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14.08.2021 um 00:04To be or not to be
To free or not to free
To crawl or not to crawl
Fuck all those perfect people
To sleep or not to sleep
To creep or not to creep
And some can't remember what others recall
Fuck all those perfect people
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
No, I'm not talking 'bout you
To stand or not to stand
To plan or not to plan
To store or not to store
Fuck all those perfect people
To drink or not to drink
To think or not to think
Some choose to dismember your rise and your fall
And fuck all those perfect people
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
And I'm not talking 'bout you
To sing or not to sing
To swing or not to swing
Hell, he fills up the silence like a choke on the wall
Fuck all those perfect people
To pray or not to pray
To sway or not to sway
Jesus died for something, or nothing at all
Fuck all those perfect people
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
I'm not talking 'bout you
To free or not to free
To crawl or not to crawl
Fuck all those perfect people
To sleep or not to sleep
To creep or not to creep
And some can't remember what others recall
Fuck all those perfect people
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
No, I'm not talking 'bout you
To stand or not to stand
To plan or not to plan
To store or not to store
Fuck all those perfect people
To drink or not to drink
To think or not to think
Some choose to dismember your rise and your fall
And fuck all those perfect people
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
And I'm not talking 'bout you
To sing or not to sing
To swing or not to swing
Hell, he fills up the silence like a choke on the wall
Fuck all those perfect people
To pray or not to pray
To sway or not to sway
Jesus died for something, or nothing at all
Fuck all those perfect people
Sleepy eyes, waltzing through
I'm not talking 'bout you
14.08.2021 um 00:37Schmuse-Oase
14.08.2021 um 00:42Nix geht über das Original. Love me some Patrice. :lv:
Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots (12" Version)
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14.08.2021 um 00:47Whoever is playing that damn bass guitar man you gotta give them their props that is in the great bass lines of all time.
Apparently bassist was Freddie Washington. .excellent bass popping indeed.
:D :Y:
Apparently bassist was Freddie Washington. .excellent bass popping indeed.
:D :Y:
14.08.2021 um 00:49Schmuse-Oase
14.08.2021 um 22:23Schmuse-Oase
15.08.2021 um 17:03@Vanille29
Soll ich für uns beide hier posten. Ich konnte nix dagegen machen. :D (Video: Bad Boys Theme Song [HD] (HD Audio))
Soll ich für uns beide hier posten. Ich konnte nix dagegen machen. :D
15.08.2021 um 17:06Schmuse-Oase
15.08.2021 um 17:08@sherlocksfemme
Vanille29 schrieb:Bett Boys Bett BoysKlar versteh ich das. :Y:
Diana King - Shy Guy (Re-Shoot)
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15.08.2021 um 17:09Schmuse-Oase
15.08.2021 um 17:14Vanille29 schrieb:dann denk ma an dein Nick und Ava 🤔Oh!
The Bed's Too Big Without You - The Police
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15.08.2021 um 22:32@sherlocksfemme
So, jetzt die Nicki. ^^
So, jetzt die Nicki. ^^
Daily Terror - Wenn ich mit dir Pogo tanz
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16.08.2021 um 06:31Guddn morschn ihr Hasen
16.08.2021 um 18:18
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dabei seit 2015
dabei seit 2015
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16.08.2021 um 18:40Schmuse-Oase
17.08.2021 um 00:41@sherlocksfemme
Weil es so schön war.
Danke. :kiss:
Weil es so schön war.
Danke. :kiss:
Freedom (Das Krokodil Und Sein Nilpferd)
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