Freie Energie/Perpetuum Mobile
18.04.2012 um 14:13Scghaut mal was cooles hier:

Der Videoersteller sagt dazu:
but selfrunning devices are a fake, they CAN´T run.
My motor/generator is a monopol, less attraction (shorted coils) device. Almost impossible to get to run. I have spent a lot of time to adjust this.The bearings must run very very easily. Running up to 300 rpm.
Don`t waste your time with a replication of these motor / generator.

Amazing Magnet Motor/Gen Rep. This is not a fake, but
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Der Videoersteller sagt dazu:
but selfrunning devices are a fake, they CAN´T run.
My motor/generator is a monopol, less attraction (shorted coils) device. Almost impossible to get to run. I have spent a lot of time to adjust this.The bearings must run very very easily. Running up to 300 rpm.
Don`t waste your time with a replication of these motor / generator.