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Alex Grey on Contemporary Visionary Culture
08.01.2010 um 03:48<embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.de/googleplayer.swf?docid=8743189251138139919&hl=de&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>
Worldwide there is a movement of art and culture inspired by entheogens. Festivals and rock concerts give sanctuary to tens of thousands taking psychedelics and celebrating tribal unity. Alex Grey offers an illustrated view of current and future trends in contemporary entheo art and gatherings born of the alchemical crucible. This presentation was given during the vernal equinox of 2008, in Basel, during the World Psychedelic Forum (www.psychedelic.info). To see more art by Alex Grey, visit alexgrey.com and cosm.org.
Worldwide there is a movement of art and culture inspired by entheogens. Festivals and rock concerts give sanctuary to tens of thousands taking psychedelics and celebrating tribal unity. Alex Grey offers an illustrated view of current and future trends in contemporary entheo art and gatherings born of the alchemical crucible. This presentation was given during the vernal equinox of 2008, in Basel, during the World Psychedelic Forum (www.psychedelic.info). To see more art by Alex Grey, visit alexgrey.com and cosm.org.