Hier ein Bericht über einen angeblichen Vampir, der anscheinend gerne an unbescholtenen Taxifahrern knuspert.
:) "Vampire” Assailant Wanted in Attack on Cabbie

"Somebody call Buffy! Police in New York City are looking for an armed robber that not only pulled a gun on a poor cabbie, but also ferociously bit him, sort of like a vampire… but not as cool.
The nefarious suspect was reportedly picked up by a livery cab at Lexington Ave. and 130th street in Manhattan and taken to West 180 St. and Davidson Ave. in the Bronx. Once there, he pulled out his gun and tried to rob the driver, WCBSTV.com reported.
The cabbie, Mahmoud Seck, told WCBS that he struggled with the gunman a bit, and just when he appeared to get the upper hand, the wannabe vamp bit him like a mad man in the neck, near his elbow, his back and his head. Seck said the crook in his back seat told him he was about to die when he demanded the money.
"Your family --- expects to see you dead!" Seck said, recounting what he remembers his assailant saying.
The suspect then took off, luckily he didn’t score any cash (but I bet he got away with a couple mouthfuls of blood).
The good thing is cabs have cameras that take photos whenever the doors open and the NYPD has released this photo of the suspect, described as a male Hispanic in his 30s, about 6 feet tall and 180 pounds. Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.
While the media has this would-be robber labeled as the “vampire attacker” I’m going to take a shot and guess that he probably isn’t a real vamp, so don’t get too excited. Because really, if he was a badass immortal he wouldn’t have busted out a gun, and he wouldn’t of left that cabbie alive, that’s for sure. But, real vampire or not this guy definitely has some major issues."
http://www.vampires.com/vampire-assailant-wanted-in-attack-on-cabbie/Liebe Grüße