Oscar Pistorius, das Model, der Valentinstag und das war dann Notwehr
19.03.2014 um 11:42Nel asks for the matter to be postponed to Monday to consult witnesses and people at the estate tomorrowDann geht es um weitere Zeugen in der Nachbarschaft.
Nel asks for the matter to be postponed to Monday to consult witnesses and people at the estate tomorrowDann geht es um weitere Zeugen in der Nachbarschaft.
Oben:Tussinelda schrieb:jetzt will der wieder ein postponement
Nel baut auf den Zeugen auf.KlaraFall schrieb:Dann geht es um weitere Zeugen in der Nachbarschaft.
Nel we’ll probably call five more witnesses and finish some time next week. BB
Roux doesn’t object, on the acceptance that the state concludes it’s case next week. BB
Roux says it was explained to defence, they agreed, as long as trial finishes next Thursday...it's an expensive trial
Nel will call 4-5 more witnesses and will hence close the state's case. He asks whether the court could resume next week Monday. The state needs to consult with witnesses before the long weekend. Roux raises no objections but asks the court to bare in mind that court time should be used fully because it is an expensive case.http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/Oscar_Pistorius/Live/LIVE-UPDATES-Oscar-Pistorius-trial-day-13-20140319
Was verstehst du daran nicht? Die wurden jetzt avisiert.bobotiger schrieb:Also, ich hätte aber noch sehr viel mehr Zeugen von der Anklage erwartet.