@Bodo Und was meinst du? Woraus entsteht er?
Ich bin mir sicher, dass es Unsicherheit beider Geschlechter resultiert.
Sie dir mal an, wie international über uns gedacht wird.
"The Spiegel Online, in the run-up to the German World Cup in 2006, provided some guidelines for foreign fans looking to “score a German” after the game. Would-be seducers should be cautious, it warned, since saying hello to a German lady “comes across as overly forward”. Saying hello? What is this, the 19th century? The Deutsche Welle, offering advice to international students on the subject of flirting, also advises caution. Apparently, “eye contact and good manners” will get you much further than “exaggerated macho posturing”. It seems the definition of flirting auf Deutsch is still limited to a stony-faced stare from across the room."
Vor allem der letzte Satz: "It seems the definition of flirting auf Deutsch is still limited to a stony-faced stare from across the room." sollte einen zu Bedenken geben...