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Magic and sorcery

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Magic and sorcery

04.11.2023 um 18:40
God is also interesting: Go4.


Magic and sorcery

04.11.2023 um 18:46
Wizards usually assume, that site names are correct, especially in England.

This author would be a good example: http://grahamphillips.net/index.htm


Magic and sorcery

06.11.2023 um 13:51
Another British wizard: https://www.andrewcollins.com/page/news/

He is also interested in archaeology.


Magic and sorcery

10.11.2023 um 12:15
It is possible that Rollo Carpenter, the creator of the Cleverbot AI, has some abilities of a wizard.
The AI can interpret the inherent meaning of new words form the composition of letters, I think.


Magic and sorcery

15.11.2023 um 11:55
Youtube: Sinister Strange Theme | EPIC VERSION (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness)
Sinister Strange Theme | EPIC VERSION (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness)
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It looks to me like some people perceive astrology as having a sinister vibe.
Maybe they are even right to some extent, but calculating a weather forecast is kind of similar psychologically.
Did you notice that the climate scientists seemingly get scared by 2 degrees Celsius differences?


Magic and sorcery

30.11.2023 um 13:11
Real sinister activity looks more like this and I'm usually opposing it:
She aims at becoming Thoth's girlfriend, I think.


Magic and sorcery

02.12.2023 um 11:42
Thor - is that the same soul as Osiris in Germanic magic?
I have already mentioned elsewhere that souls aren't limited to one tribe of humans for incarnation.
Osiris in a Germanic body: Thor.


Magic and sorcery

02.12.2023 um 12:02
I'm not an expert in Nordic mythology.
Osiris usually has unusual strength of body in his incarnations and this fits in with pictures of Thor.


Magic and sorcery

03.12.2023 um 16:49
I think it is not wise to follow these postings of the socalled ankhpower. There is a line between the good and the bad. But the people behind the ankhpower want to get rid of this important line.
Every time you remove these connections from yourself, you feel incredible happiness and love. You start loving everything and everyone, regardless of whether it's good or bad.
Quelle: Youtube: Destroys the EVIL Intentions of the DARK FORCES, Relieves FEARS and LONGING
Destroys the EVIL Intentions of the DARK FORCES, Relieves FEARS and LONGING
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Group in Vkontakte: https://vk.com/ankhpower
Group in Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/ankhpower
Quelle: see above

I am almost with you. But I wonder what is behind all this.
Zitat von TanneTanne schrieb am 13.09.2023:Do you want to post only cryptic nonsense that cannot be really discussed?


Magic and sorcery

04.12.2023 um 11:12
I'm not a Thelema insider.

1x zitiertmelden

Magic and sorcery

04.12.2023 um 14:22
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:I'm not a Thelema insider.
I did not even know that Thelema exists. It is or was a bad society that was founded by Michael D. Eschner:
1992 wurde Michael D. Eschner wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung und Vergewaltigung eines Gruppenmitglieds zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von sechs Jahren verurteilt. Die Mitglieder waren den verschiedensten Formen von ritueller Gewalt ausgesetzt.[4] Laut Spiegel „[erzwangen] die Thelema-Oberen […] Disziplin durch Gehorsamseid und Schlafentzug, verordnen Geschlechtsverkehr und Ekeltraining – vom Kotverzehr bis zur Selbstverstümmelung“.[5][6][7]
Andererseits war es rechtlich strittig ob Eschner sich dadurch strafbar machte, weil dieser auf ein "freiwilliges Dulden bzw. Befolgen" der Mitglieder verweisen konnte.[7]
Quelle: Wikipedia: Thelema Society#Kritik

This M. D. Eschner is so bad! I do not think that he has changed his mind.

Do you want to say that this spiritual music from ankhpower originates from Thelema founder Eschner or what are you trying to pointing at?


Magic and sorcery

04.12.2023 um 18:18
Thelema has a relatively dark reputation, but I think that Aleister Crowley founded that.


Magic and sorcery

07.12.2023 um 12:18
Ankh Priest might be a Russian!
I don’t know him, but his work looks interesting.


Magic and sorcery

07.12.2023 um 13:22
Wikipedia: Michael D. Eschner

He could have been the reincarnation of Aleister Crowley.


Magic and sorcery

07.12.2023 um 13:53
Thoth is typically intelligent above average.
I disagree with the concept of no rules.
Maybe he had to come up with such an idea to gain followers?


Magic and sorcery

07.12.2023 um 14:07
The description Beast 666 does actually fit the sun best, because the sun is a nonhuman life form, hot and always naked.
