Roald Boom hat nach 7 Tagen die Tests mit seinem
zweiten Versuchsaufbau abgebrochen, und präsentiert die (negativen) Resultate in diesem Video:

Final Results - MaGrav unit 2
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Er hat gegenüber Keshe's Vorgaben (s.
Manual) nur ein verkürztes "Conditioning" durchgeführt: 12 Stunden ohne Last, eine 7 W LED-Lampe einen Tag lang, 2 Deckenventilatoren einen Tag lang, und dann 4 Deckenventilatoren als endgültige Testlast. Er gibt die Leistungsaufnahme der Deckenventilatoren -- falls mir nichts entgangen ist -- nicht konkret an, man kann sie jedoch aus den Messwerten zu je ca. 39 W (d.h. vermutlich 40 W Nennleistung) zurückrechnen.
Während der 7 Tage mit den knapp 160 W Last schwankt der Energieverbrauch in 24 Stunden im Bereich von +/- 40 Wh (weniger als 1%).
Ohne Zweifel werden die fanatischeren Keshe-Gläubigen -- was schon im ersten Kommentar zu diesem Video begann -- Roald Boom allerlei "Fehler" vorwerfen: Fehlende Polarisation des "Nanocoatings", "Conditioning" nicht nach den Vorgaben, etc. Dabei ist das bereits Roald Boom's
zweiter sorgfältig konstruierter Versuchsaufbau, nachdem sich beim ersten andere "Fehler" herausgestellt hatten. Es liegt ziemlich nahe, dass das Spiel bei einem dritten (wiederum mit erheblichem Aufwand verbundenen) Versuchsaufbau wieder so ablaufen würde.
Nach der Erläuterung der Messdaten fasst Roald Boom das Ergebnis nochmal zusammen, und erlärt dann, warum er nicht mehr weitermacht. Ich hatte zunächst beabsichtigt, nur einige Ausschnitte zu posten, das hätte aber den Inhalt zu einseitig wiedergegeben. Deshalb hier der volle Text (nach der Erläuterung der Messdaten):
Basically, what it came down to is a stable consumption. There was no drop in my consumption. So, at the 8th [day] basically I decided to turn it off, and also terminate this second unit, which to me shows enough proof that it doesn't work. Now, I know a lot of people will say: Yeah, well, you should condition it. Well, I heard that story, because that's something that came later in the blueprint. That was not the case in the beginning. These are new things.
Now, when all this stuff kept changing, I started to get a worse and worse feeling about this whole story. Because I had a gut feeling in the beginning that there was things wrong.
But because the idea is such a great idea, I wanted to continue. That's why I made so much ... I invested so much time and made so many videos and put my energy in it so much. Because the idea what Mr. Keshe presents, of a renaissance, of a move into a new era of free energy and changing the world and getting loose of this grip, this stranglehold that these elites, or whatever you want to call them, cabal, criminals, that are taken over by their greedy selves, have been having on this planet for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Well, the idea of such a thing, lifting, and be part of a new move in consciousness and a renaissance in technology was really appealing to me. So I wanted to be part of it and that's why I invested so much energy and so much time.
And I've met a lot of people along the line that were doing exactly the same thing. That were good people. I have contact with some of these people, some of you I've met over the last few weeks. Probably for a long time. Because you guys ... a lot of you are really good people, with your heart in the right place, and ready to do what's neccessary to lift this scam that is going on on this planet about who we are, where we come from, and trying to keep us enslaved in so many ways. So, this is the same reason why I was part of this.
But it started to seem to me more and more that this is scam. I know a lot of you will attack me for that, but the fact is, though, I did my research in the beginning, and there was a lot of smearing about Mr. Keshe. He apparently has promised things for years, and never come through. So, it does seem that this is the same case.
So, I didn't want to believe it. I kept saying to myself: Ok, fair enough. I read the articles about a lot of people saying Mr. Keshe has been scamming people for a long time, and lying. But I didn't want to believe it, and I wanted to think: You know, ok, maybe it's just the big oil cabal smearing him to try to keep him down, try to keep us believing that it doesn't work.
But his disorganized way of presenting things, his keeping away facts, and changing things all the time, but also promising, and saying that there's all these things working, and in the background it's been working, and people have these systems working for years, and then not coming up with a single shred of evidence that anything is working, this is too weird for me. Right?
So, I'm actually now at a point where I don't believe it anymore. I'm really doubtful about it. But I will tell you this: If I'm wrong and Mr. Keshe is right, if this thing is real, and it's working, I don't understand why he's not coming out, why he's not showing his factories in Italy and all these things. But if I'm wrong, I will gladly eat my words. I will gladly apologize to all of you, that I've been a little bit too early at drawing any conclusions.
But after the amount of time I've put in, and the amount of effort I've put in, and the incoherency in his teachings, and his promises, and his big talk, and then coming with so little facts, I just can't muster the energy anymore to continue with it. So, I'm going to be watching from the sidelines. I'm going to be hoping any of you going to come up with some new stuff instead of this almost Keshe-cultish stuff, where everything is "Yeah! I know it's going to work!", but then in the meantime nobody got a single shred of evidence.
So, I will gladly eat my words when the time comes and it's proven to actually be something that is real, working, applicable, and Mr. Keshe was right. Sure, I'll apologize. And if you don't want to listen to me anymore, fine. I'm ok with that. But right now my gut feeling is saying: Bab! Bab! Bab! Bab! [im Sinne eines Alarmtons]. You know, this is not good. You know, I really want you guys to be skeptical, but I don't want to dictate what you believe. Believe what you wish.
But there's things wrong here, lots things wrong here. And I don't want to be part of a lie. I dont want to be part of a scam. I don't want to be part of that. I'll even remove all my videos. When that found out, I'd put big text on it, saying, you know, this is all proven to be a big hoax. Don't watch this video, because you waste your time like I have.
If, for some reason, I'm wrong -- I hope I am -- then I will rejoin the effort, make clear videos, help everybody out, and continue. But in the meantime I just can't get my body-mind to get in gear anymore with this. There's something completely off here.
(Roald Boom am 02.12.2015 -- im Video @01:24)