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Düstere Legenden

3.242 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Menschen, Leben, Traum ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 12:50
Ich bin eh komisch, was Serien betrifft. Ich schau viele, bin aber doch wählerisch. :D
http://www.allmystery.de/blogs/addy/serienjunkie_wer_ich :D


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 12:52
Wenn du jetzt anfängst schleichwerbung für deinen Blog zu machen, dann mache ich das Auch XD

http://www.allmystery.de/blogs/villainess Meiner ist nichteinmal offtopic in diesem Thread.^^

Ich guck mal bei dir rein.


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 12:54
Und das ist nicht der neuste Stand. Mittlerweile hab ich die Komplette Serie "Desperate Housewives". Und viele Serien, die ich immer geschaut habe, sind -mit meinem Exfreund- ausgezogen.:D
Hier gibt's eh kein Offtopic, das ist UH hier. :D


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 12:56
Wenn es keinen Offtopic hier gibt, warum mussten @Aci und @jeronimus und ich dann eig einen anderen Thrad aufmachen? hätten wir super hierbleiben können XD


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 12:58
Dieser Thread ist aber doch schon im Uh - Also im Unterhaltungsabteil.
Beiträge hier werden eh nicht gezählt. :D
Wahrscheinlich war er vorher bei "Mystery" oder "Menschen", und wurde nach "Unterhatung" verschoben, weil hier schon Threadfledderei betrieben wurde. :D


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:01
Ich glaube mich zu erinnern das als ich damals noch stiller mitleser war, dieser Thread tatsächlich in Mystery war....
Damals als ich all diese Gruselgeschichten gelesen habe, auf allen mögliche Seiten.... keine ahnung wie lange das jetzt her ist.


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:01
Ich habe schon sher lange bovor ich mich hier anmeldete damit wieder aufgehört...


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:02
Gott sei dank bin ich allwissend. :D

21.04.2013 06:39 Uhr (jebediah) - Diskussion von Mystery nach Unterhaltung verschoben


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:03
Woher hast du diese Information? Und warum weiß ich das nicht? :D


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:03
War ich auch ein Stiller mitleser


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:03
Oben, auf jeder threadseite. Bei "INFOS" (Da wo auch schlüsselwörter sind) :D


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:05
Achso XD :D

Ist das eine aussage oder eine Frage? Dein Satzbau lässt auf eine Frage schließen doch das fehlende Fragezeichen lässt nicht zu das man es eindeutig erkennen kann. Also benutze bitte Satzzeichen. Bin garde wirklich verwirrt....


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:07
War ich auch (mal), ein Stiller Mitleser!
War ich auch ein Stiller Mitleser?


... Ich geh dann mal den Zwerg vom Kindergarten holen... :D


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:08
Na dann ciao^^


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:12
Ich war auch mal ein Stiller mitleser. Sry Autokorektur ftw


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:16
Ich muss kurz was erledigen, dann komme ich und schreibe eine Gruselgeschichte hier rein *o*


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:45
Das Gruselfoto
Eines Morgens fotografierte die Freundin eines Chauffeurs
ihren Freund in seinem Dienstwagen. Es sollte seine letzte
Fahrt sein, da die Frau, der der Wagen gehörte, gestorben
war. Er wollte noch etwas Zeit mit dem Wagen, den er über
fünf Jahre gefahren ist, verbringen. Es war eine Trauerfeier.
Als sie dann das geschossene Foto entwickelten, war etwas
schreckliches auf dem entwickelten Foto zu sehen:
Die verstorbene Besitzerin des Autos saß auf der Rückbank
des Rolls Roys - der teure Wagen der Verstorbenen.
quelle: Gruselclub

285a05 Geisterfoto 10

quelle vom bild:


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 13:55
Das ist etwas länger darum verlinke ich es nur.
Wenn jemand gaanz viel gedult hat kann er es ja lesen...
Habe es gerade gefunden als ich den Gruselclub suchte.


Düstere Legenden

14.05.2013 um 14:03
Die Geschichte kenne ich. Ich las sie schonmal bei -> http://www.e-stories.de/kurzgeschichten.phtml?horror


Düstere Legenden

18.05.2013 um 17:38
“Donate Blood. Save Lives. We Pay High.”

On any other day, I wouldn’t give much concern about this sign, but today was especially bad. All I sold today were a handful of packs of cigars. I haven’t had anything to eat all day. It was getting late, and helping save a life should make me feel a bit better.

The sign pointed into a 3-story hospital. The facade of the building was faded, probably a decade old. The interior was well-lit, and nothing seemed unusual about this place. The receptionist seemed glad to see me, and I felt a sense of hospitality, so I entered.

The receptionist, Heather, asked what I was looking for. “I’m looking to donate blood. The sign said you pay high?” I asked, quite excited.

“Yes, sir. 100 dollars a pint. I feel you’re interested. What’s your name, sir?”

“Jose. Jose Mendoza.”

“We’ll be done in under half an hour. Come this way, sir. We’ll get you prepped.” She said as she started walking down the hallway. Happy for a chance of easy money, I followed.

The hallway was empty, but for a late night shift in a small town like this, I guess this was the usual. The walls were painted with a faded shade of red, which was quite appropriate for a procedure like this. Empty rooms lined the hallway left and right, which pointed to a blood bank at the end of the corridor. Large swinging doors closed the room off from non-employees.

Heather led me up a staircase into the 2nd floor. It was like a carbon copy of the 1st, save for the blood bank exchanged for a blood testing room. Again, no sign of human life. We walked through the swinging doors into the blood testing room.

“Jose, this is Dr. Noah and Dr. Williams. They will guide you through the blood donation procedure. You’ll be safe. Take care.” Heather left, not before making an eerie half-smile. I was just thankful to see a bit of legitimacy to this hospital. These doctors seemed to be veterans in the business.

“Mr. Mendoza. Please sit. This won’t take long. We promise.” Dr. Noah said. The man had straight, flowing hair extending to his neck, with a deep, reassuring voice.

“So…Mr. Noah. You need my blood type, medical history, anything? I think I’m a Type C.” I was clueless about these things, not like I was ever able to afford to go to a hospital.

“Oh, don’t worry sir. We’ll figure these things out later. Right now we want you to relax. Feel at home.” Dr. Williams said. She put her arm over Dr. Noah’s shoulder. The two must have been long time co-workers, since they were pretty comfortable with each other.

I took my seat on the blood testing area, which had a left and right hand armrest attached to it. Next to me, on the table, was the biggest syringe I’ve ever seen. Good Lord, I could have fainted right there and then.

Ms. Williams seemed to trace where my eyes gazed at, as she tried to calm me down.

“Sir, don’t be afraid. This would feel like nothing more than a pinch of the skin. Here, put on this blindfold. It should help.”

She wrapped a black piece of cloth around my eyes, snugly fit at the back of my head. Suddenly, all my other senses started to kick in. The smell of iron seemed to be stronger now. This room must have had thousands of donations in the past.

My fingers could feel the dents and scratches on the metal armrests – signs of struggle. This is going to be painful. The touch of cold metal didn’t make me feel any better either.

“Mr. Mendoza, we shall procure the rest of the tools needed for your procedure. In the meantime, sit back and relax. We won’t be out for long.” Ms. Williams said. The two walked out of the room.

A sense of eeriness started to befall upon me. I have no idea how this procedure should go. No personal information was asked from me either. Those half smiles, giggles, signs of excitement, are making me think twice of my decision to enter. But the thought of pocketing 100 dollars and eating a nice Big Mac always counter my doubts.

Wait, did I hear crying?

The entrance door to the area creaked heavily. My ears focus hard. A child, male, seemed to be bawling as he walked in the room.

“Who’s there? What’s happening, kid?” I say, as dread and worry washes over me.

“I..I…I’m thirsty. I think I’m dying.” The child’s voice, was dry, raspy, almost like an elderly man.

“Wha…wha…why don’t you go to any of the doctors?” My fear grew ever higher.

“They can’t help me, only you can.” He was pleading, tugging at my jeans.

“What do you want, kid? Get this blindfold off me, and I can help you.” Not only was I keen on helping this kid, but also on getting out of this eerie place.

“Okay, sir. You promise to help me?”, joy finally accompanied his childish voice. He skipped behind me to remove the knot on my blindfold.

“I promise. What do you want anyway?”

Right before he could answer, the blindfold fell out of my eyes. The 2 doctors walked in. One was holding handcuffs, and the other with dozens of syringes. Then the child whispered into my ear:

“A pint of blood, ice cold, freshly drained. You can give me that, right?”

The monster behind me sneered. The shock froze me on my seat. Paralyzed in fear, the syringes pierced deep, up until every ounce of blood was drained from my body.

The last thing I heard was the monster slurping his delicious drink of blood.
