@ZZTopdu wirst deine Gründe haben warum du auf das was ich gepostet habe nicht eingehen willst.^^
Warum du mir nun deine Aussagen von Seite 849 wieder aufwärmst, ist mir auch schleierhaft.
Vandelay ist dir wohl als Gesprächspartner, zu gut informiert oder ? ;o)
Ok dann versuch dein Glück halt bei mir ^^
ZZTop schrieb am 25.04.2008:Es ist doch ganz klar, sobald man die offizielle Version in einem grundlegenden Punkt widerlegen kann, stürzt das ganze Gebilde ein.
Alleine dieser Satz ist derart FALSCH, das es schon keinen Sinn mehr macht mit dir eine Diskussion führen zu können.
Wo und an welcher Stelle behaupten die Offiziellen Reports 100%ig richtig zu sein ?
In die Rekonstruktion der Vorgänge fließen gewaltige Mengen an Daten. Angefangen über Zeugenaussagen bis hin zur Analyse der Werkstoffe.
Trotz all dieser Daten hat bis zum heutigen Tag keiner der Experten behauptet es sein zu 100% so gewesen.
Und da sich niemand ( der Experten ) für allwissend hält, wirst du niemals das "Gebilde" zum einstürzen bringen können!
btw. bis zum heutigen Tag verkünden die lieben VT-logen zwar immer, das sie alles aufgedeckt haben doch BEWEISE scheinen bei VT-logen Mangelware zu sein.^^
ZZTop schrieb am 25.04.2008:Bleiben wir doch bei den Schäden in der Lobby und der offiziellen Version.
Ok dann los.
Beschreibe du mir erstmal welche Lobby du genau meinst.
North Tower oder South Tower.
Wäre wichtig zu wissen, denn wir wir beide wissen stürzte einer dieser Türme ja zuerst ein ;o)
ZZTop schrieb am 25.04.2008:Wie man an den Plänen ganz klar sieht, kann kein Kerosin aus dem 80. Stock die Zerstörungen im Erdgeschoss verursacht haben, da es sich in der Sky-Lobby hätte sammeln müssen.
Haben wir mal wieder die Express Fahrstühle vergessen ?
Wie viele Fahrstühle waren es doch gleich nochmal ?^^
Siehe unten ! Dort kannst du dir nochmal überlegen ob du diesen Satz so im Raum stehen lassen willst^^
ZZTop schrieb am 25.04.2008:also ist die Frage woher kamen die Explosionen?
Welche meinst du denn genau ?^^
VT-logen erfinden derart viele Explosionen das man immer nochmal nachfragen sollte welche genau denn gemeint sind.
ZZTop schrieb am 25.04.2008: Das hier keiner diesen Beweis widerlegen kann erschüttert mich und mein Weltbild.
Du hast einen Beweis ?
Für was ?
Auch für dich mal ein paar Links ^^
WTC Elevators and Shafts
http://911stories.googlepages.com/wtcelevatorshaftsDescriptions of Jet Fuel Dispersion in the Towers
http://911stories.googlepages.com/descriptionsofjetfueldispersioninthetoweAccounts of Tower Structural Instability and Expected Collapse
http://911stories.googlepages.com/accountsoftowerstructuralinstabilityande (Archiv-Version vom 05.04.2008)The Elevator Man's Tale
http://archive.recordonline.com/adayinseptember/jones.htm (Archiv-Version vom 21.03.2008)Inside the North Tower: Witness Accounts Floors 91-60
http://911stories.googlepages.com/insidethenorthtower%3Awitnessaccounts91-60Inside the North Tower: Witness Accounts, Floors 59-02
http://911stories.googlepages.com/insidethenorthtower%3Awitnessaccounts%2Cfloo2Inside the South Tower: Eyewitness Accounts
http://911stories.googlepages.com/insidethesouthtower%3AeyewitnessaccountsInside the Towers: Summary of Witness Accounts
http://911stories.googlepages.com/insidethetowers%3AsummaryofwitnessaccountsComparison of witness accounts to Rodriguez story: Burn injuries
http://911stories.googlepages.com/comparisonofwitnessaccountstorodriguezst(Lesen ! )
Zitate :
"77th Floor
On September 11, 2001, at about 8:48 A.M., I had just signed on to my computer at the office of the Inspector, suite 7767 at One World Trade Center. At the moment that the plane crashed into Building One, there were two rapid explosions, most likely the plane slamming into the building and the subsequent fuel explosion. The concussive shock knocked me from my seat onto the floor. When I rose to my feet, the building was rocking like a boat at sea. –Michael Shuhala, PAPD Detective"
http://www.thememoryhole.org/911/pa-transcripts/pa-police-reports02.pdf (Archiv-Version vom 06.05.2008)36th Floor
Kemper Insurance Co. Survivor: “The whump turns to a lingering rumble as the plane continues to blast through the building and the fireball explodes.”
There was a very strong thud, and the chandeliers shook. And then there was a second thud or explosion, and more chandeliers shook, the lights flickered, and our group, which was about 175 people, stood up and ran for the exits.
“I saw a couple of elevators in free fall; you could hear them whizzing down and as they crashed, there was this huge explosion, like a fireball exploding out of the bank of elevators,” Kravette said. “People were engulfed in flames.”
http://www.engr.psu.edu/ae/WTC/CantorFitzgerald.html (Archiv-Version vom 05.09.2008)4th Sub-basement: blast 30 seconds after impact.
Edward McCabe: I was in the refrigeration plant in tower 1 sub basement 4. I was passing through when I felt a slight shifting of the building. I froze right where I stood and listened....nothing.. about 30 seconds past (sic) and to my left about 30 feet from me was a stairway leading up to a door. this door explodes off its hinges and white smoke came into the plant. I later on found out the reason there was an explosion was the jet fuel filled the elevator shaft and seconds later a spark triggered an explosion.
This is when the explosion came.
It progressed down the building, breaking the windows as it went; the entire building was groaning, an unnatural, unearthly sound, much like a can squeezing, or cracking uncooked spaghetti. By the time it reached the lobby, the marble veneer was cracking and falling off the walls; the chandeliers shattered on the floors along with the plaster ceiling, and the force imploded in at about 50 mph, pulling metal, balled safety glass, and other material with it. The pipes were bursting over my head and dense materials were flying around me as if they were being pureed in a blender. In the next instant came a horrible noise and a flash of extreme heat and light blown directly over my head. I concluded later in the day that this was from the huge airplane fireball sent down the 78-110 elevator shaft that exploded out into the lobby, and blew around the walls and curled into the center vestibule where I was taking cover.
...The two officers and I were the only ones who made it out alive.
...As the debris and dust settled, water started to rain down, and black smoke began to roll through with the strong smell of jet fuel in what was left of a once beautiful lobby
http://www.rightnation.us/blog/guest/index.php?id=P306Und was sagte der bei den VT-logen ach so beliebte Rodriguez zu NIST ?
"The fire, the ball of fire, for example, I was in the basement when the first plane hit the building. And at that moment, I thought it was an electrical generator that blew up at that moment. A person comes running into the office saying explosion, explosion, explosion. When I look at this guy; has all his skin pulled off of his body. Hanging from the top of his fingertips like it was a glove. And I said, what happened? He said the elevators. What happened was the ball of fire went down with such a force down the elevator shaft on the 58th (50A) – freight elevator, the biggest freight elevator that we have in the North Tower, it went out with such a force that it broke the cables. It went down, I think seven flights. The person survived because he was pulled from the B3 level. But this person, being in front of the doors waiting for the elevator, practically got his skin vaporized."
http://wtc.nist.gov/media/Public%20Transcript%20021204%20Final1_withlinks.pdfUnd solltest du jetzt, nach dem du dir mal alles durchgelesen hast, noch behaupten wollen "Wie man an den Plänen ganz klar sieht, kann kein Kerosin aus dem 80. Stock die Zerstörungen im Erdgeschoss verursacht haben"
dann nennst du gerade ziemlich viele Zeugen Lügner !!
Noch Fragen ??