Oscar Pistorius, das Model, der Valentinstag und das war dann Notwehr
30.03.2014 um 20:04Wenn man Vorsatz nicht beweisen kann, bleibt die Tötung als tragischer Unfall. Fahrlässige Tötung...
ist die Abwehr eines vermeintlichen, vom Handelnden nur angenommenen, in Wirklichkeit aber nicht bestehenden Angriffs. Da objektiv kein Angriff vorliegt, ist keine Notwehrlage gegeben und die Handlung nicht gerechtfertigt, sondern rechtswidrig. Es liegt ein Erlaubnistatbestandsirrtum vor, der im Strafrecht wie ein Tatbestandsirrtum zu behandeln ist. Lit.: Graul, E., Notwehr oder Putativnotwehr, JuS 1995, 1049
Vorsätzliche Verwirklichung eines Straftatbestandes in der irrigen Annahme von Umständen, bei deren Vorliegen tatsächlich die Rechtfertigung aus Notwehr (§32 StGB) gegeben wäre. Die Fehlvorstellung kann sich darauf beziehen, dass sich
der Täter einen gegenwärtigen rechtswidrigen Angriff
vorgestellt oder dass ihm Tatsachen unbekannt waren, derentwegen seine Verteidigungshandlung nicht mehr erforderlich oder geboten war. Erlaubnistatbestandsirrtum
In serious criminal cases in the High Courts, two assessors are appointed to help the judge.
At the conclusion of the court case they give the judge their opinion, which helps the judge to make a decision.
Then there are High Courts which used to be called “The Supreme Courts”. They listen to any case which is too serious for the Magistrate’s Court or when a person or organization goes to the court to change a decision of a Magistrate’s Court, which means appealing a case.http://www.justice.gov.za/about/sa-courts.html (Archiv-Version vom 20.03.2014)
Cases of the High Court are listened to by one judge, meaning a person with many years of practical experience. But if it is a case on appeal, then at least two judges must hear the case.
Sometimes if the case is about a very serious crime then a judge and two experienced people in law who are usually advocates or magistrates who have retired, will listen to the case. The two people are called assessors. Even if there are assessors, the judge does not have to listen to what they believe, but they usually help the judge make a decision.
The High Court divisions have “jurisdiction” – the right to hear a case – over defined provincial areas in which they are situated, and the decisions of the High Courts are binding on Magistrate’s Courts within their areas of jurisdiction. They usually only hear civil matters involving more than R100 000, and serious criminal cases. They also hear any appeals or reviews from lower courts (Magistrates’ courts) which fall in their geographical jurisdiction. The High Court usually hears any matter involving a person’s status (for example, adoption, insolvency etc.).
Wie viele male hat man hier die Aussage des Waffenhändlers zitiert! OP hat schriftlich bestätigt, gute Note für seine Kenntnisse bekommen ... und was hilft das uns allen, wenn ein/eine Peregrina hat hier eigene Regeln, Vorschriften, Definitionen, Bestimmungen.peregrina schrieb:Wer auf einen Einbrecher schiesst, ist durch Notwehr gerechtfertigt= KEIN Vorsatz.
Nein, das stimmt aber nicht.peregrina schrieb:Wer auf einen Einbrecher schiesst, ist durch Notwehr gerechtfertigt= KEIN Vorsatz.
Wer auf einen geglaubten Einbrecher schiesst, ist durch Putativ-Notwehr gerechtfertigt = wieder kein vorsätzlicher Mord.
Pretoria - The fate of blade runner Oscar Pistorius will not entirely lie in the hands of Judge Thokozile Masipa. She has appointed two assessors to assist her.Hier nochmal zu den Assessoren...und zwar exakt im Oscar Trial!
While the Pretoria News confirmed that two assessors had been appointed to flank her when the trial starts on March 3 in the Pretoria High Court, the judge remained mum on who they are.
According to a source close to the case, the judge is of the opinion that the media would get the information once the trial has started and that she is not prepared to say anything at this stage.
While she had been inundated with requests by the media for interviews, the stately but clearly stern judge refused this, or to allow a copy of her CV to be given to the media. The judge also refuses to have pictures of her taken. She was the second black woman to be appointed a judge in South Africa after Yvonne Mokgoro.
An expert said the significance of two assessors was that Pistorius’s fate and/or conviction could ultimately lie in their hands, if there was a majority finding on the facts of the case.
A criminal procedure law expert at the University of Pretoria, Professor Annette van der Merwe, explained that in terms of South African law, the two assessors could “overrule” the judge when it comes to a verdict on the facts, based on the majority doctrine.
This means that if the two assessors, for example, rule in favour of murder, or the judge and one assessor rule as such, that verdict will be the accepted one. The same applies for when two of them rule in favour of an acquittal.
Van der Merwe explained that only the judge could have the last say when it comes to decisions in law. “If Pistorius’s counsel applies for a discharge (acquittal) of his client at the end of the State’s case, the judge alone will decide on this.”
Van der Merwe said the question of sentence was also one decided by a judge. “It is the duty of the judge to decide alone on a suitable sentence, although it is not uncommon that presiding officers do sometimes discuss a sentence with assessors. In high court trials, judges must always consider whether to appoint assessors or not. Although the final decision in this regard lies with the judge, the facts of a case as set out in the indictment will play a role. In my opinion it was a very wise decision to appoint assessors in this case,” Van der Merwe said.
It is up to the judge to decide who to appoint and it is normally skilled people in law, such as advocates, retired magistrates, attorneys or professors in law.
Van der Merwe said where it was an intricate case, based on the evidence of an array of expert witnesses, as in the Pistorius matter, it could be possible that one of the assessors is qualified in an expert field relating to the case.
“Assessors have to be absolutely impartial, else it could be regarded as an irregularity in a case.”
The trial is due to be heard in the same courtroom where the Boeremag accused stood trial for more than a decade.
Leader of the Pistorius prosecution team, Gerrie Nel and Andrea Johnson, who will assist him, last week checked out the logistics.
It is expected to be a visual trial, with TV screens set up in court to be used during evidence and to show some of the thousands of pictures taken at the scene of the shooting.
Pistorius shot dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, 29, on February 14 last year through a locked bathroom door at his home. He said he mistook her for an intruder.