@papillon People are ... themenbezogen if this was to be excluded, nevertheless, absolutely, in any case, kommentierts, nevertheless, very appropriately. Now well tiere ... four often have beine or two beine and two poor, sometimes with händen, in general mostly, however, a head, as well as with menschen and insekten ... with bakteren knows ichs nich. primarily one can say, it would be looked unilaterally intelligenztest explain themselves why conclude läße one, nevertheless, bundeswehr, accept in such a way, as well as intelligenztiefs are supposed. since there they move away and somewhere else steigts then in. how with flut and dies down. one becomes sillier only nich. dummheit rezesseiv dominant or actively, in any case, strictly. can ask a, ls are called unserious, because they become to that wound put around wahlen to repeat and then kuchen tastes simply nich more thus ... joke is nich wittily only since today is expected that is put itself stimmern preserved and before verfassung. it is called and documented leser in weihnachten on geräten wirds. they stand in one lines up and windy argumente have kontakte and solidarität is criticised. on one grades hobble and together ma bierchen, this call I problem. shares schmerhaftes gefühl and it sugeriert augen., however waits sometimes, I can hear, stands so leitung, live, durchbruch, goes off nich. grund provides to? grund celebrate to! who is responsible? well, medien!! so is it, nevertheless!!
da, hast ihn wieder, falls keine kopie existieren sollte. sorry fürs löschen