Der Dyatlov-Pass-Vorfall
11.10.2010 um 12:21rechtschreibfehler: da eine lawine ausgeschlossen wurde.
Da habe ich eben was gefunden: Wikipedia: Polarlichtenigma1968 schrieb: auch die orangen lichter am himmel weisen sicher nicht auf atomtests hin- die sehen sicher anders aus-
Nachtloewe schrieb:denn für die Gruppe muss ein möglicher Tod durch erfrieren nicht so schlimm vorgekommen sein wie das, vor dem sie weggerannt sind.
@Nachtloeweenigma1968 schrieb:das schreit doch nach fremdeinwirkung. und diese war sicherlich schlimmer, als der tod durch erfrieren- da gebe ich dir uneingeschränkt recht.
Six of the group members died of hypothermia and three of fatal injuries.
To dispel the theory of an attack by the indigenous Mansi people, one doctor indicated that the fatal injuries of the three bodies could not have been caused by another human being, "because the force of the blows had been too strong and no soft tissue had been damaged".Das heißt, dass einige sich vor dieser Kraft retten konnten und dann an der Kälte starben... seltsam, bei einer so mächtigen unbekannten Kraft...
The tent had been ripped open from within.Keine Ahnung, wie verlässlich diese Information ist...
Das kann ich mir eher wenig bis gar nicht vorstellen, dass die an sowas gedacht haben, während sie bei -30° in nem Zelt kauern.THCobold schrieb:"welch lustig späßchen das nun wär!" und macht komische yeti/bär/monster geräusche.
Dem kann ich mich nur 100% anschließen.darkylein schrieb:Ich glaube nicht, dass sie so fahrlässig waren. Ich will Sportler nicht in Himmel loben, aber eben die Tour schien sehr anspruchsvoll zu sein, und nur weil sie Russen sind ihnen Vodka anzuhängen? Also bitte Leute, kommt mal von den Schubladisierungen weg!
I think that the following explanation is at least plausible: a relatively small, local avalanche or snowdrift of some kind, which could have been exacerbated or even caused by the way the snow was packed around the tent on the slope, covered the tent with snow at some point during the night, severely injuring and possibly immediately killing several of the people inside.
The tent was cut open and may have filled with fine snow, which would help explain why no clothing or belongings were taken from inside at that time. At any rate, the fact that the tent was cut wide open indicates an extremely dire predicament, since it meant that it could not easily be used again. Those who could not get out were pulled out, and possibly had to be excavated from beneath several feet of snow.
The group went downhill, either in an attempt to make for their labaz, as Abramovitz suggests, or just to seek a relatively sheltered place in the woods to camp, knowing their tent was not salvageable. Some may have gone barefoot because of their hurry; it also strikes me that going without skis might have been the only way to ensure strong footholds down the mountain in the event that some of the victims had to be carried.
A campfire was started on the edge of the wood, and an undetermined amount of time passed, during which some or all of the injured may have died from their severe wounds. It was probably during this time that the clothes were redistributed, and some of the people who gave up clothing, particularly the two Yuris, may not have been dead yet; I think this is likely because much of the clothing had been cut away in strips rather than simply removed whole.
I do not think that the four bodies found last, in the ravine, would have been taken to their final location 50 yards away from the campfire until after they had died, or at least until hope of maintaining an adequate fire was given up. Since they appear to have been transported via the broken branches, they probably died much earlier than at least some of the first five victims to be found.
And why was Ludmilla missing her tongue? The only feasible explanation is that she swallowed it, possibly in the throes of a violent death beneath the snow.
Especially if some of the party had given up their clothes, the better-dressed people found between the fire and the tent, including Dyatlov, would have tried to return to the tent to recover anything left inside. Because they were traveling back up the steep mountain in a blinding snowstorm, these three never made it back to the tent and were found where they fell en route.
Da werden die Gerichtsmedizinischen Untersuchungen wörtlich zitiert (über mehrere Seiten). - Danach folgen eigene Vermutungen und Theorien, die letztendlich in einer "James-Bond Geschichte" enden. ;) :Denigma1968 schrieb:bin mir fast sicher, daß im link von @rottenplanet der todeszeitpunkt oder die gerichtsmedizinischen untersuchungen aufgezeichnet sind.
Auf den Fotos sieht man die Leiche, wie sie mit dem Gesicht (mit offenem Mund) im Bachbett liegt (kleiner Wasserfall).enigma1968 schrieb:ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß die zunge durch eigenes abbeißen verschwunden sein soll.