Suddenly, a door opened in the side of the craft and, above the other noises, Michalak could hear human voices, though not clearly enough to make out proper words, apparently. He approached the craft, shouting out in English “Okay, Yankee boys, having trouble? Come out and we’ll see what we can do about it.” Apparently, at this time he thought it was an American aircraft that was having some technical problems. When no response was forthcoming, he greeted the ship in Russian, Italian, French, German, Ukrainian, and again in English.
The voices fell silent. Being, apparently, either the bravest man in the world or a damn fool, depending on your position, he approached the craft and stuck his head in the door. Inside he saw flashing lights, panels, and blinking lights like “on a computer.” Märchen, aber nix mit Fakten, gehört für mich eher zu den schlechten Storries.
Und naja sich Verbrennung mit Muster zu Verpassen? Schaft jeder Backofen. Gibt es sogar als Kunstform, nennt sich Branding.