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My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

40.401 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Freundschaft, Pony, Friendship Is Magic ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:37
Yeah, that seems to happen a lot with American terms. My brother went to Japan one summer, and all kinds of signs and business names are partially or fully English just because they think it's cool. Also, they call an all-you-can-eat buffet "Viking food," which I found hiliarious. XD


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:41
Damn, it's late... or rather early...

All I've been doing is stupid stuff on the internet and listening to the "Tubby Wubby Pony Waifu" Song on repeat...

I should go to bed


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:42
Haha, I guess I picked a good one for you. Tomorrow is Sunday, though, so I say fuck it (unless you work on Sundays) - you're already up this late, what's a little later?


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:44
Hell I'm just posting here, playing Final Fantasy on an emulator, watching a basketball game, and checking Facebook right now.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:47
I thought about starting up Aura Kingdom or Dragon Nest but then I'd just fall asleep doing so or I'd stay up even longer...

The problem is that I have an awful lot to do for Monday (which is tomorrow =P) and I have been lazy all Saturday even though I planned to be productive :/

I hate being lazy


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:50
Depends on circumstances a lot. Being lazy can also be awesome. It all depends on what exactly your obligations are. For example, when I was in high school, it was a great time to be lazy because shit was easy enough that I could get away with it. XD


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:52
It still is quite easy but I'm seriously toooo lazy


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:54
I remember even in my first year of undergrad, I took macroeconomics as an elective and I skipped literally every day except for the first three, the midterm, and the final. I got an A anyway, because macroeconomics is bullshit. It's basically common sense like, "If demand goes up, supply will go up."


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:56
Yeah, American school must be pretty easy :D


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 01:58
Ah, it was mostly that particular class. Also, freshman courses are easier than junior or senior ones by design. Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, and Topology were all hard.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 02:00
Also, a lot of things are easy for me because I'm like "gifted" or some shit I guess. Like a bunch of e-thugs like to talk about how high their IQs are, so it kind of cheapens the impact for those of us who aren't lying out our asses, but mine actually is very high.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 02:02
I have no idea what mine is also I don't think it means anything actually... I don't even care at all =P

I think being dumb would make many things way easier...

Anyways, I need to go to sleep, Good Night!


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 02:03
I don't care that much either, but it's a thing people sometimes want to know when you're a Level 20 Nerd Wizard like I am, so eventually I caved and took a test.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 02:04
Anyway, goodnight


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 02:37
Wie sieht mit deiner FanFic aus, ach, und ich bin fast mit "der Name des Windes" fertig, probably the best book I ever read.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 09:15
Es zieht sich im Moment ganz schön, aber ich tippe seit langer Zeit endlich mal wieder weiter. Hatte ne richtige Schreibblockade, die sich jetzt langsam löst.
Und ja, Der Name des Windes ist verdammt genial! Hast du auch schon Die Furcht des Weisen 1&2?


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 10:28


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 14:22
Whatscuterthan6ponies.6ponycats.IremembeOriginal anzeigen (0,6 MB)


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 14:27
i banish you to the moon by raikoh illusOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

06.04.2014 um 14:30
man war der Zwiebelkuchen gourmet und sah aus wie gemalt! :)
dazu ein Apfelbier mh...
