Dear Mr. Keshe,
Just an idea to check with your webmaster if considered valid :
Why not put on your Forum some kind of real-time updated statistic schedule,
simple to fill in directly by everybody who's delivered the World Peace Treaty package to 1 or more embassies,
so to check for the foundation which embassy, nation minister etc. have been contacted in the meantime ?
Here's an example :
Personally contacted
Embassy : Place : Nation : Deliverred by : Request to embassador to contact also president or minister : Request to embassador to contact furthermore : Name : Date :
Switzerland Rome Italy certified public post Swiss Federal president All foreign embassies based in Switzerland Nadine Bùhler 11.02.2013
Ca$he atwortet darauf:
This is a good idea
There is a list of all embassies and ambassadors on the internet one can use too.
Please remember that all nations have two ambassadors in Belgium, one to the country and one to EU and some have third, to NATO too
All have to be informed.
Today we will announce a major step in this process.
We are aware and been informed that our peace treaty is and has been delivered to his Excellency president Obama as of last week.
My appeal to your Excellency is to call for world peace treaty and nations will respond.
Your Excellency president Obama You are man of peace and please rise to the challenge with the Keshe Foundation to achieve mankind's deepest wish of peace on this planet.
Aha. War da nicht was mit "USB - Stick" übergeben an die US - Botschaft? Jetzt soll also Obama die Kohlen für ihn aus dem Feuer holen?
Der liebe Ca$he ist anscheinend jetzt am anderen Ufer des Jordan angekommen...
We have received and seen reports on the net in the past days that associates the lattes Israeli attach in Middl East on 5.2.2013 to the site developing the Keshe Foundation spaceship plasma technology.
Kann jemand herausfinden, was dieser wirre Satz bedeuten soll? (30 Jahre in Englisch sprechenden Ländern und schreibt immer noch wie ein Analphabet).
My Foundation regrettably announces that, if these reports are true, then we have failed measurably bad as we have seen the first death in the path of peace through development of spaceship program.
My appeal go's to leaders whom make these decisions: in my writings on this forum I clearly warned about the closeness of the technology on the border of Israeli months ago, and now we see the reality.
Wtf? Ich dachte, der Iran hätte die Technologie schon seit Jahren und könnte damit alle Waffen weltweit zu Spielzeug degradieren?
I call again to Iranian officials, Israeli government, USA administration and Palestinian authorities to gather in the Foundation center in Belgium and in one move sort the matter of peace in Middle East, and again I say If for you all UN is too far to meet: Then our center is near enough.
In my entry in this forum months ago I did write about the West and Israeli government position of shooting themselves in the foot from what I could foresee and how new technology will be at their borders and soon we need to talk peace and not for survival of an state.
Mr Hellseher Ca$he? oder haben ihm das seine Aliens erzählt?
Before we reach this stage it is time to talk peace as the new technology has already shown its strength in two areas on this planet, one to capture the most advance aircraft's and in another one nation attacking another to stop developing it further.
Es gibt anscheinend wirklich nichts, was er nicht als "Demonstration" seiner "Technologie" vereinnahmt. Angriffe Israels auf den Iran sind also ein Beweis, dass der Iran seine "Technologie" hat und einsetzt?
Was für ein verlogener Spinner.
What a shame and waste of human resources, the beauty of this is that soon Iranian genius scientists and Israeli geniuses will work together hand in hand as they have done for centuries in Middle East to develop this technology and then we look at these times with regret of wasting men's lives.
May be it is time to bring the world scientists together to develop the technology to show the path to world leaders.
Aha. Jetzt sollen also Wissenschaftler weltweit die schon lange existierende Technologie entwickeln? (Ach so, zu Zeitreisen hat das Genie ja auch schon eine Erklärung abgegeben..)
In this link, I would like to thank all groups in different countries which are developing the space and energy reactors and have been asking us to keep their names and group off the forum, I appeal to you all that we have respected your wishes, but please you come forward and show your work, yourselves.
Würden diese Gruppen ja gerne, aber leider gibt es da nichts zu "come forward"
:D The Foundation soon will announce the opening of international research center in the beautiful country of Italy, to bring world peace closer through collective work of world scientists.
Please join us in Italy as the center for spaceship program, the legal structure has been set-up for such a move by those who work and think the same as us.
Now we work as world team scientists and bring humanity into one scientific unit.
I would like to thank those whom have made this possible and may be we as scientists will force the world peace in the coming weeks through our unity and collective work.
Yes we are ready and we have moved as of last week to our New home in Italy to see this transition for world peace and unifying world scientists and their work to achieve world peace through new spaceship program.
we will develop every aspects of the technology in collaboration with world scientists and governments in open manner.
I would like to ask those whom are working with us in Italy to put your vision on the world peace treaty link, to ask all scientists and others to move with us as we have made the move and we are proud to work in Italy for our beliefs in achieving world peace through collective work of scientists.
M T Keshe
Und zum Schluss der übliche Ca$he - Schmus. Leider werden wieder einige drauf hereinfallen. Den Ort seiner neuen Niederlassung hat er wohlweislich verschwiegen. Demnächst wird also die Ankündigung kommen, dass die Reaktoren wieder nicht geliefert werden können. Mal sehen, wie lange seine Opfer jetzt Geduld haben dürfen...