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dabei seit 2010Unterstützer
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update/reinstall your onboard sound drivers
The game crash randomly after about 15/20 minutes.
-Press start (or the windows logo)
-Type in the searchbar "cmd" without the "
-Press enter
-a command windows should open up. write "bcdedit /set increaseUserVa 3072" without the "
-Press enter
Case 1: operation concluded succesfully (or a similiar message)
-reboot PC
Case 2: you are not allowed to do that (or a similiar message)
-Press start again
-Click "all programs"
-Click "accessories"
-RIGHT click "command prompt" and click "Run As Admin"
-Type in the command windows "bcdedit /set increaseUserVa 3072" as always without the "
This will fix the problem, wich is caused by memory leak
Gehe in Origin und mach eine Reparatur von BF3. Klicke auf das Bild und Rechtsklick- reparieren. Dann macht er noch ein Update.:ask: