Jemand, der vor vier Jahren einen einzigen Workshop organisiert hat zum Thema Gong-Puja hat scheinbar bei manchen seine Glaubhaftigkeit verspielt weil er angeblich in der "Esoszene" Geld machen möchte und ein Truther ist??
Das einzige, was ich jenseits vom Hampstead case noch von Ray Savage gefunden habe ist diese Aussage hier:
"Ray Savage, 65
Investigator, East Sussex
I ran The Heavy Mob, the anti-riot squad, breaking up fights between mods and rockers in 1960s Brighton. I saw the squad run by my supervisors and mentors first and I vowed to run it slightly differently, with compassion and tolerance, without any form of brutishness because there was no need for it.
My dad was a decorated D-Day veteran. He was an honest, loving man. Not without scars of course. He'd grown up with a war. His form of masculinity was strength, to be dependable. I went back with him for the D-Day 60th anniversary. It was awe-inspiring and gut-wrenching. His last words to me were were, "All I ever tried to do is to help people".
Men are threatened by the evolution of women. If anything, women have compassion for where men have been and what's been put on them, that men have suffered abuse too. To me, that's one of the roles of modern man, to support women in their power, because by combining our abilities, that's what will make things change."
Von dieser Seite hört sich für mich vernünftig an, zumindest sehe ich darin nichts, was mich so sehr an seiner Glaubhaftigkeit zweifeln lässt dass ich denke er lügt um damit Geld zu verdienen. Denn das war ja die These, die hier aufgestellt wurde.