In "The Golden Age of Gans" stellt Douglas Edwards Seminare in Aussicht, um einen "Generator" zu bauen, außerdem bittet er um finanzielle Unterstützung.
Und er kündigt auch die Gründung einer eigenen Foundation an, bei der er einiges besser machen möchte als Keshe:
I along with a few other knowledge seekers will be starting our own foundation of like minds, with open source information.. NOTHING will be kept from the People who attend, no secret meetings, no secret R&D, EVERYTHING out in the open for all the People of this planet, not just those who can afford it. As a group of ALL, I would like to invite all participants in the Naming of our group, all entries will be considered.. I am leaning towards, "Plasma Innovations and Technology Transfer". PITT, because I live near Let's all do this together!!
Mark House, der Admin bei Golden Age, hat nichts dagegen, dass Douglas Keshe in den Rücken fällt:
"Open Arms Douglas Edwards we missed your presence."