Tom DeLonge sucht Investoren für Raumschiff
20.10.2017 um 13:35Das meinte ich damit er behauptet es nur selbst:A.I. schrieb:sarkanas schrieb:
Und auch merkwürdig das Elizondo nichts konkretes von sich gibt.
Among the supporters working with DeLonge is Luis Elizondo, who says he was involved in understanding advanced aerospace threats for the U.S. Department of Defense.
Nur finde ich dazu nichts, dass er beim Verteidigungsministerium angestellt war steht außer Frage; nur die letzten Jahre hat er sich
recht bis schlecht mit Frachtschiffen befasst mit seiner Firma "Never Ship Empty Inc."
Elizondo, 37, and Robert, 35, formed a company called Never Ship Empty Inc., which they cultivate when they're not working as employees at the Department of Defense. This year, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office awarded Elizondo a patent for his ideas, which involve a huge crane to transfer a ship's superstructure, including the wheelhouse, from one hull to another.
Never Ship Empty
Kent Islanders develop system to streamline cargo ship operations
That's what Kent Islanders Luis Elizondo and John Robert thought when they formed Never Ship Empty Inc. They have come up with a revolutionary approach to ocean shipping in which the cargo ship is treated much like the 18-wheeler or the freight train part of it goes on to a new job while the other part remains behind to be unloaded.
Seine Patent Anmeldung hierzu von 2006 :
Never ship empty - a system for interchanging superstructures and hulls for ocean going vessels in which the superstructure is removable and interchangeable with compatible hulls
Anscheinend ist aus der Firma nichts geworden...