Aktuelles in deutsch
Block 3
Am 24.03.11 wurden drei Arbeiter beim Kabellegen im Maschinenhaus bei Block 3 Strahlungsdosen von mehr als 170 mSv ausgesetzt. Bei zwei von ihnen wurde bestätigt, dass Haut an den Beinen kontaminiert wurde. Da auch nach der Dekontamination eine Verbrennungsverletzung durch Beta-Strahlen möglich erschien, wurden sie in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Damit sind bislang 17 Arbeiter einer Strahlungsdosis von mehr als 100 mSv ausgesetzt worden.
Nach JAIF (25.03.2011, 10:00 Uhr) ist das Containment nicht beschädigt. TEPCO vermutet allerdings, dass Brennelemente im Reaktor oder im Brennelementlagerbe-cken beschädigt sind und stark kontaminiertes Wasser ins Maschinenhaus über ein Leck gelangt ist. Inzwischen sind Entwässerungsarbeiten im Maschinenhaus im Gange (25.03.11, 10:25 Uhr).
in englisch
*Unit 3
At 6:50 am, March 14th, while water injection to the reactor was under
operation, the pressure in the reactor containment vessel increased to
530 kPa. As a result, at 7:44 am, it was determined that a specific
incident stipulated in article 15, clause 1 occurred (abnormal increase
of the pressure of reactor containment vessel). Afterwards, the pressure
has gradually decreased (as of 9:05 am, 490 kPa).
At approximately 11:01 am, March 14th, an explosion followed by white
smoke occurred near Unit 3. 4 TEPCO employees and 3 workers from other
companies (all of them are conscious) have sustained injuries and they
were already taken to the hospital by ambulances.
As the temperature of water in the spent fuel pool rose, spraying water
by helicopters with the support of the Self Defense Force was considered,
however the operation on March 16th was cancelled.
At 6:15 am, March 17th, the pressure of the Suppression Chamber
temporarily increased, but currently it is stable in a certain range.
On March 20th, we were preparing to implement a measurement to reduce the
pressure of the reactor containment vessel (partial discharge of air
containing radioactive material to outside) in order to fully secure
safety. However, at present, it is not a situation to take a measure
immediately to discharge air containing radioactive material to outside.
We will continue to monitor the status of the pressure of the reactor
containment vessel. Monitoring will be continued.
In order to cool spent fuel pool, water was sprayed by helicopters on
March 17th with the cooperation of Self-Defense Forces.
At approximately past 7:00 pm, March 17th, Self-Defense Forces and the
police had started spraying water by water cannon trucks upon our request
for the cooperation. At 8:09 pm, March 17th, they had finished the
At 2:00 pm, March 18th, spraying water by fire engines was started with
the cooperation of Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces.
At 2:45 pm, March 18th, they had finished the operation.
At approximately 0:30 am, March 19th, spraying water was started with the
cooperation of Fire Rescue Task Forces of Tokyo Fire Department started
spraying water. At approximately 1:10 am, March 19th, they finished the
operation. They resumed spraying water at 2:10 pm. At approximately 3:40
am, March 20th, they finished the operation.
At approximately 9:30 pm, March 20th, spraying water was started with the
cooperation of Fire Rescue Task Forces of Tokyo Fire Department. At
approximately 3:58 am, March 21th, they finished the operation.
At approximately 3:55 pm, March 21st, light gray smoke was confirmed
arising from the southeast side of the 5th floor roof of the Unit 3
building, and the situation was reported to the fire department at
approximately 4:21 pm. The parameters of reactor pressure vessel, reactor
containment vessel, and monitored environmental data remained at the same
level. However, employees working around Unit 3 evacuated to a safe
location. It is observed the smoke has been decreasing. On March 22nd,
the color of smoke changed to somewhat white and it is slowly dissipating.
At approximately 3:10 pm on March 22nd, water discharge into Unit 3 by
Tokyo Fire Department's Hyper Rescue and Osaka City Fire Department was
conducted and completed at approximately 4:00 PM on the same day.
At approximately 10:45 pm on March 22nd, lights in the main operation room
were restored.
At 11:00 am on March 23rd, the injection of sea water to spent fuel pool
was conducted, and finished approximately at 1:20 pm on the same day.
At 4:20 pm on March 23rd, light gray smoke was observed belching from
Unit 3 building. The situation was reported to the fire department at
4:25 pm on March 23rd.
The parameters of the reactor, the reactor containment vessel of Unit 3,
and monitored figures around the site's immediate surroundings remained
stable without significant change. To be safe, workers in the main control
room of Unit 3 and around Unit 3 evacuated to a safe location.
At approximately 11:30 pm on March 23rd and 4:50 am on March 24th, TEPCO
employees confirmed the smoke has disappeared. Accordingly, workers
evacuation was lifted.
At approximately 5:35 am on March 24th, sea water injection through Fuel
Pool Cooling and Filtering System was initiated.
In japanisch gibt es das auch, müßte ich aber erst suchen.
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