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Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

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Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

15.07.2015 um 09:17

Diese russischsprachige wiki-Seite bietet wirklich sehr viel mehr Information. Danke für die Info.Оноприенко,_Анатолий_Юрьевич

Sie ist übrigens für jedermann gut lesbar. Einfach Textauschnitte kopieren und hier
Am besten funktioniert es mit russisch-englisch.

Klar wird dabei auch, dass sich Onoprienko zur Zeit der Göhrde-Morde inmitten eines nicht ganz unähnlichen Raubzuges (in der Ukraine) befand:

21.5.89 - 1. Göhrde-Mord
14.6.89 - Überfall auf schlafende Autofahrer / Ukraine
12.7.89 - 2. Göhrde-Mord
16.7.89 - Überfall + Mord in Ukraine

Diese Taten schließen sich nicht aus, sondern wirken auf mich sogar eher wie ein Rhytmus.
Es ist sicher möglich in vier Tagen von der Göhrde in die Ukraine zu kommen. Außerdem fand der Göhrde-Mord tagsüber statt, die Tat in der Ukraine abends.

Auch interssant: Onoprienko war mit seinem Kameraden als umherziehender Kirsch-Händler tätig.
Nicht auszuschließen daß er in der Göhrde tatsächlich auf Blaubeeren-Suche war um diese dann nacher wieder zu verkaufen.


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

15.07.2015 um 09:23
Jedenfalls waren Du, @kronzeuge007 und die Göhrderianer auf einer heißen Spur. Diese Inspiration die Du da bei der Recherche erfahren hast, kann ich gut nachvollziehen...

Stimmt - wenn er illegal durch die Lande reiste, hat er sicher nur wenige kaum mehr nachvollziebare Spuren hinterlassen.
Im russichen Wiki steht allerdings, er war sogar im deutschen Gefängnis und Psychatrie. Da hat er dann also sicher doch einigen Staub aufgewirbelt, inclusive Aktenberg und Presseberichte (über Raub Diebstahl etc.).


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

15.07.2015 um 09:30

Diese russischen Kreuzfahrtschiffe waren schon ein sehr interessaner Sonderfall. Sie fuhren, so wie es verstehe, hauptsächlich mit deutschen und anderen westlichen Passagieren durch die Weltmeere und waren sicher gedacht, der SU Devisen einzubringen.
Das Publikum war sehr vermögend und vermutlich auch genauso spendabel. Es wird dabei sicher auch einiges an Trinkgeld für die Crew abgefallen sein.
Die Zeit damals war auch sehr russenfreundlich. Also ich könnte mir auch gut vorstellen, dass sich persönliche Kontakte bis hin zu Liebesbeziehungen ergeben haben.
Nicht auszuschließen, dass Onoprienko dann auch mal für ein paar Tage in eine Familie o.ä. eingeladen wurde.

EINLADUNGEN waren übrigens damals der erfolgsversrechnde Weg für Russen in den Westen zu gelangen.


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

16.07.2015 um 22:43
Auch wenn sich herausgestellt hat, dass Onoprienko zur Zeit der Göhrde-Morde schon lange nicht mehr auf der Maxim Gorki arbeitete (Edgars Theorie) und er im Interview lediglich äußerte, man habe ihm PROPHEZEIT er werde "+/- 10 Menschen in Deutschland töten - möchte ich im weiteren Verlauf noch mal die Göhrde-Morde mit seiner 89-Serie in der Ukraine vergleichen und auch an einem möglichst detaillierten Lebenslauf arbeiten - hierbei besonders auf seinen Aufenthalt im Ausland eingehen.


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

16.07.2015 um 22:56
hier der komplette Text aus dem russischen wiki-Beitrag zum Thema 1.Mordserie (1989)
(mittels google-übersetzer ins englische übertragen)

The first series of murders

Shortly before the series of murders Onopriyenko witnessed unpleasant scenes. He met a girl, and then caught it with his close friend, who secretly indulge his intimate relations. A fight ensued, during which one strongly Onopriyenko beat, robbed him and then disappeared. Onopriyenko greatly valued friendship and the like could not forgive betrayal. [3]

At the beginning of 1989 in Dneproprudnyi Anatoly Onopriyenko met Sergey Rogozin (b. July 16, 1962). Rogozin was a professional soldier, who served in Afghanistan, had a number of awards and led the city council of soldiers-internationalists. Rogozin was married, he had a little daughter, he worked on the farm. Onopriyenko Rogozin and friends. Together they engaged in business and trade [3]. Later Onopriyenko so will respond differently:

"We have normal friendly relations. With his former mistress Ira I am friends till now. I know him as a man of physical development, secretive, non-greedy, good-natured [3] "
Rogozin fell into a psychological dependence on Onopriyenko. Anatoly persuaded him to do criminal business. He proposed to rob people who fall asleep at night on the road in their cars. The most difficult moments Onopriyenko promised to take over. Rogozin agreed.

His first murder committed Onopriyenko June 14, 1989. On that day they Rogozin drive back from the Novgorod region, where they sold cherries. Sitting behind the wheel of a friend suggested Onopriyenko commit a robbery of some machines. Rogozin hesitated, but agreed. At night on the road in Sinelnikovskoye area Onopriyenko noticed "Lada" with trailers. People slept in it (the light in the car was turned off). Onopriyenko, who was armed with a hard drive, instructed Rogozin: he had to go slowly down the road until Anatoli does not give him the signal. If successful, Rogozin had to drive up to it, if he would suffer Onopriyenko, mate had to escape. [3]
Onopriyenko with a weapon in his hand went to the "Lada". They slept couple Oleg Melnikov and his wife (both born in 1958). Onopriyenko shot sleeping Miller, then forced his wife to leave the car and go into the forest. The woman went out, but at the same time began to scream and call for help, causing him and shot her. Onopriyenko pulled out of the car all the valuable items. The corpses he hid behind the forest belt and covered them with branches and earth. [3] Onopriyenko Rogozin told to go after him, then got behind the wheel robbed Zhiguli, far away it taken away and burned. Rogozin guessed that there was a murder, but Onopriyenko hinted that in case of appeal to the police, he would kill his wife and daughter. [3] Later, it sold the loot.

July 16, 1989 Onopriyenko with a partner in similar circumstances killed another couple. The car was burnt dead. Revenue, which has got murderers, was very large - the couple brought with them items of value and large sums of money. The bodies were burned. Rogozin was very nervous because of the murders Onopriyenko same applies to what is happening very quietly. [3]

In August 1989, Onopriyenko Rogozin went to Odessa. Anatoly partner cheated, saying that they were going to sell the loot, in fact, he was planning a new robbery. August 16, 1989 Onopriyenko robbed the car, killing a family of five people who were in it. Onopriyenko himself many years later under interrogation tell he did not want to kill, but the head of the family began to resist, and he shot him, and then decided to leave no witnesses. At the same time killing 5 people brought a very small income. Onopriyenko began to burn the bodies, but before the arson, he saw that one of the victims, a young girl is still alive. To finish it, he struck her several times in the back with a hunting knife [3]

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Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

16.07.2015 um 23:04
und so ging es für ihn nach dem 3. Mord weiter:

Ausreise nach Deutschland

Departure to Germany

On the same day Onopriyenko almost caught. When he was riding on a stolen car, traffic police post went after him and ordered him to stop. The car, which was traveling Onopriyenko looked suspicious, and this attracted the attention of police. Onopriyenko accelerated. It began the pursuit, but he managed to escape, and then burned the car maniac (according to other sources it caught up, but Onopriyenko paid off, giving the policeman 8 rubles). [4] After first appearing in the police clues - describing appearance and Onopriyenko car, but he himself is not even the slightest suspicion fell [5]. He himself suffered Onopriyenko pretty hard the last murder. [3] He was afraid that he would be killed and robbed, just as he did with his victims. In addition, he had some compassion for the victims. Onopriyenko even contemplated suicide. True after 9 years, he admitted that he then stopped to feel sorry for what he did, that was the fun of murders and did not hesitate to repeat the same thing again [3].

A month after the events happened to him Onopriyenko went traveling around Europe. He visited many countries, using forged documents. He repeatedly deported back to Ukraine for illegal residence but Onopriyenko immediately returned abroad again using forged documents. He settled in Germany, where he earned landscapers, dishwasher and cook. He has asked for political asylum in Germany, but he was denied. [3]

Onopriyenko engaged in theft in Germany (he thought that if sits in a German prison, then get citizenship). He went to Vienna, where he briefly sat in prison for robbing a store. He returned to Germany after his release. There he continued to steal and rob. It still imprisoned, but with the question of German citizenship did not help him. In prison Onopriyenko subjected to severe beatings. There he decided that after some time he will make in Germany kills 300 [3]. In prison, he spent a month, after which it was decided to send Onopriyenko in a psychiatric hospital. Onopriyenko escaped from the hospital, joining the Mormons [comm. 4]. Onopriyenko lived in the illegal emigration of about 4 years until the spring of 1994 he finally deported from Germany to Ukraine [3].Оноприенко,_Анатолий_Юрьевич


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

16.07.2015 um 23:30
1. Mord der 89er Serie:

14.06.89 Sinelnikovskoye Bezirk, Dneprotpetrovkaya Gebiet

Onoprienko und sein Kamerad Rogosin kamen hier zurück von einer Kirsch-Lieferung aus dem Novgoroder Gebiet.
Ihr gemeinsamer Betrieb war in der südostukrainischen Stadt Dneproprudnyi ansässig.
Kurz vor dem Ziel der Rückfahrt fand der Überall statt.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-07-16 um 23.23.00Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

16.07.2015 um 23:32
Die Mormonen nehmen wohl auch jeden Verrückten auf, oder?
Aber irgendetwas charismatische muss der wohl an sich gehabt
haben, dass ihm sogar dieser Rogozin so gefolgt ist.

Die Warmbiers waren doch sehr reiselustig, vielleicht haben sie
ja mal eine Kreuzfahrt mit der "Maxim Gorki" gemacht.
Oder Niedersachsen-Lotto hat evtl. eine Incentive-Reise auf
diesem Schiff gesponsert.


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

16.07.2015 um 23:48

..verlorengegangene Schäfchen sind ihnen sicher immer besonders willkommen.
Man wüsste ja zu gern, was sich da abgespielt hat.

Durchaus nicht auszuschließen, dass es auf dem Schiff solch einen Kontakt gab.

In seinem letzten interview erinnert sich Onoprienko an die schöne Zeit auf der Maxim Gorki, wo er alles hatte was man sich wünschen konnte, "sogar ein Visum".
(es ist hier vermutlich ein deutsches Visum gemeint)


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

17.07.2015 um 00:01
2. Mord der 89er Serie:

16.07.89 Bezirk Koretsky , Rivne Gebiet

Angenommen nun, er wäre tatsächlich der Verursacher der Göhrde-Morde, müsste er (vier Tage nach dem 2.Göhrde-Mord) gerade auf der Rückreise bzw.Flucht von dort gewesen sein.
Ich habe mal angenommen, sein Zeil wäre wieder die südostukrainische Stadt Dniprorudne gewesen.
Das Gebiet des 2. Mordes läge dann immerhin ziemlich genau auf der Route seines Heimweges.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-07-16 um 23.59.09Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

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Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

17.07.2015 um 00:14
3. Mord der 89er Serie:

16.08.89 Novohorivka, Zaporiz'ka Gebiet (ganz in der Nähe des Wohnortes Dniprorudne)

Bildschirmfoto 2015-07-17 um 00.08.21


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

17.07.2015 um 00:23
hier noch das komplette letzte Interview:

Anatoly Onopriyenko: It would be better to shoot me!
Maniac repented, but did not rule out that would probably kill more
Yulia SENENKO, Monday, September 16, 2013 8:00:00

The son and ex-wife refused to take Onopriyenko his body


The body of a person sentenced to life imprisonment 54-year-old serial killer Anatoly Onopriyenko is still at the forensic examination.

The killer died of heart failure on August 27 in the chamber Zhytomyr prison №8. In the management of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine "Life" reported that the body of the killer is still in the morgue because forensic solutions, although examination usually lasts a few days. The exact date of the funeral of a maniac in the department is not called. Also, the Office reported that no statements from relatives about how to pick the body Onopriyenko still had not arrived. The son and ex-wife refused to take. Previously it is known that a serial killer is not even an unmarked grave.

Recall that Anatoly Onopriyenko sentenced to life in prison for 52 murders. He was responsible for there are still many episodes that have not been able to prove. The youngest victim of the serial killer was a three-month baby. Onopriyenko several times "taking", but later released. And in the meantime his case had been shot two innocent people.

Shortly before his death, a serial killer program "Nadzvichaynі News" (channel ICTV) gave his last and first interview in 10 years. Before reporters he behaved modestly, as if a different person. Although the court and immediately after the announcement of the verdict, he called himself "the finger of fate" and "arbiter."

- Tell me how you live here?

- Normally, both in prison, are already sitting in '18. The prison is a prison ... Before watching TV, but now the vision has fallen. Still, reading books, newspapers. However, already read the whole library.

- In the 17 years he spent behind bars, somehow rethink your life?

- I is what it is. I do not know why it happened. After the murder of 52 - is not a simple phenomenon. Once I was a sailor, a communist, he was a reserve officer. I was brought up homeland, I was brought up in an orphanage in the Zhytomyr region, he was a good student. But then suddenly went from nothing of the murder. 9 murders were committed during the Soviet Union. After them followed by another 40 murders. I do not need the money killed, I lived lavishly. I for their murder nobody paid. I did not kill rich people, the murder came out of nowhere. I kill anybody. Probably, at me was some influence. But I still do not know. There are many forces which can affect human and not only in the space they have. I myself would have it never went. Moreover, I was brought up in an orphanage, and then in the Suvorov Military School - all strictly. He studied there until the 8th grade, then went to college, then had an army, and then served in the Navy on the ship "Maxim Gorky". I was even given a visa.

Those whom I killed, did not know.

Of murder

- And why you kill children?

- I do not know that. It was like bewitched. I know that he will not agree. When I did it was in some abnormal, inhuman condition. And then suffereth, and I'll pack man. Maybe other people do. When committed nine murders in 1990, he went to Greece. Requested political asylum, I was refused and sent for interrogation by the CIA. And suddenly there were Mormons, whose church of Jesus Christ ... They helped me get the citizenship of Canada and America. In the Soviet Union, I was nothing. But I did not wait for a visa and moved to Germany. During his stay in Greece, and Germany did not kill anybody. There he worked officially. In Germany, he asked for political asylum, but was told to wait.

- In Ukraine, returned to kill again?

- I did not want to kill. I was something found. I'd do it in Germany. There is a way, there are rich people. They do this even easier, there is a weapon. In Ukraine, the first killed nine of his rifle - pyatizaryadki. Cases I'm not going to leave the scene. If you do the examination, you can immediately identify with a gun made murder. Why I did not get caught? Only after the last nine murders committed by me for me was driving the car, police caught me, but for some reason did not catch. I was arrested when I was 36. I was sitting in prison for many years, a lot over the years realized.

- And you repent now?

- Of course, sorry. This can not be done.

- When you are arrested, you said that if released, will continue to kill ...

- (Pause) ... When I was arrested, came to me three generals, I told them all at once.

- You could be sentenced to death. What do you consider better, or eternal punishment being in prison?

- It would be better was the death penalty. I chose to be shot. Although now I do not want to die. Important for me to know why I made it. Or maybe I have such a fate.

- Somehow communicate with the outside world?

- I have no one to talk. I have nobody. I'm from the orphanage, had a brother, but he died. And who will communicate with the killer? In my 52 murders. 5-7 years ago I wrote a girl. She wrote that she Satanist. She wanted to meet me. Scientists came to me, wrote his scientific works. I do not mind that I studied. Maybe they will say that this phenomenon, why so many people committed the murders. I'm not a maniac and not Superman, I'm a simple man.

I have always done everything right, we were brought up in an orphanage, and even high school students beat us less. We do this for eight years. After such a hard training, I could not do something bad. We have a children's home everything was fine, had good teachers, the director. Total lacked: dress, shoes, eat.

- In one interview you said that the killed children, so they did not grow up as orphans ...

- No, I did not say that. I do not know why I did it. On the ground, there are certain forces that make a fool of me. When there was a consequence, I was saying that killing for the purpose of robbery. But this is not true. I did not order. I had money, I do not need anything. I could again leave my country and live there.


- You will ask the president for a pardon?

- No, I'm a murderer. I know what I did. People like me, do not ask for clemency. I want to be me sorted experts. I would like to have the service we have collected, that these murderers, and began to study why we do it. Is it okay to me spent some experiments. I'm not a murderer, he did not. For if I had some influence. Here in Norway killer took the life of many people ... I want people to understand that this phenomenon. The eighteenth year of sitting, no one does not do. At least no one was interested in me.

- You are always talking about it. It is only your desire?

- Yes, very much I would like to have me investigated. So I needed to do to get my events are not repeated. Even if these studies, experiments will lead me to my death. Let me die, but at least know something. After all, there is no guarantee that these events will not occur. I'm sitting in jail, but at large enough people who can do it again. There is worse are people who want to kill people. I did not want to kill.

- Many say that Onopriyenko committed 52 murders and now if the resort ... Like, it would be better executed.

- In fact, this torment. When was my trial, I was sentenced to death, then "life" did not exist. Better would have been shot. Since it did not, I want to be studied. So you - the journalists - you're interested. Why scientists do not do? He wanted to die, then I had hung up, because I know how to do it. When deported from Germany, was in a psychiatric hospital - the hospital in Kiev Pavlova. I somehow kept there for three months. There I was taught stupid as to commit suicide. They showed me, pinching the carotid artery, and then pumped out, stirred up. After a madhouse, where I was treated with powerful drugs, I again went abroad. Then he lived in Austria and Germany, and I was again deported. After the second deportation went again murder. I do not know why.

- You want to say something to the relatives of those people you killed?

- Is that I ask forgiveness. But who will forgive me for that. So I will be silent. What I can now do?

- In prison you are satisfied?

- It is what it is. Not in my position is something to ask, for example, that they brought me books, sweets, sausages ... No, it will not ask. I am sick, I would like to extend a further year or two. So unless the drugs would have asked.

- What do you have health? We know that you complain of pain in the heart.

- I have a rheumatic disease in childhood. Who it hurts zadyshka. As a child, all the time went to the canvas boots, I have always had wet feet were freezing. So ill with rheumatism. Since then went complications.

- You did a forensic examination, you found sane.

- I had to check it out more thoroughly. And it was done for show.


- Are you hypnotized?

- No, this is not engaged with me. Hypnosis - it's a bad thing. I am also a hypnotist, but that did not apply. On the freedom of many people hypnotized, and in prison, too. I am a very strong hypnotist. I was engaged in magic, especially when living abroad. Maybe it's affected me. Now I understand that it is bad. Battle of psychics to stop. It's superhuman abilities.

- There was no desire to write something scientists, doctors? Leave behind something?

- No, no one do not care. But again, let me learn. And then I can die. I can commit suicide.

- You tired of living?

- No, not tired. Not in this case, I just have not the tenant. I see no reason to live like this devil as I am. Among the people I have nothing more to do. I know its power. I can not be around people, I'm a killer. I was sitting in 52 murders. This terrible power with me rushing.

- In prison this terrible energy with you too?

- I try to restrain it. Limit your movement so as not to disturb the power.

I want to let my sins are not the priest, that I just did not God. Let the experts do, the scientists who examined me, let it be cut into pieces. If I let my father sins forgiven, I myself will not be considered. I believe that God and Jesus, but hope for them - no! I hope not!


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

17.07.2015 um 12:26
Hamburger Abendblatt vom 24.02.76

"Nach wie vor ein Prachtschiff'

Von Kurt Mauch z. Z. an Bord der "Maxim Gorki" ex "Hamburg" Viele Hamburger werden mit ein wenig Wehmut an den Tag vor nunmehr schon zwei Jahren zurückdenken, als eines der schönsten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt, die frühere "Hanseatic", die als .Hamburg" 1969 in Dienst gestellt wurde, mit dem neuen Namen "Maxim Gorki" zum letzten Mal elbabwärts fuhr. Damals, am 26. Januar 1974, ging der stolze 25 000-Tonner das erste Mal für den neuen Besitzer, die russische "Black Sea Shipping & Company", auf See. Weniger sentimental sind die 634 Deutschen, die 86 Tage lang die erste von mehreren Weltreisen über fast 30 000 Seemeilen mitmachen, für das ein großer deutscher Reiseveranstalter die "schöne Ex-Hamburgerin" für drei Jahre in Vollcharter genommen hat.

Mit gemischten Gefühlen war auch einer der früheren 236 Patenreeder des Vorbesitzers Atlantik-Linie im Hinblick auf das Wiedersehen mit "seiner Hamburg" an Bord gekommen. Er hat sich inzwischen überzeugt, daß man den Charakter eines solchen Schiffes nicht ohne weiteres verändern kann. Der 72jährige "Maxim-Gorki"-Barpianist Emil Levy, der als einziger der alten "Hamburg"-Besatzung noch an Bord ist, sagt sogar jedem, der es wissen will: "Sie fahren mit dem schönsten Schiff der Welt!" In Alexandria und Port Said, in Bombay und Singapur, überall war der weiße Luxusliner eine Attraktion. Die "Times of India" brachte sogar einen langen Artikel über das "westdeutsche Luxusschiff", als es zwei Tage in Bombay lag. Daß am Schornstein Hammer und Sichel in Gold auf knalligem Rot, am Bug statt des Hamburg-Wappens ein Sowjet-Stern und der Name des "Nachtasyl"-Dichters Maxim Gorki prangen, ist den indischen Journalisten anscheinend nicht aufgefallen. Denn die Russen haben dem Schiff das makellose Weiß gelassen, obwohl alle anderen großen Passagierschiffe der "Black Sea Shipping & Company" einen schwarzen Anstrich tragen.

Zwei der insgesamt fünf 20 000-Tonner fahren jetzt Australier und Neuseeländer durch die Südsee. Den Sowjets bringen die volkseigenen Schiffe, die nun im "kapitalistischen Sold" fahren, schönes Geld. Die Löhne vom Kapitän bis zum Saunawärter betragen nur einen Bruchteil vergleichbarer Löhne und Gehälter auf der alten "Hamburg".

Die Besatzung ist so zahlreich ? 50 Mann seemännisches Personal, 52 in der Maschine und 312, meist weibliche, Kräfte in den Restaurants, Bars, Küchen, Boutiquen, Kabinen und in der Verwaltung ? , daß auf drei Passagiere zwei Besatzungsmitglieder entfallen.

In den zwei Jahren, die das Schiff unter russischer "Pflege" fuhr, ist es ein Prachtschiff geblieben. Schönheitsfehler gibt es dennoch, weil der Ersatz defekter Instrumente für die Sowjets schwierig ist. So gab es in den ersten Wochen der Weltreise am laufenden Band Erkältungen, weil die Klimaanlage, seit jeher die Achillesferse selbst modernster Passagierschiffe, nicht immer funktionierte. Eine wirkliche Schwierigkeit ist aber die Sprachbarriere: Wer beispielsweise ein neues Handtuch oder eine neue Gabel haben möchte, muß Englisch sprechen oder die Zeichensprache benutzen.

Fremde Sprachen und andere Namen auch in den Restaurants und Bars des Luxusliners: Statt Hamburg "Odessa", statt München "Crimea", statt Berlin "Sea". Das Hansa-Theater mit seinen 290 Sitzen heißt jetzt "Maxim-Theater", der Alster-Club "Wolga-Bar" und der Atlantik-Club "Rossia Lounge". Vieles aber blieb unverändert. So das Geschirr, die Gläser und die Bestecke, die weiterhin das charakteristische Wappen der Atlantik-Linie tragen. Und nicht zuletzt auch die berühmte kleine Bronzetafel unterhalb der Brücke, die davon kündet, daß dieses Schiff bei der Hamburger Werft Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG im Jahre 1969 als Neubau Nr. 825 vom Stapel lief.


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

19.08.2015 um 23:36
In den letzten Wochen war ich hobbykriminalistisch nicht untätig, sondern habe mich bemüht, aus mehreren Quellen eine Chronologie der Ereignisse und von Os Leben zu erstellen.
Interessant ist hierbei, dass es je nach Quelle unterschiedliche Darstellungen gibt.

Ich benutzte:

- Wikipedia: Anatoly Onoprienko (englisches wiki)

-Оноприенко,_Анатолий_Юрьевич (russisches wiki)

(einen Artikel aus dem "Journal Zitomira" der eine Tabelle mit allen Taten enthält, für die Onoprienko verurteilt wurde)

- das Buch "Der Todesbote" von Jaques Buval, Heyne-Verlag 2003

Ich habe alles mittels google-Übersetzter ins englische übersetzt und dann grob zusammenkopiert (jeweils mit Quellenangabe)


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

20.08.2015 um 00:20
Onoprienkos Lebenslauf

* 25. Juli 1959 in Lasky bei Owrutsch


When Anatoly was 1 year old, his father left the family


When Anatoly was 3, September 15, 1962 his mother died


Anatoly Onopriyenko grew up in an orphanage (bis 1976)


Anatoly kicked out of school before graduation


At the end of 8th grade in an orphanage, Anatoly entered Malin Forestry College


Disaccustomed just 2 courses, then went into the army


After the army, he entered the Naval School


he worked as a sailor on the ship "Maxim Gorky"
Anatoly lived well: earned much popular with the girls, being a sailor, traveled all over the world. During the visits, he was very jealous of people in the West who lived richer than the population of the USSR. Onopriyenko joined the Communist Party. He was engaged in stealing and smuggling, but has never been convicted of it. In 1986, due to a conflict with the boss he ever left navigation [1].


Onopriyenko began working as a firefighter. Many were jealous of him, he had a wife, a son, a big house, a lot of money and expensive things. Onopriyenko bought a hunting rifle and joined the Society of Hunters and Fishermen. Onopriyenko worked well, had positive references, he grew up in rank. [2] In autumn 1989, Onopriyenko suddenly abandoned the family, and taking all the family savings, left in an unknown direction [1]. He did not give itself felt six years.


At the beginning of 1989 in Dneproprudnyi Anatoly Onopriyenko I met Sergey Rogozin (b. July 16, 1962). Rogozin was a professional soldier, who served in Afghanistan
Together they engaged in business and trade
(quelle: russisches wiki)


According to official figures, June 14, 1989, Anatoly Onopriyenko first killed a man. But the killer confessed that he began killing earlier.
(quelle englisches wiki)


1. banditry and murder Melnikov, Sinelnikovskoye area, Dneprotpetrovkaya area. June 14, 1989
A. Miller, born in 1958
Miller LM, born in 1958
(quelle: offizielles dokument vom gericht)

His first murder committed Onopriyenko June 14, 1989. On that day they Rogozin drive back from the Novgorod region, where they sold cherries. Sitting behind the wheel of a friend suggested Onopriyenko commit a robbery of some machines. Rogozin hesitated, but agreed. At night on the road in Sinelnikovskoye area Onopriyenko noticed "Lada" with trailers. People slept in it (the light in the car was turned off). Onopriyenko, who was armed with a hard drive, instructed Rogozin: he had to go slowly down the road until Anatoli does not give him the signal. If successful, Rogozin had to drive up to it, if he would suffer Onopriyenko, mate had to escape. [3]
Onopriyenko with a weapon in his hand went to the "Lada". They slept couple Oleg Melnikov and his wife (both born in 1958). Onopriyenko shot sleeping Miller, then forced his wife to leave the car and go into the forest. The woman went out, but at the same time began to scream and call for help, causing him and shot her. Onopriyenko pulled out of the car all the valuable items. The corpses he hid behind the forest belt and covered them with branches and earth. [3] Onopriyenko Rogozin told to go after him, then got behind the wheel robbed Zhiguli, far away it taken away and burned. Rogozin guessed that there was a murder, but Onopriyenko hinted that in case of appeal to the police, he would kill his wife and daughter. [3] Later, it sold the loot.
(quelle: russisches wiki)


2. banditry and murder Vasilyuk, Koretsky district, Rivne region. July 16, 1989
Vasylyuk Victor, born in 1946
Vasylyuk Anna, born in 1957
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

July 16, 1989 Onopriyenko with a partner in similar circumstances killed another couple. The car was burnt dead. Revenue, which has got murderers, was very large - the couple brought with them items of value and large sums of money. The bodies were burned. Rogozin was very nervous because of the murders Onopriyenko same applies to what is happening very quietly.
(quelle: russisches wiki)


3. banditry and murder Podolyaka with. Novogorovka, Zaporizhia region. August 16, 1989
Podolyaka EO, born in 1954
Seleshok OP, born in 1964
Seleshok LP, born in 1967
Teslya ZP, born in 1962
Podolyaka OE, born in 1978
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

In August 1989, Onopriyenko Rogozin went to Odessa. Anatoly partner cheated, saying that they were going to sell the loot, in fact, he was planning a new robbery. August 16, 1989 Onopriyenko robbed the car, killing a family of five people who were in it. Onopriyenko himself many years later under interrogation tell he did not want to kill, but the head of the family began to resist, and he shot him, and then decided to leave no witnesses. At the same time killing 5 people brought a very small income. Onopriyenko began to burn the bodies, but before the arson, he saw that one of the victims, a young girl is still alive. To finish it, he struck her several times in the back with a hunting knife.
(quelle: russisches wiki)


1989, a family of ten was killed during a robbery when they stumbled upon the intruder. Onoprienko confessed that he and an accomplice, Sergei Rogozin, a gym patron with whom he robbed several other homes, committed the family murders with weapons that they carried for self-defense. He also stated that he cut off all contact with Rogozin afterwards. The victims consisted of two adults and eight children
in that same year, five people, including an 11-year-old boy, were shot dead while sleeping in a car before their bodies were burned. Onoprienko confessed that the murders were unintentional and that he only planned to burglarize the car.
(quelle: englisches wiki)


A month after the events happened to him Onopriyenko went traveling around Europe. He visited many countries, using forged documents. He repeatedly deported back to Ukraine for illegal residence but Onopriyenko immediately returned abroad again using forged documents. He settled in Germany, where he earned landscapers, dishwasher and cook. He has asked for political asylum in Germany, but he was denied
Onopriyenko engaged in theft in Germany (he thought that if sits in a German prison, then get citizenship). He went to Vienna, where he briefly sat in prison for robbing a store. He returned to Germany after his release. There he continued to steal and rob. It still imprisoned, but with the question of German citizenship did not help him. In prison Onopriyenko subjected to severe beatings. There he decided that after some time he will make in Germany kills 300 [3]. In prison, he spent a month, after which it was decided to send Onopriyenko in a psychiatric hospital. Onopriyenko escaped from the hospital, joining the Mormons [comm. 4]. Onopriyenko lived in the illegal emigration of about 4 years until the spring of 1994 he finally deported from Germany to Ukraine
(quelle: russisches wiki)

After retiring from the Navy attempted to acquire the nationality of Denmark, Germany, Spain, Greece
(quelle: englisches wiki)


Ukraine declared its independence from the Soviet Union on 24 August 1991


May 31, 1994 Onopriyenko was arrested at the Kiev railway station.
Onopriyenko was sent to the city psychiatric hospital named Pavlov.
In the mental hospital, he spent three and a half months.
(quelle: russisches wiki)

Write out, Onopriyenko again went to Germany and again illegally. There he spent a year driving an itinerant lifestyle, and sometimes a little earning in different places. Again he was deported to Ukraine.
(quelle: russisches wiki)


4. Stealing from Motsy MP, Kiev. September 2, 1994
Moza MP
Baron VR
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


5. Stealing from Kozerenko AI, Malin, Zhytomyr region. October 3, 1995
Kozerenko AI
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


8. robberies and murder Svetly AI Grishchenko and GO, Malin, Zhytomyr region. October 5, 1995
Svetlovsky AI, born 1956
Grishchenko GO, born in 1958
(quelle: offizielles dokument vom gericht)


6. Stealing from O. Kushnir, p. Narodichi, Zhytomyr region. October 14, 1995
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


9. robberies and murder Parashchuk MZ, Odessa. October 28, 1995
Parashchuk MZ
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


7. Manufacture, possession and carrying of weapons. Zhytomyr, Lviv, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Kiev, Rivne, Dnipropetrovsk region. October 1995 - April 1996
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


10. Stealing from Sticks ZL, Mr. Busk, Lviv region. December 5, 1995
The victim:
Stick ZL
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

11. Attempted murder Baranets II, the city, Busk, Lviv region. December 5, 1995
The victim:
Baranez II
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

12. Destruction of property Sticks ZL December 5, 1995
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


13. The theft of state property, Ovruch, Zhytomyr region. December 7, 1995 TAP „Polesyanka."
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


December 24, 1995, the Zaichenko family of four were killed with a sawed-off, double-barreled shotgun during a robbery in their home at Garmarnia, a village in central Ukraine, which was set ablaze afterwards
(quelle: englisches wiki)

15. robberies and murder of a family Zaichenko, p. Gamarna, Malin District, Zhitomir region. December 24, 1995
Zaichenko VM, born in 1968
Zaichenko JV, born in 1970
Zaichenko BV, born in 1992
Zaichenko Olga, born 1995
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

14. Stealing from Lomeiko JA, s. Orlyanskaya, Vasilkovsky region, Zaporizhia region. 25-27 December 1995
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

In bratkovychi, at Christmas, he killed a man and a woman were waiting for help in his car broke down. Killer raped the dead woman - the only perfect for them all the time the rape, and then repair the car and drove off. From the stolen car he shot two more passers-by taking their shoes. A few hours later near the site of a previous offense had been shot three more. Killer pickings leather coat and wedding ring, again cutting off a finger. Then he saw a peasant woman with two bags of food and shot her twice. A pair of shoes, a coat, a ring, two bags of groceries - eight corpses
(quelle: journal zitomira)

16. robberies and the murder of M. Malinowski, p. Bratkovychi, Gorodok district, Lviv region. December 29, 1995
Malinowski MI, born in 1962
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

17. robberies and murder of a family of sisters and Krichkovskih dumplings with. Bratkovychi, Gorodok district, Lviv region. December 30, 1995
Krichkovsky PA, born in 1968
Krichkovskaya MJ, born in 1972
Galushka LY, born in 1977
Galushka M.YA, born in 1977
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


January 2, 1996, a family of four were shot and killed. The murders were quickly followed by that of a male pedestrian whom Onoprienko killed out of necessity in order to eliminate potential witnesses.
(quelle: englisches wiki)


18. robberies and murder Odintsov SV and Dolinin TV, Energodar, Zaporozhye region. January 5, 1996
Odintsov SV, born 1956
Dolinina T., born in 1964
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

19. robberies and murder Rybalko AM Garmash and SI, Vasmlkovsky district, Zaporizhia region. January 5, 1996
Rybalko AM, born in 1964
Garmash SI, born in 1960
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


20. Murder Savitsky AI, Vasilkovsky region, Zaporizhia region. January 6, 1996
Savitsky AI, born in 1950
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

21. robberies and murder Kasaya VV Vasilkovsky region, Zaporizhia region. January 6, 1996
Kasai VV, born in 1960
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

22. Murder Kochergina NV Vasilkovsky region, Zaporizhia region. January 6, 1996
Kochergin NV Born in 1960
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

January 6, 1996, Onoprienko allegedly killed four people in three separate incidents on the Berdyansk-Dnieprovskaya highway, by stopping cars before killing the drivers. The victims were Kasai, a Navy ensign; Savitsky, a taxi driver; Kochergina, a kolkhoz cook; and an unidentified victim
(quelle: englisches wiki)


January 17, 1996, the Pilat family of five were shot and killed in their home, which was then set ablaze. Two potential witnesses were then killed, a 27-year-old railroad worker named Kondzela and a 56-year-old pedestrian named Zakharko
(quelle: englisches wiki)

23. robberies and murder Sembene Pilate with. Bratkovychi, Gorodok district, Lviv region. January 17, 1996
Pilate VI, born in 1934
Pilate OI, born in 1936
Pilate IV, born in 1965
Pilate L., born in 1970
Pilate OI, born 1989
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


At this time the killer was living with his cousin Peter, in a military town Yavorov just 30 kilometers from the place of commission of the crimes. There Onopriyenko acquainted with Anna Kozak, a divorced woman slightly younger than him. Anna works as a hairdresser, has his own apartment, she has two children. Literally from the first sight fell in love with Anatoly, she invites him to come live with her.
(quelle: Buch „born to kill in the USSR“ von Robert Kalman)


24. robberies and murder Zakharko SM and Kondzёly GV with. Bratkovychi, Gorodok district, Lviv region. January 17, 1996
Zakharko SM, born 1940
Krndzёla G., born in 1966
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


January 30, 1996, Marusina, her two sons, and a 32-year-old visitor named Zagranichniy were all shot dead in the Fastova, Kievskaya Oblast region of Ukraine
(quelle: englisches wiki)

25. robberies and the murder of the Foreign SV, SA Marusino and her children, Fastiv, Kyiv region. January 30, 1996
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


February 19, 1996, the Dubchak family was killed in their home in Olevsk, Zhitomirskaya Oblast. According to Onoprienko, he shot and killed the father and the son, mauled the mother to death with a hammer, and demanded money from the daughter before mauling her to death as well when she refused
(quelle: englisches wiki)

26. robberies and murder of a family Dubchak, city Olevsk, Zhytomyr region. February 19, 1996 Killed:
Dubchak AI, born in 1964
Dubchak JM, born in 1965
Dubchak VA, born 1987
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


27. robberies and murder Gudz VV Malin, Zhytomyr region. February 26, 1996
Hutz VV, born in 1956
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


February 27, 1996, the Bodnarchuk family was killed in their home in Malina, Lvivskaya Oblast. According to Onoprienko, he fatally shot the parents and then hacked the daughters, aged seven and eight, to death with an axe. An hour later, Onoprienko then allegedly shot and killed a neighboring businessman named Tsalk who was wandering around the Bodnarchuk property, hacking his corpse with the axe afterwards.
(quelle: englisches wiki)

28. robberies and murder of a family Bondarchuk, Malin, Zhytomyr region. February 27, 1996
Bondarchuk SS, born in 1969
Bondarchuk GG, born in 1965
Bondarchuk VS, born 1987
Bondarchuk TS, born 1988
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


29. robberies and murder Tsalko BB, Ovruch, Zhytomyr region. March 14, 1996
Tsalko BB, born in 1968
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


March 22, 1996, the Novosad family of four was Onoprienko's last alleged victims. According to him, he shot and killed all of the family members and set their home on fire to eliminate any traces of evidence
(quelle: englisches wiki)

30. robberies and murder of a family Novosad and Curly IP, Mr. Busk, Lviv region. March 22, 1996
Novosad MM, born in 1960
Novosad GP, born in 1965
Novosad LM, born 1986
Kucheryavaya IP, born in 1970
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


16. April 1996 Verhaftung


27. August 2013 in Schytomyr


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

20.08.2015 um 01:25
ich habe nun auch noch die Kopien aus dem Buch "Der Todesbote" von Jaques Buval eingefügt (Heyne, 2003)

Onoprienkos Lebenslauf

* 25. Juli 1959 in Lasky bei Owrutsch


When Anatoly was 1 year old, his father left the family


When Anatoly was 3, September 15, 1962 his mother died

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Anatoly Onopriyenko grew up in an orphanage (bis 1976)


Anatoly kicked out of school before graduation

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At the end of 8th grade in an orphanage, Anatoly entered Malin Forestry College


Disaccustomed just 2 courses, then went into the army


After the army, he entered the Naval School


he worked as a sailor on the ship "Maxim Gorky"
Anatoly lived well: earned much popular with the girls, being a sailor, traveled all over the world. During the visits, he was very jealous of people in the West who lived richer than the population of the USSR. Onopriyenko joined the Communist Party. He was engaged in stealing and smuggling, but has never been convicted of it. In 1986, due to a conflict with the boss he ever left navigation [1].

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Onopriyenko began working as a firefighter. Many were jealous of him, he had a wife, a son, a big house, a lot of money and expensive things. Onopriyenko bought a hunting rifle and joined the Society of Hunters and Fishermen. Onopriyenko worked well, had positive references, he grew up in rank. [2] In autumn 1989, Onopriyenko suddenly abandoned the family, and taking all the family savings, left in an unknown direction [1]. He did not give itself felt six years.


At the beginning of 1989 in Dneproprudnyi Anatoly Onopriyenko I met Sergey Rogozin (b. July 16, 1962). Rogozin was a professional soldier, who served in Afghanistan
Together they engaged in business and trade
(quelle: russisches wiki)


According to official figures, June 14, 1989, Anatoly Onopriyenko first killed a man. But the killer confessed that he began killing earlier.
(quelle englisches wiki)


1. banditry and murder Melnikov, Sinelnikovskoye area, Dneprotpetrovkaya area. June 14, 1989
A. Miller, born in 1958
Miller LM, born in 1958
(quelle: offizielles dokument vom gericht)

His first murder committed Onopriyenko June 14, 1989. On that day they Rogozin drive back from the Novgorod region, where they sold cherries. Sitting behind the wheel of a friend suggested Onopriyenko commit a robbery of some machines. Rogozin hesitated, but agreed. At night on the road in Sinelnikovskoye area Onopriyenko noticed "Lada" with trailers. People slept in it (the light in the car was turned off). Onopriyenko, who was armed with a hard drive, instructed Rogozin: he had to go slowly down the road until Anatoli does not give him the signal. If successful, Rogozin had to drive up to it, if he would suffer Onopriyenko, mate had to escape. [3]
Onopriyenko with a weapon in his hand went to the "Lada". They slept couple Oleg Melnikov and his wife (both born in 1958). Onopriyenko shot sleeping Miller, then forced his wife to leave the car and go into the forest. The woman went out, but at the same time began to scream and call for help, causing him and shot her. Onopriyenko pulled out of the car all the valuable items. The corpses he hid behind the forest belt and covered them with branches and earth. [3] Onopriyenko Rogozin told to go after him, then got behind the wheel robbed Zhiguli, far away it taken away and burned. Rogozin guessed that there was a murder, but Onopriyenko hinted that in case of appeal to the police, he would kill his wife and daughter. [3] Later, it sold the loot.
(quelle: russisches wiki)


2. banditry and murder Vasilyuk, Koretsky district, Rivne region. July 16, 1989
Vasylyuk Victor, born in 1946
Vasylyuk Anna, born in 1957
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

July 16, 1989 Onopriyenko with a partner in similar circumstances killed another couple. The car was burnt dead. Revenue, which has got murderers, was very large - the couple brought with them items of value and large sums of money. The bodies were burned. Rogozin was very nervous because of the murders Onopriyenko same applies to what is happening very quietly.
(quelle: russisches wiki)


3. banditry and murder Podolyaka with. Novogorovka, Zaporizhia region. August 16, 1989
Podolyaka EO, born in 1954
Seleshok OP, born in 1964
Seleshok LP, born in 1967
Teslya ZP, born in 1962
Podolyaka OE, born in 1978
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

In August 1989, Onopriyenko Rogozin went to Odessa. Anatoly partner cheated, saying that they were going to sell the loot, in fact, he was planning a new robbery. August 16, 1989 Onopriyenko robbed the car, killing a family of five people who were in it. Onopriyenko himself many years later under interrogation tell he did not want to kill, but the head of the family began to resist, and he shot him, and then decided to leave no witnesses. At the same time killing 5 people brought a very small income. Onopriyenko began to burn the bodies, but before the arson, he saw that one of the victims, a young girl is still alive. To finish it, he struck her several times in the back with a hunting knife.
(quelle: russisches wiki)


1989, a family of ten was killed during a robbery when they stumbled upon the intruder. Onoprienko confessed that he and an accomplice, Sergei Rogozin, a gym patron with whom he robbed several other homes, committed the family murders with weapons that they carried for self-defense. He also stated that he cut off all contact with Rogozin afterwards. The victims consisted of two adults and eight children
in that same year, five people, including an 11-year-old boy, were shot dead while sleeping in a car before their bodies were burned. Onoprienko confessed that the murders were unintentional and that he only planned to burglarize the car.
(quelle: englisches wiki)


A month after the events happened to him Onopriyenko went traveling around Europe. He visited many countries, using forged documents. He repeatedly deported back to Ukraine for illegal residence but Onopriyenko immediately returned abroad again using forged documents. He settled in Germany, where he earned landscapers, dishwasher and cook. He has asked for political asylum in Germany, but he was denied
Onopriyenko engaged in theft in Germany (he thought that if sits in a German prison, then get citizenship). He went to Vienna, where he briefly sat in prison for robbing a store. He returned to Germany after his release. There he continued to steal and rob. It still imprisoned, but with the question of German citizenship did not help him. In prison Onopriyenko subjected to severe beatings. There he decided that after some time he will make in Germany kills 300 [3]. In prison, he spent a month, after which it was decided to send Onopriyenko in a psychiatric hospital. Onopriyenko escaped from the hospital, joining the Mormons [comm. 4]. Onopriyenko lived in the illegal emigration of about 4 years until the spring of 1994 he finally deported from Germany to Ukraine
(quelle: russisches wiki)

After retiring from the Navy attempted to acquire the nationality of Denmark, Germany, Spain, Greece
(quelle: englisches wiki)

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Ukraine declared its independence from the Soviet Union on 24 August 1991


May 31, 1994 Onopriyenko was arrested at the Kiev railway station.
Onopriyenko was sent to the city psychiatric hospital named Pavlov.
In the mental hospital, he spent three and a half months.
(quelle: russisches wiki)

Write out, Onopriyenko again went to Germany and again illegally. There he spent a year driving an itinerant lifestyle, and sometimes a little earning in different places. Again he was deported to Ukraine.
(quelle: russisches wiki)


4. Stealing from Motsy MP, Kiev. September 2, 1994
Moza MP
Baron VR
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


5. Stealing from Kozerenko AI, Malin, Zhytomyr region. October 3, 1995
Kozerenko AI
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


8. robberies and murder Svetly AI Grishchenko and GO, Malin, Zhytomyr region. October 5, 1995
Svetlovsky AI, born 1956
Grishchenko GO, born in 1958
(quelle: offizielles dokument vom gericht)


6. Stealing from O. Kushnir, p. Narodichi, Zhytomyr region. October 14, 1995
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


9. robberies and murder Parashchuk MZ, Odessa. October 28, 1995
Parashchuk MZ
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


7. Manufacture, possession and carrying of weapons. Zhytomyr, Lviv, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Kiev, Rivne, Dnipropetrovsk region. October 1995 - April 1996
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


10. Stealing from Sticks ZL, Mr. Busk, Lviv region. December 5, 1995
The victim:
Stick ZL
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

11. Attempted murder Baranets II, the city, Busk, Lviv region. December 5, 1995
The victim:
Baranez II
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

12. Destruction of property Sticks ZL December 5, 1995
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


13. The theft of state property, Ovruch, Zhytomyr region. December 7, 1995 TAP „Polesyanka."
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


December 24, 1995, the Zaichenko family of four were killed with a sawed-off, double-barreled shotgun during a robbery in their home at Garmarnia, a village in central Ukraine, which was set ablaze afterwards
(quelle: englisches wiki)

15. robberies and murder of a family Zaichenko, p. Gamarna, Malin District, Zhitomir region. December 24, 1995
Zaichenko VM, born in 1968
Zaichenko JV, born in 1970
Zaichenko BV, born in 1992
Zaichenko Olga, born 1995
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

14. Stealing from Lomeiko JA, s. Orlyanskaya, Vasilkovsky region, Zaporizhia region. 25-27 December 1995
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

In bratkovychi, at Christmas, he killed a man and a woman were waiting for help in his car broke down. Killer raped the dead woman - the only perfect for them all the time the rape, and then repair the car and drove off. From the stolen car he shot two more passers-by taking their shoes. A few hours later near the site of a previous offense had been shot three more. Killer pickings leather coat and wedding ring, again cutting off a finger. Then he saw a peasant woman with two bags of food and shot her twice. A pair of shoes, a coat, a ring, two bags of groceries - eight corpses
(quelle: journal zitomira)

16. robberies and the murder of M. Malinowski, p. Bratkovychi, Gorodok district, Lviv region. December 29, 1995
Malinowski MI, born in 1962
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

17. robberies and murder of a family of sisters and Krichkovskih dumplings with. Bratkovychi, Gorodok district, Lviv region. December 30, 1995
Krichkovsky PA, born in 1968
Krichkovskaya MJ, born in 1972
Galushka LY, born in 1977
Galushka M.YA, born in 1977
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


January 2, 1996, a family of four were shot and killed. The murders were quickly followed by that of a male pedestrian whom Onoprienko killed out of necessity in order to eliminate potential witnesses.
(quelle: englisches wiki)


18. robberies and murder Odintsov SV and Dolinin TV, Energodar, Zaporozhye region. January 5, 1996
Odintsov SV, born 1956
Dolinina T., born in 1964
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

19. robberies and murder Rybalko AM Garmash and SI, Vasmlkovsky district, Zaporizhia region. January 5, 1996
Rybalko AM, born in 1964
Garmash SI, born in 1960
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


20. Murder Savitsky AI, Vasilkovsky region, Zaporizhia region. January 6, 1996
Savitsky AI, born in 1950
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

21. robberies and murder Kasaya VV Vasilkovsky region, Zaporizhia region. January 6, 1996
Kasai VV, born in 1960
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

22. Murder Kochergina NV Vasilkovsky region, Zaporizhia region. January 6, 1996
Kochergin NV Born in 1960
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)

January 6, 1996, Onoprienko allegedly killed four people in three separate incidents on the Berdyansk-Dnieprovskaya highway, by stopping cars before killing the drivers. The victims were Kasai, a Navy ensign; Savitsky, a taxi driver; Kochergina, a kolkhoz cook; and an unidentified victim
(quelle: englisches wiki)


January 17, 1996, the Pilat family of five were shot and killed in their home, which was then set ablaze. Two potential witnesses were then killed, a 27-year-old railroad worker named Kondzela and a 56-year-old pedestrian named Zakharko
(quelle: englisches wiki)

23. robberies and murder Sembene Pilate with. Bratkovychi, Gorodok district, Lviv region. January 17, 1996
Pilate VI, born in 1934
Pilate OI, born in 1936
Pilate IV, born in 1965
Pilate L., born in 1970
Pilate OI, born 1989
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


At this time the killer was living with his cousin Peter, in a military town Yavorov just 30 kilometers from the place of commission of the crimes. There Onopriyenko acquainted with Anna Kozak, a divorced woman slightly younger than him. Anna works as a hairdresser, has his own apartment, she has two children. Literally from the first sight fell in love with Anatoly, she invites him to come live with her.
(quelle: Buch „born to kill in the USSR“ von Robert Kalman)


24. robberies and murder Zakharko SM and Kondzёly GV with. Bratkovychi, Gorodok district, Lviv region. January 17, 1996
Zakharko SM, born 1940
Krndzёla G., born in 1966
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


January 30, 1996, Marusina, her two sons, and a 32-year-old visitor named Zagranichniy were all shot dead in the Fastova, Kievskaya Oblast region of Ukraine
(quelle: englisches wiki)

25. robberies and the murder of the Foreign SV, SA Marusino and her children, Fastiv, Kyiv region. January 30, 1996
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


February 19, 1996, the Dubchak family was killed in their home in Olevsk, Zhitomirskaya Oblast. According to Onoprienko, he shot and killed the father and the son, mauled the mother to death with a hammer, and demanded money from the daughter before mauling her to death as well when she refused
(quelle: englisches wiki)

26. robberies and murder of a family Dubchak, city Olevsk, Zhytomyr region. February 19, 1996 Killed:
Dubchak AI, born in 1964
Dubchak JM, born in 1965
Dubchak VA, born 1987
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


27. robberies and murder Gudz VV Malin, Zhytomyr region. February 26, 1996
Hutz VV, born in 1956
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


February 27, 1996, the Bodnarchuk family was killed in their home in Malina, Lvivskaya Oblast. According to Onoprienko, he fatally shot the parents and then hacked the daughters, aged seven and eight, to death with an axe. An hour later, Onoprienko then allegedly shot and killed a neighboring businessman named Tsalk who was wandering around the Bodnarchuk property, hacking his corpse with the axe afterwards.
(quelle: englisches wiki)

28. robberies and murder of a family Bondarchuk, Malin, Zhytomyr region. February 27, 1996
Bondarchuk SS, born in 1969
Bondarchuk GG, born in 1965
Bondarchuk VS, born 1987
Bondarchuk TS, born 1988
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


29. robberies and murder Tsalko BB, Ovruch, Zhytomyr region. March 14, 1996
Tsalko BB, born in 1968
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


March 22, 1996, the Novosad family of four was Onoprienko's last alleged victims. According to him, he shot and killed all of the family members and set their home on fire to eliminate any traces of evidence
(quelle: englisches wiki)

30. robberies and murder of a family Novosad and Curly IP, Mr. Busk, Lviv region. March 22, 1996
Novosad MM, born in 1960
Novosad GP, born in 1965
Novosad LM, born 1986
Kucheryavaya IP, born in 1970
(quelle: gerichts-dokument)


16. April 1996 Verhaftung


† 27. August 2013 in Schytomyr


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

19.09.2015 um 15:28
Onoprienkos vermeintliche Deutschland-Aufenthalte im Überblick:

- ca 1978 bis 1986 Arbeit auf dem Kreuzfahrtschiff Maxim Gorki welches hauptsächlich deutsche Touristen transportiert und immer wieder hier anlegt (vor allem in Hamburg und Bremerhaven)

- ca Sept. 1989 nach einer ersten Mordserie in der Ukraine Flucht nach Deutschland und Odyssee durch verschiedene westliche Staaten. 1. Asylantrag (vermutlich in Griechenland), Ablehnung und Abschiebung in Ukraine

- August 1991 2. Asylantrag (in Deutschland) Ablehnung + Abschiebung.
(vermutlich längerer Aufenthalt (ca 1 Jahr), es war Balkan-Krieg und es gab eine Rekordzahl an Asyl-Anträgern, gleichzeitig langsame Bearbeitung)

- Ende 1993 3. Asylantrag (in Spanien), reist jedoch bald nach Deutschland weiter
- Mai 1994 Abschiebung

- Sept. 1994 Einreise nach Österreich, hält sich tagelang in Wald bei Rattersdorf (Burglengfeld) auf
- 04.10.94 Flüchtlingsübernahmestelle Schachendorf
- 04.12.94 Flucht aus Gefängnis Eisenstadt
- Januar 1995 Festnahme in Deutschland + Abschiebung nach Ukraine

1x verlinktmelden

Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

20.09.2015 um 12:05
Wow! Na das ist mal eine Recherche. Vielen Dank!
Ich beschäftige mich erst seit ein paar Tagen mit den Göhrde-Morden, aber Onoprijenko erscheint mir wirklich suspekt.
Gibt es eigentlich nähere Infos zu der Schusswaffe, mit welcher der 2. Doppelmord verübt wurde? Außer daß es Kaliber 5.6 mm war, finde ich nichts, und da kommen diverse Waffen in Frage. Die Standard Nato-Waffen seit den 80ern wie G36, Sportgewehre (z.B.Biathlon) oder -was wahrscheinlicher ist- eins der gängigen Jagdgewehre. Bestimmte Patronen dieses Kalibers sind besonders leise, was ja dazu passt, daß die Schüsse am 12.8. von den Polizisten nicht gehört wurden. Auch haben beliebte Wilderer-Gewehre dieses Kaliber, weil man da gut Schalldämpfer anbauen kann.
Patronenhülsen wurden ja offensichtlich keine gefunden.
Wurden bei dem 2. Mord Projektile im Körper der Toten gefunden, oder kommt die Erkenntnis von den 5.6 mm von den Schußkanälen? Weißt Du da Näheres?


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

20.09.2015 um 19:32

Das kannst du alles im Göhrde Thread nach lesen. Wenn du im Thread auf Info gehst, kannst du auch nach Schlagwörtern suchen. Um dort mit zu schreiben, musst du den User Axolotl anschreiben und fragen ob er dich in die Gruppe lässt. :)


Der ukrainische Serienmörder Anatolij Onoprijenko in Deutschland

22.09.2015 um 09:17

Danke!! Sorry, hab es Versucht aber bin mit der Suchfunktion nicht klargekommen. Werd es nie lernen. Weißt Du zufällig, auf welchen Seiten das Thema etwa behandelt wird?
