Außerirdische Mondbasis - Das Geheimnis des Mondes
21.11.2009 um 00:35lol...das video isn fake sieht ja wohl jeder der n bissen durchblick hat
In an official NASA announcement, NASA spokesperson Roslyn Villacorta stated that the alleged observations were due to a signal disturbance resulting from a weather balloon aligned between the satellite Cassiopeia and the groundside receiver. “Weather balloons are known to mess with probe signals,” she said in a press conference held at the Houston space center yesterday. “It is a freak coincidence that the erroneous signal formed a swastika shape, known all over the world as a strongly controversial symbol.”Noch Fragen?
The Romanian scientist Radovan Tomovici, who has studied conspiracy theories for decades, disagrees. “For over 70 years, it has been common knowledge that the Nazis had a research programme overseen by Hans Kammler during the war, with the goal of conquest and control of orbital space,” he says. “It seems that Kammler, who mysteriously vanished shortly before the end of the war, and his team were successful. We’re in trouble now,” Tomovici adds.
ich denke mal dass du hier von inkompetenz geprägt bist, wenn du nicht mal siehst, dass das video nur eine mondatrappe ist, wo ein kinderbauklotz drauf gekebt ist...FrankD schrieb:Echt, Du musst blind wie ein Fisch sein, und räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen < 0 - ich hoffe, Du hast keinen Führerschein