Hier noch einige interessante Bilder und Zeugenaussagen von verschiedenen Polizeibeamten.
"This is what I and several other officers saw. I did not see the back, only the frontal view. The two large lights were bright like landing lights, but solid light blue in color similar to LED. The wing tip lights remained steady. The top and bottom tower lights strobed sporadically. It had three towers on the bottom and two on top. It was bigger than a B1 Bomber. It lumbered around town then headed off towards Mineral Wells. It did not leave fast like some are saying. It left slowly. I saw it make a turn. It turned slightly at a 30 degree angle and stayed there for a moment with no movement. It then went to 90 degrees, added a large light in the middle, and moved off at 27 mph and accelerating. I had to go to a call at this time. On the way, I could see it leaving in the distance. It was about 500 ft off the ground. The colors above are the actual color. This drawing is a compilation of all the law enforcement that saw the craft."

UFO composite drawing
"This is what I and several other officers saw. I did not see the back, only the frontal view. The two large lights were bright like landing lights, but solid light blue in color similar to LED. The wing tip lights remained steady. The top and bottom tower lights strobed sporadically. It had three towers on the bottom and two on top. ..."
~ Officer X

UFO detail drawings
Detail with 3 views and explanation of UFO seen by Erath County Law Enforcement Officers.

UFO Drawn as seen by Officer X
This is a drawing of the UFO that Officer X saw.

UFO turning on side - drawn as seen by Officer X
"I saw it make a turn. It turned slightly at a 30 degree angle and stayed there for a moment with no movement. It then went to 90 degrees, added a large light in the middle, and moved off at 27 mph and accelerating....".~ Officer X
http://www.stephenvillelights.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=9 (Archiv-Version vom 21.12.2008)