Jeder, wirklich jeder, weiß mittlerweile, dass Rossi Kommentare in seinem Blog unter Pseudonym selber schreibt und dann selbst beantwortet. Manchmal kommen sie in ganzen Serien, eine Selbstbeweihräucherung nach der anderen. Mit einer simplen Betrugsabsicht ist das nicht zu erklären. Dahinter kann einfach kein gesunder Geist stecken. Alleine die Tatsache, dass er offensichtlich glaubt, er könne mit dem Unsinn irgendwen täuschen, deutet auf eine Geisteskrankheit hin. Immer derselbe Nonsense, immer dieselben Formulierungen, dieselben Fehler.
Hier eine solche Serie. Wie gesagt, alles von ihm selbst in kurzer zeitlicher Abfolge geschrieben.
Spoiler2022-09-02 09:51 Roberto
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I am very disappointed to read in this blog comments saying they are disappointed because the Ecat SKLep and the newborn Mimisklep need a grid connection; these guys probably do not know what they are talking about, or worse: I don’t understand if they are naive or smartasses. You are introducing a device that generates Watthours and consumes zero Watthours, but they say they are disappointed, because you need a grid connection…why do you lose your time to answer these guys ?
If they are disappointed they can just cancel their preorders, as you already responded some of them.
Don’t waste time to answer, just conserve it for your tremendously difficult task.
2022-09-02 11:00 Andrea Rossi
Thank you for your kind attention to our work. Actually, no money has changed hands and no money will change hands until we deliver. We have been clear on this fact as well as we have been clear that the pre-orders can be cancelled anytime from our Clients in case they change idea, whatever the reason.
This said, I prefer to answer to all the comments, for respect toward our Readers, unless the comments are sent by trolls: our system automatically spams comments arriving from trolls’ sources
Warm Regards,
2022-09-02 11:23 Yuri
I totally agree with you,
2022-09-03 00:37 CC
Thank you, your comment was past due !
2022-09-04 04:14 Silent Majority Guy
Kudos to your magnificent comment,
2022-09-03 23:44 Giulia
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I read