Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
27.02.2013 um 18:11
Die Keshianer sind schon drollige wesen.
The Following 47 Users Say Thank You to MTKeshe For This Useful Post:
Sie werden verarscht und bedanken sich noch ganz nett... wie süß...
(Aus den blog): First I felt very disappointed by this news, and I thought, I smell a BS of empty promises... Thank you Dough for putting brakes on me!
I'm eagerly looking forward to a day, when we wake up, finding a simple post; "I have received the generator, plugged in the electric kettle and it's working! Look at the video:" or "I have replicated the reactor. This is, how it's done:" It really does not matter, how many people ordered the generator. Everyone is waiting for few of them to confirm the delivery and function.
This information will spread the world like sunrise, waking us up from the dream of doubt and fear of the future. Only then will be real strong interest in the technology unleashed. Humanity has been waiting so long for the light of free energy and the end of darkness of dependency! Many of us believers are already planning future and making decisions, counting on free source of energy soon to come.
Right now we are all holding to hope and trust, putting our efforts to spread the knowledge, but our hands are still empty and it sounds to most as one big fairytale. It has become a religion almost.
I have spent 3 years of research, evangelizing the Mehran Keshe's and related work, trying to find some independent confirmation. I have even tried to replicate the bottle plasma reactor without the Kt fluid, which has been promised to get released in few months in 2009. The experiment was imitated by few, but not described reproducibly. Every time it seem's something real has come, it turns out to be doubtful. Videos of health applications were never available on the site to me. Can this be fixed? Supposedly breakthrough video of a limb growing back, is static picture of a missing toe. What does that prove?
I thought, there has to be some deeper reason, why Mehran waffles the technology, keeping people in uncertainty. I can think of three possible explanations:
1) He knows, how huge interest is going to come, and does not have the infrastructure ready for that.
That should've been fixed in December, but it seem's, it isn't. Website is still very buggy and many messages don't make it here to the forum. Emails don't get answered neither. I'm professional analyst and tester offering my help. Who may I report bugs too?
2) He's not aware of how doubtful it is, as doubts never make it to his ear, wondering, why people hold back. That's why I'm writing this.
3) He has basic idea what is possible with reactors from his early experiments, but didn't finish development of the claimed applications. Strategy would be, waiting for others to get far enough, so he does not have to show it at all.
This explanation, if proven to be true, would cut some of the KF credibility, but would clearly push us into participating.
I really wish, I could play my part in proving you right, dear MTKeshe, as you can see here: Sadly, I didn't have money last year to order the generator, but my situation has changed thankfully... Please, if someone asks for refund, I'd like to pay for it and get this reactor!
Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
27.02.2013 um 18:45
Hmmm ... ziemlich ungewöhnlich, dass man absolut nichts von den beiden deutschen Vorträgen hört. Weder im Keshe-Forum noch sonst irgendwo im Web habe ich bisher (ausser den Ankündigungen) irgendetwas darüber gelesen. Da ich bei Facebook nicht vertreten bin, nochmal die Frage in die Runde: Auch dort keine Neuigkeiten zu den Vorträgen? Zumindest der erste Vortag soll (fast) ausverkauft gewesen sein (50 Plätze).
1x zitiertmelden
Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
27.02.2013 um 18:49
Quatu: nichts, habe eben nochmal reingeschaut.
Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
27.02.2013 um 19:09
Gibts hier jetzt eigentlich irgend etwas neues? Ich sammel schon seit 4 Wochen meine Pfandflaschen um in die Reaktor-Produktion einzusteigen...
1x zitiertmelden
Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
27.02.2013 um 20:20
Wegen des begrenzten Platzangebotes (maximal 50 Plätze) ...
(Ingrid Schröder am 15.01.2013:
Liebe Forumsmitglieder und Gastleser,
für den Vortrag in Frankfurt/Main diesen Freitag, 22.2.13, sind nur noch wenige Plätze frei. Kurzentschlossene bitte rasch melden.
(Ingrid Schröder am 19.02.2013:
Scheint mir im Gesamtzusammenhang glaubwürdig. Das sind allerdings nur Reservierungen (ohne Voraus- oder Anzahlung), d.h. möglicherweise waren tatsächlich weniger Leute da).