Air responds (via ABC News)...
The airline confirmed to ABC News that the man was their medical protocol supervisor who was purposefully not wearing protective gear.
"Our medical professionals in the biohazard suits have limited vision and mobility and it is the protocol supervisor’s job to watch each person carefully and give them verbal directions to insure no close contact protocols are violated," a spokesperson from Phoenix Air told ABC News said.
"There is absolutely no problem with this and in fact insures an even higher level of safety for all involved," the spokesperson said.
Der ungeschützte "Clipboard-Mann" erklärt denen also nur den Weg, weil die nix sehen und das würde sogar noch die Sicherheit erhöhen, wtf!
Der hat darauf geachtet, dass die "Kontakt-Regeln" eingehalten werden!!!
Und nach dieser lächerlichen Aussage das fast noch schlimmere, der Typ is anscheinend mitgeflogen in dem Flugzeug. Die dailymail hat da den ganzen Ablauf auf ihrer Homepage. (Archiv-Version vom 16.10.2014)Here is the full sequence of events involving "clipboard guy" via the Mail:
Is he with the CDC? Both the ambulance company and Emory University Hospital said the unprotected man with the clipboard (center) is not one of their employees - meaning he is likely a CDC employee
A man in plain clothes was seen on the tarmac Wednesday afternoon, as the second Ebola patient (in yellow hazmat suit) boarded a flight to Atlanta, Georgia
The man is seen boarding the flight, after exchanging several objects with the hazmat crew
Clipboard man appears to have flown on the same flight as infected Miss Vinson, as he is seen in footage of her getting into an ambulance at an airport in Atlanta
Diese Idioten werden uns noch alle umbringen.
Das war jetzt kein Scherz, das meine ich ernst nach den Vorkommnissen der letzten Tage.
Dass die Ebola-Krankenschwester fliegen durfte war ja auch schon so ein Knaller.