@MarryMuffin Wenn es die Fotos von Robert Thompson wären, würde ich Dir zustimmen.
Damals war er ein Kind. er hat seine "Strafe" erhalten und ist nicht mehr
auffällig geworden.
Bei Jon Venables handelt es sich aber um einen Erwachsenden, Verurteilten
Da wir davon ausgehen können, das ein Pädophiler, also kranker Mensch, nicht
therapierbar ist, stellt jeder Pädophiler für immer eine Gefahr dar. Deshalb
sollte man Pädophile einfach für immer Wegsperren - und das ist jetzt wirklich
Aber leider kann man Pädophile nicht für immer wegsperren, da wir in Europa
Gott sei Dank in einem Rechtssystem leben.
Man sollte Sie für alle Sichtbar machen - Stichwort Internetpranger. Auch
das ist wieder populistisch.
Meine Meinung.
Jon Venables hatte letzte Woche eine Anhörung, da er (natürlich) nicht
die vollen 2 Jahre absitzen will. Ralph Bulger hat den Richtern per Videoschaltung
folgendes Statment vorgelesen:
I feel like a totally different person now and I will never again be who I was before. They ripped my soul out when they killed James and they killed a piece of me.
Now I don't want anyone to know who I am and how I am feeling.
James was adorable, a really cute child whom everyone loved. He was very mischievous, like a lot of kids, but he had this pup that he adored.
He was a normal, loveable kid getting his first taste of life but he had that stolen from him.
When James disappeared I thought at first that he'd be OK as it was only kids who had taken him. When I found out I didn't know how to tell my wife. How do you tell someone something so horrific? There was no way of putting it.
I never got to see James's body because he was so badly mutilated. Everyone thought it would destroy me - "cabbage" me. My brother Jimmy identified him and that's stayed with him forever.
We couldn't have an open coffin because they bashed his skull in.
I remember carrying his white coffin, it was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do - every parent's nightmare. I'd always wanted to remember James as he was the last time I saw him alive. But even that was denied me because I can't get rid of the images in my head after I was told what they done to him. I think James must have been crying for me, but I wasn't there for him.
When I saw Thompson and Venables at the trial I felt pure hatred, like I'd never felt before in my life. But I also felt bad that I hated two kids that much.
I wanted them to get life and it was so hard to sit there while they were laughing in the dock about killing James, sniggering about what they had done. I believe they knew what they were doing, because my daughter knew what was right from wrong when she was four years old.
They decide to smash his skull, take his pants off and drag him on to the rail track because it would sever him in two.
When they got released it was a victory for the murderers and a knife in the back for me.
There were no rights for James. His only right was to be murdered. I thought we'd get justice but we didn't. The State failed us and let James down.
All I saw was the offenders getting the best of everything when my son was dead. It was like the State was saying, 'Go out murder a child and we'll look after you'.
It's hard waking up every morning knowing you have so much hate inside, thinking what those boys did.
But they are not boys anymore. They are men who will continue to hurt others. It's like a cancer that eats away at me. I can't stop it because it's my son that was murdered. I loved my son so much and they ripped him away from me.
When the pressure got too much I'd drink myself stupid. I didn't realise at the time I was just slowly killing myself. I am not an educated man but I still have feelings. I still bleed and I still love.
I can't understand why this has happened. I wish this had never happened but I can't change anything.
What the killers did made me the way I am today. I don't like this person but I have to live with it.
I find it hard to have fun with people, knowing my son was killed as he was. I put on a smile, but it's false. People don't always know what what I'm feeling, but I know what it's like inside and it hurts. I wouldn't want anyone else to feel like this.