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28.09.2015 um 10:47
@Grymnir I am quite happy that they made the right decision. This would have e.g. been like Bavaria separating from germany.



28.09.2015 um 10:53

lets see: Scotland was independet for a long period - and so was Bavaria. But the circumstances in Britain and Germany are a bit different. The Scots have a very different Culture rom the British, and even had their own language (And no, Bavarian, Saxon and so on are no languages :) )



29.09.2015 um 11:22
Oh yes, the sound of bagpipes- in my hometown they are well known as well; Being represented in the old traditional songs, which i really love :)

Well, to be honest i was for an independant Scotland as well... I think their culture and history is quite impressive and interesting...

3x zitiertmelden


30.09.2015 um 02:08
Zitat von miakodaamiakodaa schrieb:my hometown
Bagpipes? Ireland, scotlandia, Galicia ? PaisVasque??
I dont speak english but I love Irhish Folksong!

its kind of Rebel, like Euskadi,,
Youtube: Euskal Herrian euskaraz (Oskorri)
Euskal Herrian euskaraz (Oskorri)
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01.10.2015 um 12:29
Hmm i would not really like to say where i am coming from :) But none of those places for sure ;)

1x zitiertmelden


02.10.2015 um 18:35
Zitat von miakodaamiakodaa schrieb:But none of those places for sure ;)
Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Tunesia, Marocco, Indonesia, India
shit, I´m so curios, please write me per PN, so it dont follow up a matter.
:D I swear I dont tell anybody anything.



04.10.2015 um 14:07
Haha your funny :D No not from those countries either; it's maybe not even important, nevertheless i will send you a PN, dont want you to burst with curiosity :P But that's interesting. Is it important for you... i mean do you want to know that when you meet someone for the first time? Or is it like using it as a good start for smalltalk just as many others do?



05.10.2015 um 21:24

To me it is pretty interesting from which Country the person im writing with comes from.Especilly since most Allmy Users are German it is cool to get to know Poeople from other Countries.
I have not been born in the FRG too, the country of my origin doesnt exist anymore.



06.10.2015 um 11:34

Hmm i see. To be honest if i ask a person about her/his origin, it's rather for the sake of starting a conversation. It's not that i am not interested in it, rather the idea to put or being put in boxes makes me cautious about it (which doesn't mean it has to be so). Although it can even help to understand a person better- for knowing the cultural background etc can help to see some "patterns" in the traits too right...



07.10.2015 um 18:29

OK, but i gotta say that i never have any prejudices about people when they tell me where they are from. Since we all know that sereotypes about any kind of person are never true. Not only related to different nations, but also to Fans of specific Teams or Bands or something.



08.10.2015 um 11:02

Naturally and i didnt want to imply that you or anyone here is doing that. I was rather speaking generally for i think some peope really pay too much attention of what a person seems to be than what the person truely is. But agree these kind of stereotypes do not only exist in regards of nationality, but many other "areas" as well. It's just sad when people focus on these "tiny" parts of a person when there is so much more (speaking about prejudices etc now). I think human characters are far too complex and "deep" than to be able to capture the "totality" with just that... Anyhow so just wanted to clarify that i didnt mean to sound it that way :)



08.10.2015 um 14:22
who wants to play barbie?^^



11.10.2015 um 18:17

Yeah i totally understand what you mean.
You see, many people have now that stupid prejudice that all Saxons are Racists, just because some People go to that demonstrations against islamisation.

1x zitiertmelden


18.10.2015 um 17:09
Zitat von GrymnirGrymnir schrieb am 11.10.2015:Yeah i totally understand what you mean.
Me too! :D

The interes wos more about the instrument! Bagpipe
Zitat von miakodaamiakodaa schrieb am 29.09.2015:Oh yes, the sound of bagpipes- in my hometown they are well known as well;
Youtube: 2º Gaitas del  XXIX Dia de Galicia eñ Euskadi. (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
2º Gaitas del XXIX Dia de Galicia eñ Euskadi. (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
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But anyway its interessing, from where someone belongs! We are influyed from our culture and our surrounding! If we want or not! i never said I can speak english. :D



18.10.2015 um 17:27
*very interesting, no dressing, but like already explained, I dont speak good, my french is even worse.
The only language I really control is my accent!

And german and spanish

Nice to meet you!

1x zitiertmelden


18.10.2015 um 19:34
soo sad :/ nobodys talking to me



20.10.2015 um 10:52
Zitat von lilitlilit schrieb:Nice to meet you!
i hate it when people say nice to meet y

Dont worry, just kidding. I'm a nice Guy...Inkognito ^^


Welcome to my world :(



21.10.2015 um 11:39

Oh well we were speaking about bagpipes, but its great to fallow the "stream" of the conversation too ;)
And thank you it's nice to meet you too!


To be honest i didnt know how to answer your question, for i fear you will take offence, when
i tell you that i dont like barbies- forgive me ;) Never liked them though my friends had huge collection of those
little puppets... Guess you are a fan, calling your nickname even after them huh? :)



21.10.2015 um 13:58
yes yes you´re right. Don´t worry i won´t become offence, when somebody says " i never liked barbies". I would be really stupid if i would :D

everythings fine ;)

yes i am a very big fan with also a huge collection^^
