Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
28.02.2013 um 03:04Der Meister ist mit seinen Fans unzufrieden. Da sich ausser den üblichen Verdächtigen so ziemlich niemand für seine aktuelle "Welt-Friedensinitiave" interessiert, müssen nun andere Saiten aufgezogen werden:
If you have not made any positive input or action in bringing this treaty to your family, neighbor, city and country and its leaders then you have just been bystander that waits for others to do everything for them and not much of a real being in serving.Das bescheidene Interesse hat sicher überhaupt nichts damit zu tun, dass der Meister selbst ausser heisser Luft gar nichts liefert ...
Please volunteer as collective members of each continent and organize the peace treaty signing day, organize it in a football stadium, Churches, Mosques, Synagogue , temples, houses of worships in five continents, in parks, your own homes and anywhere you can think of and put your programs on this link.
Failure is not an option.
(Keshe am 27.02.2013: