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19 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Conspiracy, Illumination, Dumbass ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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30.11.2005 um 16:41
In the late 18th century, Adam Weishaupt was a professor at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria. He believed in the abolition of both government and organized religion, so much so that on May 1, 1776 he started a little social club to that end. The original group began with five members and was called The Order of Perfectibilists. Later it was renamed the Order of the Illuminati, and this enterprise spread throughout central Europe.

From its inception, the first rule of the Illuminati was DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE ILLUMINATI. Because of its controversial aims, the club had to keep its agenda and even its existence a strict secret. In written correspondence, members used a code to refer to dates, locations, and individual members. Weishaupt's codename was "Spartacus."

Professor Weishaupt joined a German strain of Freemasonry in 1777, being initiated in Munich. He immediately began to poach from the ranks of his fellow Masons to fill out his own clandestine group. This recruitment continued unabated until he was finally caught and expelled from the Freemasons.

Eventually, somebody spilled the beans about Weishaupt's project and the ideals to which it was dedicated. All of a sudden, he become one of the most hated men in Europe. He had simultaneously managed to rile both church and state.

The end result was a crackdown on secret societies across the board. In June 1784, both the Masons and the Illuminati were declared illegal by the King of Bavaria. Weishaupt fled to Gotha, a city in eastern Germany, to escape arrest. There he lived out the rest of his days.

People tend to get uptight when they are forced to look at the back of a dollar bill. And they have good reason to. There it is on the left -- that goddamned pyramid with the freaky eyeball. And what the fuck is that at the bottom? NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM. Obviously some kind of incantation.

According to the official explanation, the phrase is Latin for "a new order of the ages." The designer of the Great Seal, Charles Thomson, claimed that the "new order" he was referring to was that of the American republic. The year on the pyramid is 1776, which is the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

All right, fine. But what about that eyeball? That thing is definitely occuIt. Nothing says "Big Brother" quite like a hovering eyeball.

Thomson explained away that one by claiming the eyeball belonged to God (or "Providence," as he put it), and that the phrase ANNUIT COEPTIS means "it has favored our undertakings." Taken together, they are intended to communicate the idea that God is rooting for America.




30.11.2005 um 16:43
thats awesome!

Wenn die Wahrheit im Auge des Betrachters liegt, dann gibt es keine Wahrheit, außer dieser Wahrheit, die nur derjenige begreift, der sie durch die Augen aller sieht.



29.03.2006 um 14:22
Annuit Cœptis =it means someone or something "has approved our beginnings".
On thereverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. Taken from the Latin words annuo (tonod, approve) and cœpto (to begin, undertake).

Could someone tell me who ismeant with this Sentence?
Who is the one that approved the beginnings?

....Unablässig von Blut getränkt,ist die ganze Erde ein riesiger Altar,worauf alles,was Leben hat,geopfert werden muß, endlos, unablässig.




29.03.2006 um 16:39
The nWo or New World Order is starting 1991 officel but inofficel the nWo start 1791 200years earliy.

Gefangener des Hochsicherheitstraktes der Jugendanstalt für User aus dem Forum www.allmystery.de

-=CIA=- *|CduS|*



30.03.2006 um 13:25
Yes the illuminati are the people where are want the domination of the World

Again didn't know if is right.
nobody know this.

Is the grammar right?

Ich glaube einfach an die Aufklärung, daran, dass man Menschen überzeugen kann durch Argumente.
-=CIA=- *|CduS|*



03.04.2006 um 07:33
I´m reading Illuminati by Dan Brown and i am surprised to learn day by day about thehistory...

Die Leichtigkeit des Seins wird beeinflusst durch die Bürde des Vergangenen und das Joch des Zukünftigen...



03.04.2006 um 08:12
Maybe it is an interesting fact, that the illuminati have dissolved themselves a longtime ago ;-)

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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03.04.2006 um 16:15
who said the illiminati has dissolved? got some proof to back up your statement?

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud



03.04.2006 um 22:15
Yeah, I have, this link thought it is in German, but maybe you will understand it anyway.

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

choda ehemaliges Mitglied

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06.04.2006 um 22:58
My dear friends,

the illuminati are an ordenary secret society.
like allsecret societies do, they try beeing exclusive as they do not want to be knowen by thelegal authority.
Every society, espcially the secret ones, need goals or ambitionsto give reasons for their existence.
So what is the highest achivment you can choos?
yes indeed, to rule the earth.

Those secret societies exists for the samereason, like upperclass country clubs do.
it is a need of the society.

Wish you all happy Eastern.



29.04.2006 um 01:05
Hello Myth Buster,

Somebody helped me in the 'other' forum with my German, soI'll help you:
"Yes the illuminati are the people where are want the domination ofthe
"...who want to dominate the world".

"Again didn't knowif is right."
"I don't know if this is right."

"nobody know this."
"Nobody knows."

I read a book some years ago called, "The Wrath ofAleister Crowley" which
made the point that whoever these illumati were, they areno longer...they keep
ahead by constantly changing their name and profile. We are along way behind
them. They are the original "spin doctors".



17.10.2006 um 19:46
I do not believe it the Illuminaten still in this white give that it the world dominationto reach would like, but believe I her probably try into high positions to arrive forinstance as judge or Presidents ;) The world domination actually to iron would beprobably very with difficulty in a time where this everyone somehow would like.



07.11.2006 um 19:04
On the one hand the Illuminati are an ordenary "teutonic" Order, founded by AdamWeishaupt.
On the other hand the Illuminati stand for many conspirative theoriesmixed to one
good story for entertaining the masses...
And Dan Brown knows howto use it!
But if you could encrypt the stories of the illuminati, its veryinteresting.
The truth is decrypted in the mix of stories...
But I wonder thereis thread on this Topic...is it just to make a start on the english board?




12.12.2006 um 22:17
Dan Brown writes "fictitious novels" based on other people's research. I know
theircourt case failed, but if you want to read something more substantial then
read,"The Holy Blood, the Holy Grail", by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and

Aleister Crowley once claimed to be a Freemason, but it is known thathe was
a member of the Golden Dawn, which he abandoned. He then went on to lead
the British section of the "Karl Bremer branch" of the O.T.O., which was
apparently called the Mysteria Mystica Maxima. In 1920, he established the
Abbeyof Thelema in Sicily. By the years leading up to World War II, he had
travelled fromTibet, to France, Germany, Italy and Morocco. He had been
working as a spy fordifferent governments. Earlier, he had met Rasputin and
Gurdjieff in Greece and justprior to the war, helped establish Gurdjieff in
England, after an earlier meeting inFrance.

The long and the short of this long story is, that things may not be howthey
appear. Why was Crowley so hyper-active? Was it his search for truth, or did
he already heed his "calling"?

I believe he 'infiltrated' many of thesegroups to learn of their 'aspirations', that
were steadily coming to fruition notjust since the 1770's as stated here, but
from much earlier. A very Old Plan thathad even earlier undermined the
gnosis quests of the Cathars and Templars.

Crowley infiltrated these groups - the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the
O.T.O., and, I believe - directly, or indirectly, the Freemasons - as well as the
respective governments of Germany, Italy, France and Britain - to thwart the
plan that culminated with the Nazi push for power. He helped undermine it by
diverting Rudolph Hesse from his Fuehrer, through an act of magic in Ashdown
Forest England, that enticed Hesse to Scotland and undermined Hitler's trust
hisown psychic abilities and surrounded occuIt advice.

Amado Crowley, theillegitimate son of Aleister, was a part of the proceedings
at Ashdown forest. Inhis book "The Wrath of Aleister Crowley", he pulls the
Freemasons, Hermetic Order ofthe Golden Dawn, and the O.T.O. under the
same umbrella by making the point thatthey were all founded in Germany,
along with the Rosicrucians as well. They were allconnected with German
Protestant Freemasonry.
"We must also bear in mind thehistorical facts that Germany, or its
predecessor Prussia, has been a cause of warand conquest for centuries.
From the Teutonic Knights onward, the philosophy ofFascism has been
pushing through the ground".

"When you think of"Superman", "Pure Being", and "Might is Right", don't you
also think of Nietzsche,Schopenhauer, and that team?"

Apologies for this lengthy explanation, but what Iam leading to is that the
"Illuminati" are all the one and the same, though the fewpeople running the
show probably call themselves something else by now. As Amadoagain puts it
in his book, "Each of them (these groups) believes it alone is right.Each
justifies or tries to legitimize its own existence by some contorted appeal to
Aleister's teachings...Crowley (Aleister) knew better than to revolutionize
occuItism by revealing his own discoveries too early...there have been, and are
still today, 'orthodox occuItists' who appear to sink the party. Here I am
thinking of the 'Lords of Chaos' (my bold) with whom these occuIt orders
may have no conscious link."

In other words, since pre-Rennaisance times,the majority of occuItists have
been misled. We have attempted to learn from thesegroups who themselves
have not penetrated the veil and have been seduced intoworldly power than in
the search for spiritual truth and have been exploited by somethat would lead
us away from our 'true inheritance'. There are those that arejealous of we
human's potential and would have it stolen from us.



03.10.2013 um 10:27
I can see the light, i really can see it, feel it, it's so great! I think I'm illuminated too now.

1x zitiertmelden


03.10.2013 um 15:52
Zitat von Banana_JoeBanana_Joe schrieb:I can see the light, i really can see it, feel it, it's so great! I think I'm illuminated too now.
Time to get your medicine Mr. Murphy :D



03.10.2013 um 18:41
Hehe. Great idea! I'm on my way to nurse Ratched...



03.10.2013 um 21:23
Hey folks, I've taken my medicin by now:troll: and I'm ready to seriously share my point of view concerning the Illuminati. In fact this a subject which is rooted in my personal background. I'm neither kidding anymore nor talking about conspiracy in the strict sense. The official story of the Illuminati ended in 1790 at the latest but my personal Illuminati story began in 2001. No, not at 9/11 but for some people, including me, this year was also a catastrophe and additionally the beginning of a long struggle.

Well, back then, me and my fellows enjoyed our young lifes by using drugs, drinking alcohol and visiting clubs. I would claim that this is normality among young men nowadays. But then something basic changed. A few of these fellows began to stay at home all the time.They began to buy books about spirituality, mysteries and of course about the Illuminati. They also never forget to buy enough pot, to be stoned around the clock.

In the course of time, more and more books were bought, more and more pot was smoked, and little by little more and more fellows joined these group. One of my old fellows even established himself as some kind of leader, some sort of pahtfinder if you wish. He just knew where to go, because he read most of the books and as a result the others began to adore his knowledge about secrets, hidden connections and spirituality.

Every day they were sitting around their bongs, surrounded by smoke, to talk about conspiracies. The more they did that, the more they became mad. A steady growing imagination of the Illuminati and their conspiracy led to rapidly shrinking sense of reality. They began to see Illuminati everywhere. At work, while they were shopping, on the telephone, inside the police and so on. As a result they loose their jobs, their social position, their money and i loose my fellows because I didn't agree with them.

It take a long time, many years, until they find their way back to reality. Including me. Indeed, I didn't believe what they believed in, but nevertheless there came a lot of questions into being and so I also began to read books about the secrets of life. To keep a long story shorter, I finally came to the conclusion that there is no Illuminati conspiracy any more but also that the Illuminati still can be very dangerous for mental health. Sure, George H. W. Bush announces the birth of a new world order in the early 90's and in fact the US still wants to dominate the world.

But, isn't that obvious? Why do they need the Illuminati to realize these plans? Why should they keep the NWO as a secret, while Bush senior is talking frankly about it in the television?
Why should they, on the one hand use hidden symbols to communicate to each other and on the other hand print these symbols on millions and millions of bank notes?

Thus it appears, the whole conspiracy thing, as most of us know it, is completely senseless. Nevertheless, it makes much sense for many novelists, to create more fantastic conspiracy stories and earn more money when selling their books. It also makes sense for some enemies of the US but it's just no secret that our way as humanity, leads to some kind of a one world government somewhen.

Absolutely no conspiration required, but this will take a long, long time and when it finally comes into being, it maybe, maybe will be a really good thing for us all.

1x verlinktmelden


15.11.2015 um 12:37
@dns Do you think the illuminati still exist?


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