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4.531 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Menschen, Aliens, Außerirdische ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Der erste Kontakt

26.11.2009 um 23:18


Der erste Kontakt

26.11.2009 um 23:19
FrĂĽher gabs sowas nicht hier auf allmy .. mecker

Mei nalter account ;-) Profil von calimero


Der erste Kontakt

26.11.2009 um 23:19
Ok bin dann ab jetzt im Video Thread ;)


Der erste Kontakt

26.11.2009 um 23:20



Der erste Kontakt

26.11.2009 um 23:20


Der erste Kontakt

26.11.2009 um 23:21
so macht's gut ich bin raus fĂĽr heute


Der erste Kontakt

26.11.2009 um 23:21


Der erste Kontakt

26.11.2009 um 23:59
Nun heute gibt es keine Ufo-EnthĂĽllungen von Obama bei irgendeiner Tagung.
Wie ich soeben bei http://projectcamelot.org/ gelesen habe, hat der Urheber von all diesen GerĂĽchten, Bill Ryan, die bevorstehenden UFO-EnthĂĽllungen fĂĽr heute den 27.11.2009 auf der Hauptseite der Page dementiert, d. h. er steht nicht mehr zu dem, was er in der Schweiz sagte. Eine Rede Obamas und die Ufo-EnthĂĽllung findet heute nicht statt, was ja auch zu erwarten war. Immerhin seine Webseite wurde weltweit bekannt und das ist gut fĂĽr die Werbung.
Die Zukunft bleibt spannend.
GrĂĽĂźe aus Regensburg, 27.11.2009 0.00 Mitternacht


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:09
najoa.. bei den, die das thema nen bissl "ernster" nehmen hat der typ total verschissen... camelot war mir immer schon nen wenig suspect.. jetzt bin ich mir sicher


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:12
ich nehm das thema sogar sehr ernst und jetzt weis ich wen ich nämlich nicht mehr ernst nehme nämlich bill..... (wenn du mich damit gemeint hast...) @dopex


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:13
klar meint ich den.. ;)


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:32
Mein Herz sagt SCHAAAAAADE!!!
Mein Verstand sagt: zum GlĂĽck!
Was wär das für ein Chaos geworden... Bräucht ich grad nicht. Ich leb eh schon in einem Chaos!


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:33
Aber wo steht das genau auf der Seite, ich kanns nicht finden


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:40
• Many people have asked us for our current view of the information provided to David Wilcock and ourselves in June by Dr Pete Peterson that "time had been booked with the networks" for an announcement about Disclosure by Obama tomorrow - 27 November.

We're not holding our breath: there's no immediate sign of this, and we doubt that this will happen. Dr Peterson himself stated as an immediate caveat that it was just a plan, and that plans often change. Our recent marathon audio interview with Clay and Shawn Pickering (alongside the most interesting July Barcelona panel discussion on Disclosure, which Camelot hosted) offers insight into the many problems of the subject. And as a note of interest, we were told recently by an insider source that a speech had been written for Bill Clinton - in his first term - as a Disclosure announcement. But of course, that never saw the light of day. We don't know why it was canceled.

Recent events, however, suggest a steady build-up to an announcement of something, sometime. Two weeks ago the Vatican held a conference on extraterrestrial life (we enjoyed the 'ET phone Rome' headline). NASA has now stated that there's water on the moon. And there have been more interviews by Larry King on UFOs this year then ever before. Like everyone else, we're watching and waiting for the announcement to be made: whether it's this year, next year, or in 2012, it has to come sometime. The world's as ready as it ever will be.

• We were delighted to receive the following [slightly edited] message from Jordan Maxwell:

Kerry, Jordan Maxwell. Well, now that I am back on my feet again. I got ALL of my personal belongings and my website and domain name back. Mostly because of your help. THANK YOU.

Anyway, I now have two new products on my "New Website" store. And I am now back to work full-time... thanks to the Great Spirit, and my friends.

Could you put on your website that I am back with two new products. The "Dawn" video is a 90 min. video on the subject that got me cut off of Coast to Coast with George Noory. I also talked about doing this video on the Alex Jones show, but now it's done. Give me a mailing address for both you and Bill and I'll send you both a copy. The link below is for ordering. Thank you again.


Jordan Maxwell

ach man hätte er das nicht erst morgen abend sagen können die schöne spanung ist weg-.-


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:40
Nun heute gibt es keine Ufo-EnthĂĽllungen von Obama bei irgendeiner Tagung.
Wie ich soeben bei http://projectcamelot.org/ gelesen habe, hat der Urheber von all diesen GerĂĽchten, Bill Ryan, die bevorstehenden UFO-EnthĂĽllungen fĂĽr heute den 27.11.2009 auf der Hauptseite der Page dementiert, d. h. er steht nicht mehr zu dem, was er in der Schweiz sagte.
GruĂź Kai

Hier stehts auf der Hauptseite:
26 November 2009

• Many people have asked us for our current view of the information provided to David Wilcock and ourselves in June by Dr Pete Peterson that "time had been booked with the networks" for an announcement about Disclosure by Obama tomorrow - 27 November.

We're not holding our breath: there's no immediate sign of this, and we doubt that this will happen. Dr Peterson himself stated as an immediate caveat that it was just a plan, and that plans often change. Our recent marathon audio interview with Clay and Shawn Pickering (alongside the most interesting July Barcelona panel discussion on Disclosure, which Camelot hosted) offers insight into the many problems of the subject. And as a note of interest, we were told recently by an insider source that a speech had been written for Bill Clinton - in his first term - as a Disclosure announcement. But of course, that never saw the light of day. We don't know why it was canceled.

Recent events, however, suggest a steady build-up to an announcement of something, sometime. Two weeks ago the Vatican held a conference on extraterrestrial life (we enjoyed the 'ET phone Rome' headline). NASA has now stated that there's water on the moon. And there have been more interviews by Larry King on UFOs this year then ever before. Like everyone else, we're watching and waiting for the announcement to be made: whether it's this year, next year, or in 2012, it has to come sometime. The world's as ready as it ever will be.


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:42
tztztz :D


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:55
DarĂĽber wurde heute Mittag schon geschrieben.
Find ich auch beschissen von so Halbaffen wie Pete Peterson.
Hoffentlich verlieren die jeglichen Respekt und Ansehen.
Von mir auf jeden Fall!!!


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:57
von mir auch und meine email hatte er auch nicht beantwortet welch ein wunder :D schickt ihm auch noch ein paar dann sieht er was er davon hat...


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:58
Ja ich spam den morgen zu!!!


Der erste Kontakt

27.11.2009 um 00:59
hoch lebe die forumgemeinde @carbon
