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The New World Sport : Hating America

11 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: USA, NWO, America ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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The New World Sport : Hating America

27.08.2006 um 13:50
Mr. John Gibson's new book Hating America: The New World Sport

Question: Do yousee any justification for this anti-Americanism?

Mr. Gibson: There are very goodreasons it’s happening. The first one is, and I quote this guy who is a German newspapereditor (and I don’t know if this is his idea or he borrowed it from somebody else), “thefirst rule of alliances is they fall apart when they succeed.” So the Western alliance,which was Western Europe, the United States, and large parts of the Arab world, was analliance against the Soviet Union. Once there was no Soviet Union there was no reason forthese countries to be quite so closely allied with the United States. At the same time,Western Europe in particular began to fear the United States more because here’s thishuge monster military power (that was built up to protect them) that is now lookingaround for something to do. That’s their attitude. So jealousy, envy, and fear come intoplay, and also the simple equation that Germany can engage in anti-Americanism becausethey don’t need Americans to protect them from the Russians anymore. And they view thisas a period where they can shake off World War II.

How dangerous is what isbeing printed about America?

Mr. Gibson: The fact of the matter is that we aregoing through a rough time and it might last a while. The world still has the same fearsabout us. Nobody on the planet, except guerrillas, can act militarily except the UnitedStates. So everybody is worried about us. They are feeling pretty good right now becauseAmericans are getting a bloody nose in Iraq. But there is still long-term worry. There isnobody to challenge the United States. The basic resentment and hatred of the UnitedStates comes from that fact. We are a virtually unstoppable force on the planet and theyhate that. Look, nobody ever puts it in these terms, but if the U.S. military wanted totake Paris tomorrow, they’d take Paris. We don’t want it. We’re not going to do that, butthere’s nobody to stop us. When the European elites and the intellectual class and policyplanners look at that, it worries them. The Europeans in particular have spent all theirmoney on their comfort society — full employment, medical plans. They don’t havemilitaries. They don’t spend their money on that. At the point where we were debating thewar, for a moment Europe thought, "if we had airlift capability we could at least get inon the debate." But they had nothing, so nobody was going to pay any attention to whatthey had to say. And if they weren’t going to be paid attention to, their position had tobe to oppose it.

Lookingat this stuff is useful to help make you understand why we’re getting grief from thesepeople who are supposed to be our friends. The answer is, they’re not our friends.

When John Kerry says we have to get our allies involved in Iraq, I’m notreally sure he believes that. Because in order to get them to help us, you’d have to makeconcessions that constrain us. I think America has to be free to act in its own defense.If you have the French constraining you, then you are defeating the purpose of acting todefend yourself. I think itsdangerous to want friends in this regard. They are only going to constrain how you canact in order to suit their own interests.


The New World Sport : Hating America

02.09.2006 um 05:23
That is no reason to hate the U.S.A. .
I love the U.S.A. .
All people arefriendly here, much more than in Germany, and polite, and disciplined out of theirselves.
Exactly this discipline makes it possible to have so much fun, beacuse you get thingsdone and after that, you can do what you wanna do...or even in classes it is reallyfunny.

May be that the U.S. Army has some weird points of view, but it is noreason to blame the whole country, all the people, who don't waste a thought about thingslike that.


The New World Sport : Hating America

06.09.2006 um 06:34
I agree mastermind 100%

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The New World Sport : Hating America

06.09.2006 um 23:45

Hi guys!

glad to read such of this posts!

may god bless you


God bless America!



The New World Sport : Hating America

22.11.2006 um 14:41
the main problem is that one man or a few people represents this country in the wholeworld. and if they acting like fools anybody things that america is a country of foolsthat hates everybody and wants the worldleadership.

i like america but i don´tlike bush and his companions.


The New World Sport : Hating America

24.11.2006 um 15:37
Hi onlinefreak,

Of course there are many intelligent people in America. Buteveryone who has been there already, told me that the people in America are often kind ofnaive.
Just stop to having prejudices, in any direction. We should all go there, andmeet those people we're talking about.


The New World Sport : Hating America

24.11.2006 um 19:43
"the main problem is that one man or a few people represents this country in the wholeworld. and if they acting like fools anybody things that america is a country of foolsthat hates everybody and wants the worldleadership.

i like america but i don´tlike bush and his companions."


have you been in mybrain?
i agree in every single point of your opinion.
i have some really goodfriends from the usa. they are really great people, they are openminded, friendly,tolerant...

so many people in germany didn't like the americans cos of onestupid guy.
when peolpe think about america the first thing in their mind is georgebush.
it's realy sad to reduce a country to just one person, there're millions ofother people there. of course there are people like bush, but not all are like him.
it always reminded me of the german past. for foreigners all germans were/are
nazis. it takes such a long time to change people's opinion.


The New World Sport : Hating America

29.11.2013 um 21:30
i won't say, i hate america...but those, who copy off america and denying it.

like ireland: those shopping malls and housing estates, or even the so called 'traditional' turkey and ham dinner for christmas, everything purely american, copied with a blindfold by the irish :(


The New World Sport : Hating America

05.04.2014 um 05:36
edit: wrong thread... :/


The New World Sport : Hating America

15.04.2014 um 13:40
(Now I'm right here.)

There is indeed a new world sport which can be described as "Hating America". If you want to find evidence for it, you just have to read in the conspiracy category here on Allmystery. By doing so you will find numerous people willing to bear witness to their hate against America.

There have been displeased people during all centuries of mankinds history. And there is something uniting them all, because most of them were or are searching for a culprit. A single culprit for nearly everything, which in their point of view seems to be wrong in the whole wide world.

A guy called Hitler was sure about a jewish conspiracy taking place in his lifetime, he was also sure that the jewish do control the politics in America, he believes in the conclusivness concerning "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and we all know what he did next to those imagined plotters.

Well, to keep a long story short, isn't it ridiculous that today, unsatisfied people go ahead with thinking about secret societies or conspiracies, by partly using the same arguments as Hitler did, in order to reveal fascism or anything in the US?


The New World Sport : Hating America

19.05.2014 um 03:26
I honestly can't blame people for hating the USA.

First off, the USA gained citizens from immigration. Nowadays, many citizens of the USA hate immigrants. That is pretty sad seeing as how the USA was founded upon immigration.

Next, the USA tends to have an arrogant attitude as if they are better than everyone else. Not every person has this attitude, but many Americans do. Most people do not appreciate a narcissistic attitude.

Another problem is that the USA sticks its nose into everyone's business. The USA get involved in problems that do not belong to it. This is really annoying.

The general attitudes of so many people here in the USA suck. There seems to be pride in not being very well educated. There seems to be pride in resisting education. Many people, in my state at least, are very cold and distant. Most people won't even hold a door open for you. Even worse, the education system is messed up because of the government. Grade schools are forced to teach certain lies depending on the subject. Most of the lies are in the history books.

Many people here are shallow. It is very hard for me to find people to discuss physics, astronomy, math, etc. here. When people ask me what I am interested in and I answer, they say something like "Ohh, gross." It's not even that. Finding someone to discuss any intellectual topic is difficult. So many people would rather be listening to their pop music, reading about celebrities, discussing stupid TV shows that rot people's brains into mush.

American dream? Think again. Finding a job here in the USA is very tough to do. Obtaining a degree oftentimes results in massive debts, easily reaching $40,000 or more. Many people that have degrees must work on minimum wage while trying to get a job. Minimum wage barely provides enough money for people to live on their own. They would have to work many, many hours to live on their own on minimum wage. The economy is crap because like all other governments, the USA government hogs most of the money for themselves and steals it from hard-working people.

Now, I know that not every American is like this (I know plenty of good, smart Americans), but I would say that many people here are not all that great. I know that the USA is not the only country with these problems, but the USA tries to look perfect, when the reality is that it has serious problems.


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