9-11: CNN macht schluss mit V-Ts
05.06.2006 um 12:00
Servus @ all
Zu dem Zeugen Lloyd und den Zeugenaussagen allgemein:
"Lloyd, Survivors' Fund Project Survivor Story
Lloyd still keeps a torn dollarbill signed by a stranger and dated September 11, 2001. It marks a day he has struggledto survive for two years. But Lloyd’s story is different from most other Survivors’ Fundclients. His life and livelihood was changed by the path of Flight 77 before it hit thePentagon.
Lloyd, 69, began the morning of September 11, 2001 like most days,driving his taxi cab. A passenger in Rosslyn told him what had happened at the WorldTrade Center so he turned on his radio and headed home. As he approached the Navy Annex,he saw a plane flying dangerously low overhead. Simultaneously, the plane struck a lightpole and the pole came crashing down onto the front of Lloyd’s taxi cab, destroying thewindshield in front of his eyes. Glass was everywhere as he tried to stop the car.Another car stopped and the driver helped move the heavy pole off Lloyd’s car. As theywere moving the pole, they heard a big boom and turned to see an explosion. The lightpole fell on Lloyd and he struggled to get up from underneath, wondering what hadhappened.
Police started to arrive on the scene and forced Lloyde to move. Theyurged the bystanders to leave the area in case there was another explosion. Lloyde wasforced to abandon his car in the middle of the street to begin the long walk home. As hemade his way on foot up Route 395, he met a man who had been working at the Pentagon.Walking side by side they found a dollar bill lying in the road. They picked it up, toreit in half, each signed one half and traded with each other. Parting ways each took halfof a torn dollar with a stranger’s name on it. Lloyde still keeps this tangible reminderof his experience on 9/11.
Lloyde says the hardest part of his journey since9/11 has been trying to survive without money. He realized once he got home the morningof September 11th that he would not be able to work without his car—it is his livelihood.He was without a vehicle for two months until he purchased a used car with the help ofAmerican Red Cross funds. They were the only people to come to his aid in the beginninguntil his daughter came across the Survivors’ Fund. With the help of his case manager andfinancial support from the Fund, he has been able to afford his monthly expenses,something he struggled with after 9/11. “I’m not accustomed to people helping me,” hesays. “I’m amazed that there are people there just to do that.”
Lloyde tends tokeep his feelings to himself. He is quiet, respectful and humble when speaking of hisexperiences. When asked if it helps him to talk about September 11th, he says, “I don’tknow. There are things I’d like to forget.” The remnants of September 11, the remindersare all over for him but he concludes, “surviving hasn’t been easy, but it can be done.”
Das ist die komplette Aussage von dem Taxifahrer. Rührend, nicht wahr.....undtotaler Quatsch!
Von der Sorte hab ich auch noch ein paar im Angebot:
Christopher Munsey, Navy Times reporter , was en route to work.
". . Icouldn’t believe what I was now seeing to my right: A silver, twin-engine AmericanAirlines jetliner gliding almost noiselessly over the Navy Annex, fast, low and straighttoward the Pentagon, just hundreds of yards away.
The plane, with red and bluemarkings, hurtled by and within moments
exploded in a ground-shaking “whoomp,”
Noiselessly?....Bei einem Airliner dessen Pilot gerade Vollschub gibt?
"Captain Lincoln Liebner, was parking his car at the moment of attack:
"Isaw this large American Airlines passenger jet coming in fast and low,"
"Myfirst thought was I've never seen one that high. Before it hit I realised what washappening,
Captain Liebner says the aircraft struck a helicopter on the helipad,setting fire to a fire truck.
We got one guy out of the cab," he said, adding hecould hear people crying inside the wreckage.
Captain Liebner, who had cuts onhis hands from the debris, says he has been parking his car in the car park when thecrash occurred."
Struck a Helicopter? Auch das wäre mir neu.
Wie kommtes zu solchen Aussagen?
Na ganz einfach weil es Menschen sind und keineDiktiermaschinen.
In den Sekunden des Aufpralls wurden die umstehenden Leute miteiner aussergewöhnlichen Situation konfrontiert die sie mehr oder weniger Verarbeitenmussten.
Und bei dem Versuch ihre Rolle in dem ganzen Drama zu finden wurden haltmanche Details aufgebläht, umgeschrieben oder völlig ignoriert.
Aber einwesentliches Merkmal haben alle Aussagen: Der Airliner.....kein einziger Zeuge sieht indem Flugkörper etwas anderes.....und zwischen einer CM die 6 m lang ist und einer 757, ca47 m lang, besteht meiner bescheidenen Meinung nun doch ein kleiner Unterschied.
Es ist wie bei einem Banküberfall bei dem die Zeugen sich in den Detailswiedersprechen....aber keiner würde auf die Idee kommen zu behaupten das der Überfall garnicht stattgefunden hat, oder etwa nicht ?
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