Oscar Pistorius, das Model, der Valentinstag und das war dann Notwehr
12.04.2014 um 09:32@schokoleckerli
Es werde Licht, was wäre wenn wir Nel nicht hätten.schokoleckerli schrieb:Ich denke, Nel wird ihn am Montag dazu befragen :)
Let There Be Light
© Shane13
In the beginning, there was light in the bedroom, as Oscar and Reeva argued for an hour.
Then Oscar said, ”Let there be Pitch Dark” and all was dark in his affidavit-world.
So Darkness had descended upon his bedroom.
But then his allibi-world needed some light and Oscar said, “Let there be LED—Blue.” And blue light descended upon his bedroom. So that Oscar could see Reeva allegedly in bed for a moment in time [like tears in the rain].
But then Oscar needed the Pitch Dark again, so that he could not see that Reeva was not in bed. So Oscar now said, ”Let there be Blue Denim Jeans” to bring forth Pitch Dark once again, in the bedroom. And so the blue light vanished, and there was pitch dark descended once again upon the bedroom. And Oscar and Roux said all was good.
And because Oscar next needed noise and an excuse to chase after Reeva into the bathroom where she now hid for her dear life, Oscar said, ”Let there be noise of opening a window in the bathroom. And lo and behold, a miracle occurred, and the bathroom window opened upon itself!
And Oscar then said all was good—I mean bad. And then Oscar descended upon the alleged intruders. And with great [self-]righteousness, Oscar slayed the alleged intruder trapped behind the loo door.
And as he soon cradled his actual victim, poor Reeva, in his arms, Baba called from on high, and asked Oscar, what was going on at his home, as people heard gunshots,
and Oscar then said, ”Everything is Fine.”
And later there was Nel to bring back the light, we all hope…
And if not, let the People in their wisdom bring light to this, for Reeva deserves the light of truth and justice.
Let there be light.