@shadowsurferhier kannst du das erlesen:
http://thebirdflupandemic.com/archives/mutant-h1n1-swine-flu-or-pneumonic-plague-number-of-people-in-ukraine-with-mystery-illness-almost-doubles-in-two-days-to-nearly-half-a-million (Archiv-Version vom 08.11.2009)hier ist noch mehr info dazu:
http://preventdisease.com/news/09/110709_more_cover-ups_ukraine_plague_cases_double.shtml@SockenzombieLondon bombing Exercise goes live
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das von 9/11 hab ich jetzt nicht rausgefischt.... dazu gibts auch dokumente...
Reason schrieb:Ich möchte gar nicht wissen, auf welchen Listen wir schon stehen und als Gegner einer gewissen Elite aufgeführt sind?
da müsstest du den typen mit den offenen augen fragen....
hier eine mail die steve quale angeblich aus rumänien bekommen hat:
E-mail from Eyewitness in Romania Concerning Pneumonic Plague
November 4, 2009
It is quite possible that what they are really dealing with is the Pnumonic Plague or black death. There are outbreaks all over Romania now, however they will not give any details on the infection and are still insisting that it is all swine flu. My bravo sierra detector is going off big time. What I am seeing here in Romania and getting reports of in Ukraine, poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary is afast moving disease. If is is the black death, you should be concerned, when the black death wiped out 25% of Europe it took 4 years before the plague subsided. It is virulent however it does NOT burn itself out quickly. Sounds like I need some thieves oil.
It is still early and details are sketchy, but the Romanian authorities and the press here are definitely covering something up.