JamieStarr schrieb:Auf dem Zapruder Film kann man sehen, daß auf der anderen Seite auch Leute standen und filmten. Also den Grashügel im Moment des Schusses aufnahmen.
Es gibt ein paar Filme von der anderen Seite- Nix, Muchmore und Bronson enthalten zumindest Teile der Schusssequenz, andere zeigen die Momente unmittelbar vor/nach den Schüssen
JamieStarr schrieb:Wo sind diese Filme eigentlich abgeblieben.
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Interessanter finde ich eher, dass offenbar einige Fotos von Mary Moorman fehlen
https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/2016/05/27/mary-moorman-photos/und dass bei allen Amateurfilmen Frames vom Abbiegen der Limousine von Houston auf Elm fehlen
http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25426-the-turn-on-to-elm/?tab=comments#comment-390885http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/?page=2JamieStarr schrieb:Ich habe irgendwo gelesen, daß die immer noch in einem Tresor lagern. Warum?
Das Original des Z-Films soll bei Life in einem Tresor lagern.
Auch in diesem Zusammenhang interessant:
He wasn’t sure until he had the film developed a week later that he had assassination footage, but he believed until his death on January 17th, 1972 that shots came from the “stockade fence” area now called the grassy knoll. The FBI kept his film for three days and his camera for over five months. When his film was returned he felt it looked “different” and when his camera was finally returned, it came back in pieces. The FBI had taken it apart to “study” it. He sold the copyright to UPI in 1963. It was subsequently returned to Gayle Nix Jackson and family in 1990.
It was at that time the family learned the camera original film was missing. Who has it? Why is it missing? What does it show?
https://gaylenixjackson.com/about-orville-nix/ (Archiv-Version vom 09.02.2018)