Ich gabe gerade noch was schönes zu William Rodriguez gefunden.
Zitat :
"Mr. Rodriguez can you hear me?
BROWN: Tell me where you were when -- which ofthose two buildings were you in?
RODRIGUEZ: I work in building one. The one thatgot hit the first time.
BROWN: Tell me what happened.
RODRIGUEZ: I wasin the basement, which is the support floor for the maintenance company, and we hear likea big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way.And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into ouroffice, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin.
We went crazy, westarted screaming, we told him to get out. We took everybody out of the office outside tothe loading dock area. Then I went back in, and when I went back in I saw people -- Iheard people that were stuck on an the elevator, on a freight elevator because all of theelevators went down. And water was going in, and they were probably getting drowned. Andwe get a couple of pipes and opened the elevator and we got the people out.
Iwent back up and saw one of the officers from the Port Authority Police, I been workingthere for 20 years so I knew him very well. My routine on the World Trade Center is incharge of the staircase, and since there was no elevator service, I have the master keysfor all the staircase doors.
So, I went up with the police officer and a groupof firemen. As we went up, there was a lot of people coming up, and while we got -- itwas very difficult to get up.
BROWN: Mr. Rodriguez, how many time has taken --has elapsed here in this, as you recount the events? Did it seem like hours, minutes,seconds? RODRIGUEZ: No, it wasn't hours.
BROWN: What did it seem like?
RODRIGUEZ: Well there was a big time, like a gap. There was a gap of time. I won't beable to tell you if it was 15 or 20 minutes.
RODRIGUEZ: Butthere was a gap of time. We heard, while we were on the 33rd floor, I'm sorry on the 23rdfloor, because we stopped there with the fire department because their equipped was veryheavy and they were breathing very hard. They took a break because they couldn't continuegoing up. So they wanted take a break.
And we had a person on a wheelchair thatwe were going to bring down on a gurney, and a lady that was having problems with a heartattack, and some other guy that was bleeding hard. And we went a couple of floors up.While they were putting the person in the gurney, got up to the 39th floor, and we heardon the radio that the 65th floor collapsed. It collapsed.
BROWN: Mr. Rodriguez,let me stop you there at the 65th floor, and let me add you are a lucky man, it seemslike, today. Thank you for joining us."
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0109/11/bn.24.htmlHmm irgendwieerzählt er nichts von Explosionen ? Er klingt eingentlich überhaupt nicht nachVerschwörung oder ?
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