is a nationwide chain of stores.
- Yeah.
- But this was where it all started in the seventies. Now we'll travel through some forest roads heading down to Järvafältet. Järvafältet today has some activities in the form of dog clubs and also pistol shooting ranges, don't know if they're still active over here. The stone crushing... I don't even know if the roads are still here.
But this is also an old military area, here's another military building, owned by the defence industry. And... I can't even go this way, they've removed the old roads! So getting there this way won't happen... let me think, is there another way down there... Yes, there's another way, maybe. Let's try to get in that way.
- The sky is getting really beautiful, right?
- Yeah it reminds me of... had it only been a bit more, yellowish..
- Mm..
- We would have had the same kind of light I had back when I saw this object. All this is new. New-new-new. This is also the old shooting range.
- And this was only back in '96. They've built a lot.
- Yep. They've done that in Sumpan. All of Solna and Sundbyberg. It's been really exploited. It's nowhere nere the way it was before. So it feels a bit strange driving here now.
- Yeah, I agree with you.
- Eh, yeah especially when you have been running around here playing as a kid, you know... in these woods and... driving a moped, and motorbikes, and all kinds of fun stuff we've been doing in these woods.
We're going in another way, to see if it's still there. It should lead down to this dog club, Stockholms Brukshundsklubb. Or is it Solna-Sundbybergs Brukshundsklubb..? That's a piece of Järvafältet, where one edge of the object were.
- So how old were your kids at the time?
- well Kevin was born in '92 and Jimmi '88.
- Like me.
- Yeah, like your age. And this was in '96 so... Jimmi remembers this clearly, Kevin has a faint memory of it.
- How did Jimmi react to this?
- *laughs* well he was.. really surprised.
- Hah!
- Of course, but I don't think he really understood what was going on. Not until he got a bit older. But absolutely, I did tell my family, I did. And that's where I... I didn't go further than that. And my parents.
- It's funny how you didn't get any reply from Clas Svahn (UFO Sweden).
- Yeah, I'm not sure this mail went straight to Clas Svahn back then, it was more to the general UFO organisation. They had some kind of mail where you could... Here's a military area too, you can see the old gates and stuff here, let's go in and see if we end up down there. Here there are more buildings from the military era, and um... ookay. It doesn't look like I can drive much further. It looks fenced off right now. Unfortunately.
- [joking] No guided UFO-tours here?
- Nope, not much. So we're screwed, we're not getting there.
- But we're right underneath the object and driving around now, or?
- No, that's where we were in the beginning, that was right underneath it. Umm... actually, and there's that sign "Solna-Sundbybergs Brukshundsklubb" and [reads other sign] Stop! No unautorized entry to this workplace. Parents are responsible for their childrens actions... So it's a workplace here.
But if we were to continue down this road, we would reach the dog club. But it's fenced off, so... We'll have to go there some other time, by foot.
- What a shame!
- Ah, we'll just walk over there some day.
- And maybe more people wants to join us?
- Absolutely! Now we've done it, so I might as well invite others and show them too.
- Apart from it feeling like you were being observed by it, like "they" knew that you saw them. Was there something else that were, special about this whole experience?
- No, I don't know if it was anything else special other than that. That was special enough for me! I got that feeling, when I say that I think they felt watched and... because of that, left. Yeah, that feeling came to me just after they had left. It was just like they... they felt, or somehow found out that I was seeing them. That's the feeling I got. But other strange feelings... no. No nothing other than a great surprise. Goosebumps over my entire body, and an inner frustration which remains to this day, I mean it's still there!
But just as it happened, and it vanished, I also got pissed off. I ran through the apartment to the other side, you know, to see it again, and I didn't. That's when I started thinking that "damn, that was something really cool I got to see" and it was for the last time. And I really wanted to see more of this object, so badly. But I never got the chance to do that. And that's something I have to carry with me, always.
And what happened now, in 2011, yeah, maybe you can understand, see how I feel. That frustration that has been within me since that day in 1996, it has changed me, changed my planet inside my head, and given me insights. That I am... I'm definitely not alone, together with all the people on earth, as the only intelligent species in our universe. That's something I'm 110% certain of. And that has lead me to see things in a way that maybe other doesn't. I am proud, and I am happy to have seen this, but of course, I hunger for more. I am curious, and I want an answer to this. Why is it the way it is? And if they are watching us, and if they're here...
- *both* continually...
- Then why is that? That's a questionmark I'm looking to straighten out.
- And somewhere, at the end of this journey, we might find out...
- That's not impossible. But when it comes to the Baltic Sea, and what we've found there... yeah, I don't know. I have no idea. But like you've seen in all the pictures and the facts that has been presented.. it really looks like an object that has gotten there, and was dragged across the bottom, and is really old. And it looks constructed. But if that's what it actually IS, that... that remains to be seen.
- Yeah it's suspicious, without doubt.
- Yes absolutely, it is. It is strange.
- It is.
- It's a mystery.
- It is a mystery, that's it. Built on pure facts, and technology perhaps.
- Yep.
- But to us it's a mystery, because we've never seen it before.
- Nope, precisely.
- How would an ant react to finding a soda can if it hadn't seen one?
- You'll have to ask the ant. Will you get an answer?
- No.
- No. We're not on the same level.
- Because the ant doesn't understand what I'm saying either.
- No, exactly.
- Um, so yeah, we might never get an answer to this during our time as people. We don't know, but we're doing the best we can, hopefully. But in my case, I've seen it. I know that it's there...


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

13.11.2012 um 22:24
Boah...ich habe lange - ich meine wirklich lange nicht mehr hier mitgelesen...hab' mal einige Seiten aufgearbeitet.

Und was muss ich feststellen?!
Nichts wirklich Neues - außer das das OX-Team anscheinend immer noch um's Verrecken versucht die ganze Geschichte am Laufen zu halten, mittlerweile bemüht er auch UFO-Geschichten....manmanman...

Werbetrommel rühren extrem...auf das der Rubel nicht das Rollen aufhört...

Leider ziemlich enttäuschend...

Heppy ehemaliges Mitglied

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Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

14.11.2012 um 03:14
Wohl alles fake^^ Ich hab noch nen besseren, lohnt sich da nachzuforschen: "Nazischatz im Senftenberger See von Aliens und CIA versucht zu bergen, Reichsflugscheiben verhinderten vorhaben unter Kontrolle des KGB" xD

Und wenn jetzt keiner Anfängt in dem See zu stochern werd ich Wild! Ich seh das xD
B2T: warum hat man nur auf so Seiten wie GW und hier damit zu tun? In den Nachrichten hab ich davon nichts mitbekommen^^

MfG Heppy™


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.11.2012 um 22:52
Hier ist ja ziemlich viel zusammengekommen

Gibts jetzt schon irgendwelche Fakten oder glaubhafte Theorien?

Oder ist da immernoch von Star Wars ein Fluggerät abgestürzt?^^


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.11.2012 um 23:03
Tote Hose, und dass schon seit einigen Wochen. Sogar der Film ist verschoben worden - wenn er denn jemals zu sehen sein wird.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.11.2012 um 23:04
Welcher Film?
ALso ich bin wieder zu diesen Thema gefunden, weil ich mir auf Youtube die 25 mysteriösesten Archäoligischen Mysterien (oder so ähnlich) angeschaut hab und da landete dieses Thema auf Platz 2


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.11.2012 um 23:56
Film: Die haben doch alle Bilder und Videos verkauft an eine omimöse Filmproduktionsgesellschaft, die daraus im Rahmen einer Sendereihe über "die großen Geheimnisse der Menschheit" oder so ähnlich einen Beitrag machen wollte. Irgendwann im August oder September gab es sogar einen trailer. Das wars aber bisher.
Youtube: Die hinken der aktuellen Entwicklung offenbar hinterher.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

25.11.2012 um 09:20
Das Video, welches ich gestern gesehen habe, war ja nicht mehr so aktuell :)


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

02.12.2012 um 11:37
Durch das Konzentrieren auf die vorgekauten Themen werdet Ihr nie Antworten
finden, die Euch die Wahrheit sagen. Wer gelernt hat zwischen den Zeilen zu
lesen, ist klar im Vorteil. Außerhalb des Waldes gibt es mehr Antworten zum Wald. eine Nachrichtenseite unterscheidet beim Schreiben zwischen Ufo's und
Flugscheiben. Die Russen haben auch eine Luft- und Weltraumverteidigung. Es gibt
geförderte deutsche Filme, die sind auf dem ersten Blick albern, enthalten aber beim
genauen Betrachten eine komplette Geschichte.

Wieso wird die Antarktis, reich an Bodenschätzen, so geschützt, wegen der Natur oder
weil man Völkerrecht zwar verbiegen, aber nicht brechen darf? Sonst gibt es Haue? ;-)

Antworten finden, werdet Ihr vielleicht eher wie manch einem lieb ist. Wie sagte doch
Putin und Berlusconi sinngemäß im Jahre 2010, September, politische Führer werden
mindestens 120 Jahre alt, Ministerpräsidenten nicht, die sind müde. ;-)

Wenige werden vielleicht geschützt und könnten am Himmel mehr sehen wie eine Mehrheit.

MfG nikralle


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

02.12.2012 um 12:03

Du glaubst also, daß da unten ein UFO liegt, oder was wolltest du uns mit deinem Beitrag sagen?


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

02.12.2012 um 12:07
Und wurde daraus jetzt was?
