ER_win schrieb: wäre ich leichtgläubig hätte ich den Inhalt deines Links geglaubt
Wärst du mal weniger überheblich und mal wirklich clever, dann hättes du dich mal selber bemüht.
"I decided to look over the credentials and statements of the structural engineers (SEs), in AE911T. There are only 30, 19 in the US and 11 in Canada, Australia and Western Europe. Anders Björkman who used to claim to be an SE is now more accurately classified as a “Naval architect & Marine engineer”
Two to four seem to not really be SE’s. Charles Pegelow is no longer listed as a structural engineer and his now expired license was for civil engineering. Apparently Rich Reed recently earned his BS, is unlicensed and left his bio (and statement) blank. Albert Arey from Chicago is listed as being “Degreed and Licensed” and “Verified” but he is in the “Other Supporters and A&E Students” group, did not provide a license number and is NOT licensed in Illinois. He claims to have a degree from Ecole Centrale Lyon, which only gives degrees in general engineering, so he might be licensed in France. Other than his education his bio gave no indication what experience, if any, he has. The only work experience William H. Russell “Architect, Structural Engineer”, of Atlanta mentioned was as an architecture professor 1973 – 2006 but failed to disclose were he taught from 1979 onward. He claims to have earned his BA in architecture and MS in architectural engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana and to have been an “Asst Professor” there 1973 -77. He also claims to be the holder of RArch#3454(GA) and “S.Eng#4161(IL,inactive)” both issued in 1977 but a he did not turn up in the IL or GA engineers databases*, the latter of which lists inactive licensees and used 9-digit numbers and like most states neither IL nor GA issues licenses for specific types of engineers so there is no way he could have earned a “Structural Engineering Registration” in either state in 1977 or any other year. Also it is hard to believe one of the prestigious architecture programs in the US would hire an unlicensed architect as an assistant professor which is a tenure track position."
Well, after celebrating their oil rig engineer and their golf course engineer, now they've picked up a swimming pool engineer. Or, rather, a guy who used to be a swimming pool engineer until his license to be a Professional Engineer was revoked by the State of New Jersey.
Donald C. Meserlian is the latest nut in the Blue Diamond warehouse that is A & E 9-11 Troof and even by their high standards he merits a rubber room all his own."
http://screwloosechange.blogspot.de/2008/11/richard-gages-new-engineer.htmlUnd nu...... ?
Immer noch alle anderen Doof ?
:D :D