Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
24.08.2013 um 15:29@ShortVisit: Da bin ich sehr gespannt. Falls sich jemand bei denen ein bisschen Zeit nimmt und recherchiert, müssen sie Keshe eigentlich ausladen.
We have started testing again as system had to be modified again due to escape of plasma three weeks ago due to damage to seals.Ausserdem machte er etwas genauere Angaben zu der angeblichen Gewichtsreduktion in seiner "Fortschrittsmeldung" von Anfang August:
We are trying to repeat the condition of weight reduction of 2.300 kg in two stages of three weeks ago.Er behauptet also, mit einem "Reaktor", der nach seinen Angaben 50.000 bis 100.000 Tonnen (ungefähr das Gewicht eines vollbeladenen grossen Flugzeugträgers) heben können soll, vor drei Wochen eine "Gewichtsreduktion" von 2,3 kg (mit der verdächtig unklaren Ergänzung "in zwei Stufen") erzielt zu haben. Angeblich existierende Videoaufzeichnungen davon möchte er anscheinend nicht zeigen. Leider kann er den Effekt auch nicht direkt reproduzieren, da der "Reaktor" -- wie oben beschrieben -- modifiziert werden musste.
[Hinweis: Der Punkt bei "2.300 kg" ist im Englischen als Dezimalpunkt zu verstehen]
You are used to taking tablets and from now with space health program you drink water and inhale air which their material contents are part of your body's natural construction, and hence you heal without any side effects from the water and air you consume as your body instructs the healing and there are no chemical intake changes as with the present medicine and their side effects. Then as the body make the healing process itself thus the process is safe, natural and permanent.
Hi to William and others at this site:(Kevins Antwort noch nicht freigeschaltet)
Here are a few facts about the situation, as I see them…
In response to the entity (group) that calls itself “Kevin”: The problem with the case he/it discusses about Mr Keshe has already been corrected. I, Rick Crammond (…and that is my real name “Kevin”!) have contacted Mr Keshe personally about this case.
Mr Keshe says, “The lady concerned has written a letter of apology to us, and the case is gone through Paypal, and it is for them to sort out. We have given the donation back and the receipt of shipping to Paypal, and we are waiting for the outcome to see how they have stolen systems through the post.”
Give it up, group entity called Kevin. You hide and make false accusations, behind false Facebook names like “Heinrich Kleistinger” and “Kim Thorsen”, (who has only one friend, “Kumaran Sanmugathasan”. Kumaran admits to schizophrenia, and has been harassing Keshe for years.)
“Kevin’s” constant demeaning harassment of Keshe on Facebook, and other sites, simply makes him/it look foolish. The last response from a visitor who simply asked a question at the Keshe Facebook site, following mean comments from Kim Thorsen and Heinrich Kleistinger, was,”may i know what the fuck you guys are on about and how is it relevant to what i asked?”
So, enough is enough.
“Kevin”, Who do you really represent? What is your true agenda?
What does Mr Keshe threaten in your life, that makes you want to “get him”, so badly?
In the five years I have known Mr Keshe, I have never heard of anyone who was swindled or deceived by him. Yes, due to a mixup, there was a woman who didn’t receive a couple of books. That was resolved personally by Mr Keshe, as described in a previous post here.
Sure, Keshe’s new non-radioactive reactor/generator has taken time to develop, and folks are anxious to see it in action. Mr Keshe is intensely involved with work on that reactor now.
Any one of the 150 or so people who have a 500 EU deposit for a reactor, can get the deposit back at any time they wish. I have never heard of a complaint from any of them, as they are informed about the nature of the situation.
” I volunteer for Keshe Foundation because I want a better world.”
Kevin says:
August 24, 2013 at 11:02 pm
Mr. Crammond:
“Mr Keshe says, “The lady concerned has written a letter of apology to us, and the case is gone through Paypal, and it is for them to sort out. We have given the donation back and the receipt of shipping to Paypal, and we are waiting for the outcome to see how they have stolen systems through the post.”
No problem, Mr. Crammond. Tomorrow we will contacht Paypal and confront the people there with Keshes accusation. We will as well ask the lady for what she apologized and if she has received the money.
Mr Crammond, we think that you are a honorable man and that you will use the 3000+ Euro donation for your work on a reactor prototype as designated. It is not your fault that the reactor will never work (yes, we _know_ that.. Other than Keshe we have a profund knowledge in physics, measuring techniques and scientific work). We are sure that you are able to fix almost everything which is broken. But you cannot fix something, which is based on an impossible concept.
And now please stop whining and, if you can, provide explanations for all the ridiculous claims and failures of Mr. Keshe, like:
“Can somebody please tell me, what PHOBOS is” (in a NASA forum, where he tried to promote his ideas about terraforming Mars).
“So at a humidity of about 50% we can extract about 300 liters of water from a ton of air”
(In an interview on YouTube)
“Do you know the friction between magnetioc fiedls creates heat and Thermo— are the consequence of interaction of magnetic fields.”
(Per E – Mail to a friend as response to the question if he is familiar with the first law of thermodynamics)
“Iran brought down the drone using MAGRAV technology”
(In several places in the web)
Measuring the output of his “Coke bottle reactor” with a DVM where the probes are connected to the wrong inputs.
(In a YouTube video)
Verifying a “Graphene” coating on the electrodes of same “reactor” with a misused diamond tester.
(On his homepage).
Finally to your question about our agenda:
If somebody is credulous and perhaps greedy enough to pay money in advance for a “reactor”, based on an ordering form which is written totally amateurish and has conditions, which will never ever pass examination by a court, than it’s this persons fault.
BUT if someone takes money from a desparate sick person for a bogus “treatment” and the not even responds to mails, then we act on behalve of that victim. And we don’t give up and your deletes and bans won’t help.
Not only that – at least in the EU carrying out medical activities (treatments) or promoting drugs or healing devices which are not approved is illegal and in the US the FDA has a close eye as well on such activities.
Btw – Dirk Laureyssens obviously disappeared, as well as KPV and Suzanne. we do hope, that they are OK.
Verstehe ich nicht. Hat der jemals etwas ausgeliefert?uatu schrieb:Eigentlich dürfte das aber in so ziemlich jedem Land illegal sein.
In the last year, the Keshe Foundation through its signed contracts has donated approximately over 1,000,000€ of processing systems and technology to those who could not afford to pay, but they came to us for help to our health section knowing their financial position and we did not let them down and did not compromise our ethos of work.Zwar darf man die Dimensionen, von denen er spricht, i.d.R. nicht ernst nehmen, aber zumindest einige "medizinische Geräte" wird er wohl tatsächlich ausgeliefert haben. Ein Beispiel, was er da wahrscheinlich konkret ausgeliefert hat, kann man hier in der Leiste auf der linken Seite in dem Bild mit der Aufschrift "Inhaler" sehen. Der entsprechende Link liefert weitere Informationen über Keshe's "medizinische" Aktivitäten zu diesem Zeitpunkt (2011).
I use 3 of Keshe's medical plasma reactors. Lucky me.
(Dirk Laureyssens am 24.07.2012 -- Bitte beachten: Bei Keshe können bekannterweise u.a. auch Colaflaschen "Plasma-Reaktoren" sein)
my wife got the cups for her cfs. this is why i keep respect for Mehran, he was of his word here. although it didn't help her anything, she recently got a real diagnose from docters and now is almost cured by food supplements such as magnesium. I do admit the cups neutralised somehow her blood, we see that from the results.Der Begriff "the cups" taucht im Zusammenhang mit Keshe's "medizinischen" Aktivitäten häufiger auf. Leider ist bisher unklar, was sich genau dahinter verbirgt.
(Sven G. am 09.04.2013)
Falls er das -- was natürlich nicht sicher ist -- tatsächlich so gemacht hat, wäre durchaus denkbar, dass jemandem bei PayPal auffällt, dass hier eine kommerzielle Transaktion als "Spende" abgewickelt wurde. Möglicherweise ist PayPal das egal, solange alles glatt läuft, aber da es Probleme ab, könnte das zu Ärger für ihn führen.ShortVisit schrieb:We have given the donation back and the receipt of shipping to Paypal, and we are waiting for the outcome ...